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An apology

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    An apology

    Hey Beth, I am here for you and I have had my share of ups and downs with the drinking that is for sure.

    XXXX No worries I am hoping this holiday season to be here alot and have us stick together on a plan of good moderating or AF



      An apology

      Beth, just sending you a hug. No apologies required to anyone. All of us know exactly how it is. Just keep on of these days it will stick.
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        An apology


        I just want to thank you all for the amazing replys. This is why I love this place. It is this kind of support that makes me want to keep on trying. If I felt you all agreed with my own feelings of disapointment and disgust in myself, I would most certainly be gone in shame. I remember when I went to AA a while back and struggled as I do now, at one point someone said to me.."shit or get off the pot". Well I knew I couldn't see to do the first so i did the second...I left AA and never came back and was left alone to fight my demon...THAT certainly wasnt successful. SO, if I have not made it yet here, I am NOT giving all allow me to keep trying. I love you all so much. Just wanted you to know. I am actually on day 2 today, which hasn't happened for a LONG time, but I cant truthfully take credit for it...I have a stomach bug (ugh) and it makes not drinking an easy thing to do. I am thinking that it may be a kick start though. I have not gotten that first day or 2 under my belt, and maybe now I can keep it going?? I prayl

        With Love,

        Beth:h :h :h
        formerly known as bak310


          An apology

          Unfortunately, that's NOT how it is supposed to happen in AA, Beth. It's supposed to be like here.

          You are well loved and respected here. Keep on trucking and one day you'll make it.


          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            An apology

            Hi Beth,
            So sorry you are sick. But, you are 2 days AF!!!! I hope that you feel better soon, stomach bugs are the worst! I think you are sooooo right, this may be just the kick start you have been hoping for.......odd as it sounds! We're pulling for you!

            Much Love,
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              An apology

              We're definitely NOT asking you to "Shit or get off the pot" here

              I mean you do have a stomach bug and all

              That could be really nasty

              Just get well soon :l
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                An apology

                sobriety date 11-04-07


                  An apology

                  I too needed that "kick start"..wasn't quite as nasty as the stomach bug, but something clicked within me and I didn't really care what it was......It was working!! Congratulations on your AF days!! Hope you are feeling better soon.
                  sobriety date 11-04-07


                    An apology

                    Beth two days is a great start! It sucks you are sick, but a small price to pay if it helps you get started on AF days. Keep trying girl! We know you are making an effort and everyone struggles with this. If it was easy,MWO wouldn't be here!


                      An apology

                      Beth, I have just seen your thread. No guilt, no guilt, no guilt.....we support each other here - that is what our way out is. Please go easy on yourself - you are bright and witty and now on Day 2 - that is great. Sorry, you are sick, but let that be some assistance for you to jump start, although I sincerely hope you fell better pronto!

                      We will meet you in Chat anytime,

                      "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                        An apology


                        Don't you worry your pretty little head about it! Tomorrow is a new day : )

                        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                        - George Jackson


                          An apology

                          Sorry I have missed this thread... Beth, sounds like we are due for a lunch date. I am going out out town but, will be back Jan 5th. :l
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            An apology

                            Just wanted to add my support,

                            Even with all the help I'm getting and all the improvement I've made, I'm still not perfect, and have accepted I'll never be perfect.

                            But every step forward, and acknowlegement of that success is a good thing, and everyday we do a bit better than the last is a fantastic achievement, and one thing I've learnt is to never beat yourself up, only pick yourself up and try again, and again, and again, and it does get better, if I can feel better, and be doing better, anyone can!!! and if you take a step back, well, it's just a better excuse to try harder again, and remember, you're not alone!

                            Go girl! Sending lot's of love and support!

                            Love Jas xxx
                            :thanks: :h


                              An apology

                              Thanks again guys!!

                              Well, weird as it may seem, I am on day 3 now...even though it is due to this nasty stomach bug, I am feeling really inspired to keep going. Maybe this illness was hand of fate?? Never a big believer in fate, but I have wanted to get AF again, and couldn't get that FIRST day in...never mind day 2, and now I am wanting to keep this going, so go figure.

                              I am feeling a bit better today. Tired, and skinny (wow!). Think I lost about 5 pounds in water, but I think I am getting to the end of this thing. I would not wish this one on anybody!!

                              I love you all for being so supportive. I need kicks in the ass, and get them here when I need them, but you all seem to know when I am trying and failing, rather than just not giving a hoot. You are all amazing. I also am so impressed with the amount of success lately on this site. Whether AF (my goal) or abstinance. 2 years!! (NEIL-YOU ROCK). Tawny of course...other REALLY long timers...and newer long timers, like Cheif, and Star. I have left out many names, and so I am sorry...but all of you, new and old, successful or still struggling, are really my life line in all this.

                              I hope you all are having an amazing monday!!

                              With love,

                              formerly known as bak310


                                An apology

                                Hey Beth,

                                Glad you are feeling a bit better. I myself was as sick as a dog for about 2 weeks, yet did not take any time off work. Do I get brownie points? I know, I know - folks are going to say that I should have stayed home but you cannot do that if you are in education - I just used boatloads of germicide!!! Really, that is all you can do.

                                Congrats on 2 days and a third to come. It sounds like things have been going pretty well except for being a sickie poo.

                                Big hugs and I'll catch ya' later,

