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Help with Newsweek story?

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    Help with Newsweek story?

    I have several parties that I will be going to over the holidays and I plan to arm myself with a bottle of sparkling cider. The people that I am going to see already know about my desire to abstain so there is no problem.

    If I were going to a party that I didn't know everyone, I probably would say that I need to be fresh for the morning as I have alot of projects to juggle (and I really do).

    I find that people are much more understanding than they used to be. If truly pressed nominating yourself as the designated driver (props to Beatle) is a simple way to avoid the issue.

    Just my thoughts!

    Suddenly I see
    This is what I want to be
    suddenly I see
    Why the hell it means so much to me.

    -KT Tunstall


      Help with Newsweek story?

      There is no need to give any explanation at all. Just "No Thanks."

      I have a right NOT to drink. I don't make people explain why they ARE drinking, so why should I have to explain why I am NOT drinking?

      If one is a hosting I suggest having plenty of non alcoholic drinks on hand for non drinking guest. Like Martinelli's, sparkling water with fruit juice or fruit twist, Apple cider, soda pop ect.

      Also host when serving alcoholic drinks make sure they are standard drinks so as not to be too strong. Some chemically challenged people might be drinking at your party so you won't want their drinks to be too strong for them to handle.


        Help with Newsweek story?

        I tell people I am designated driver. That always works.

        A big holiday trigger for me is Christmas shopping. I don't like going to busy stores/malls etc. I shop online more often and I also make a list of gifts so I know exactly what I am getting and can be quick as possible.

        If you're hosting a party: Stay busy, do busy work. Be a host, not a drunk. If you have a drink of wine or whatever make the next one or two water.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Help with Newsweek story?

          I think there has been a "thread" going through here that it is not so difficult as it may have been a couple decades ago to just say no. Many people these days don't drink for health reasons. It's not questioned so much. This means it is up to the individual to decide not to drink and politely decline. There is not so much pressure as there once may have been.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Help with Newsweek story?

            Agreed Beatle. Not drinking is widely acceptable these days. So just a polite "No thanks" and a request for an non alcoholic drink should suffice.


              Help with Newsweek story?

              The holidays can be a difficult time for drinkers, especially with all of
              the social events that are usually involved. I am known as a water junkie
              with my friends so I always arm myself with a big bottle of sparkling water
              and lime, whether I am going to a party or having one at home. I generally
              use the "I am trying to lose weight" excuse if anyone asks why I am not
              drinking and no one thinks twice.

              I am going to a get-together tomorrow night with people I know are not
              drinkers so I am bringing some really nice spices because one of them is a
              cook. I also think fun kitchen gadgets or a CD are great gifts to bring.

              When it comes to cooking I am not a real stickler about cooking with alcohol
              but I have had people over before who are so I have always just substituted
              more broth for the alcohol or a little vinegar. One time I made a cake that
              called for raspberry liquer so I substituted raspberry jam that I melted in
              the microwave and it worked just as well. Leaving alcohol out of food really
              does not impact the flavor that much.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Help with Newsweek story?

                * How to graciously decline alcoholic drinks when offered them at holiday parties

                thanks so much, but may I have something non alcoholic?

                * Suggestion re: cooking holiday meals without alcohol
                use fruit vinegars, cider, raspberry,pear etc. these are usually sweet and will ad an awesome flavor.

                * Suggestions for those who are hosting parties
                make sure that there is plenty of water readily available, always offer snacks with alcohol.
                be sparing when serving people drinks. medium to small size drinks and snacks, will keep a party going.

                * Ideas for gifts in place of wine or spirits
                fine chocolates and candies, fruit baskets, pastries.

                * Strategies for de-stressing during the holidays
                take a few minutes in the morning to breathe and have a cup of tea in silence.
                go to the gym and the the sauna if there is one at the gym. have sex.

                * Holiday drinking triggers and how to avoid
                RJ this is the hardest one.
                If there is a group of people who are tipsy (this triggers me) then drink water or seltzer.
                or politely excuse yourself and move to a more sober group of people. try not to hang by the bar this helps a lot.
                If you are really upset and can go for a walk, do so.
                I guess this only works if you are not drunk already.

                Hope this helps
                Happy holidays

                [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] them

                Any and all anecdotes are welcome, too (e.g. gifts, comments, an incident, etc.; anything related to the topic)

                To read one of Temma's recent health stories, check out the following link. I'm going ask her if it was more fun to research that one than this: Six Reasons to Have Sex Every Week.

                Thanks in advance for your input!

                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                  Help with Newsweek story?

                  Drinking water inbetween drinks is a must! A hangover stems from dehydration. I will also drink "fake" drinks....they look like they could be an alcoholic drink but are just glorified Shirley Temples I take plenty of kudzu before and during a party. I count how many I've had and set a limit at the begining of the evening....a definate number not, "I won't get drunk". Another big one for me is I stopped having a glass of wine while getting ready. The party starts when I actually get there now not beforehand.
                  Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                    Help with Newsweek story?

                    Have not read other posts here... just jumping in...This will be my first deliberate stress-less Xmas holiday (see no. 1)....

                    1. Decide what YOU like to do for the holidays. I like to cook so that is my focus. I am NOTdecorating the house, even the tree. Bought all my gifts online & not very many. No cards, no friends over, no parties. I already feel better.

                    2. Focus on your family. They do NOT want to see you drunk. It ruins their holiday. I generally never get drunk over the holidays. Woudl never want to do that to my family. Plus really pretty too busy.

                    3. Every night during the holidays take a hot / warm bath with lavender oil or other favorite oil. I did this last year for pure survival from pain. It was great. No one questions a lavender bath & then go to bed early & it makes the house smell great. This year will be for me. Thanks for reminding myself. LOL


                      Help with Newsweek story?

                      I usually give no explanation for not drinking alcoholic beverages either. I've attended a couple of parties in the last 3 weeks and I just grab a bottled water or a Fresca, etc. No one seems to mind and I've not received any questions as to what I'm drinking.

                      Most people are so caught up in themselves that they really have no clue as to what you are doing. Just my humble opinion.
                      Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.


                        Help with Newsweek story?

                        This year we have chosen to give away no alcohol.
                        I am baking cookies today and will gift package them up to give to neighbors, etc.

                        We are hosting our traditional New Years Party and we always request BYOB.
                        We take care of everything else.

                        We are offering some of the AF drinks posted in the recipe section.
                        These drinks can be used as mixers for others who choose to bring alcohol.

                        When asked by hosts what we would like to drink we (as I went AF with Det) explain that we are taking a break.
                        Our friends are close enough to offer an explanation, without stating there is a dependency issue.
                        They are genuinely curious how a '30 day break' is going and is it difficult, etc.
                        Once 30 days is done, we just state that we liked it more than we thought and we're continuing it.
                        It gives folks the precedent to not presume that we are drinking, and the curiosity disappears, even if genuine. I was shocked at how easy our friends made this for us.
                        We have actually shown up at their homes and they have AF beer there - so understanding.

                        * * I love Determinator * *


                          Help with Newsweek story?

                          Thanks everyone...

                          These are all fabulous. Really appreciate the input!

                          Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                            Help with Newsweek story?

                            Just say I'm pregnant LOL! Seriously my biggest motivation is thinking of all those Christmas parties when I made an utter ass of myself or had to be told by someone else the next day what an ass I made of myself. That would stop anyone cold.


                              Help with Newsweek story?

                              Temma says thanks!

                              The Newsweek piece was posted online today and you'll find it here:

                              Six Ways to Avoid Holiday Booze Blunders

                              Thanks so much for all the fabulous tips. Temma mentioned our website so readers are sure to visit and find them here.

                              Safe and happy holiday to each and every one of you.

                              Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                                Help with Newsweek story?

                                That was nice! Thanks for sharing the end results.

                                * * I love Determinator * *

