She's asked for our input and I said we'd be happy to contribute. In addition to providing some really great insight, I think it may direct new visitors to our site, especially around the holidays when folks are often in greatest need of support.
No names will be revealed, of course.
Would you be willing to share some of your favorite strategies for surviving the holidays with your abstinence/moderate drinking goals intact? Potential topics might include:
* How to graciously decline alcoholic drinks when offered them at holiday parties
* Suggestion re: cooking holiday meals without alcohol
* Suggestions for those who are hosting parties
* Ideas for gifts in place of wine or spirits
* Strategies for de-stressing during the holidays
* Holiday drinking triggers and how to avoid them
Any and all anecdotes are welcome, too (e.g. gifts, comments, an incident, etc.; anything related to the topic)
To read one of Temma's recent health stories, check out the following link. I'm going ask her if it was more fun to research that one than this: Six Reasons to Have Sex Every Week.

Thanks in advance for your input!