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been takin the kudzu...

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    been takin the kudzu...

    Hey guys. i just wrote a whole paragraph and i accidentally deleted it.. err... i just wanted to say that i went out last night with my bf and another couple, and i had doubt that the kudzu would work. i took it religiousally the whole week. but my gosh.. it did work. it was so weird to me and surprising how this litte pill could change the way alcohol makes a person feel. this is what it seemed to do. i felt the alcohol quicker, after two drinks. however, i still felt very very in control. and the desire to keep drinking was not there. the high, euphoria, or happy feeling was not present either. while there, i almost forgot i had the glass of sangria in front of me. i concentrated more on my food and conversations. in the past it was obessing ove rthe glass being there so i could keep that good happy high feeling going. even though i felt the wine ( they say u feel the alcohol quicker and get drunk quicker when taking kudzu) i felt COMPLETELY in control. it worked out amazingly. no hangover, nothing. wow does it feel good to wake up knowing i didnt get drunk, and it wasnt a struggle at all. it came very naturally. people wonder if its possible to get drunk on the kudzu and topomax.. it is possible, but you dont want to. you would have to keep drinking quick and its like a yucky feeling bc the drinking euphoria is not present. it probably would just make your head spin and feel uncomfortable. i just felt so in control. when i felt the alcohols effects, i remember thinking, " ok this is the most id want to feel", so i just started sipping slower. and not THINKING about it. it just came naturally.

    the only negative thing i myself ddidnt like, was part of the reason i DO drink is to feel the euphoria. to feel the high. i have depression, and i also have boredom with life. so that high was what i would look foward to when i went out to drink. the one time the week id feel good. the depression i have to figure out in other ways. because im not drinking so much maybe I will go back on zoloft, who knows.( i stopped hat because i was drinking five times per week awhile back-and zoloft loses its effecitveness completely)

    well, i ll update everyone. hope the kudzu will continue to work and not stop working or anything!

    been takin the kudzu...

    That's great! I had a similar experience, as you know. I still felt that euphoria, but it came slower and I just did not have the need for more. I am so happy this is working for you. It has helped me so much to moderate. I still aim at AF for life, but I am getting there and the kudzu is so much of a help.

    How much are you using and is it MWO or another brand?
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      been takin the kudzu...

      I think the brand is Planetary Herbals, and no its not the mwo kudzu, but im awaiting that to come. i was disappointed i didn feel the euphoria.. it didnt come slower, i just didnt feel it really. maybe i would have rather drank than not drank, so i felt a bit better i guess than not drinking, but no euphoria. i believe the kudzu was 750 mg per capsule, and i took it three times the past four days.. with the glutamine.. if im wrong on the name or the mg, ill write and inform you that im wrong. im just to lazy to get up and go upstairs to look right now.. lol. so how often do you drink now and what is your situation like latelY?


        been takin the kudzu...

        I only drink at night, way way less than I used to also. I am AF some days too. I take 3 kudzu mid morning and three late afternoon. That seems to be enough. Sometimes I just take the afternoon ones. I'm so glad this is helping you.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          been takin the kudzu...

          :l yeah, im glad to. keep in touch.

