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my first big night out

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    my first big night out

    A Man with a Plan.....Well Done!
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson


      my first big night out

      I will re-read this post a few days before the new year. this is a great example for people who are trying to find ways to socialize sober around people who are not sober.
      I don't think that it's an easy task. you have done so well congratulations mike.
      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        my first big night out

        BRAVO, Mike -- a true inspiration for us all during this holiday season!

        Taking it all in


          my first big night out

          Well Done, my friend...well done


            my first big night out

            Congratulations, Mike. In my opinion this is a huge step that you were able to negotiate successfully. It shows such determination, will power, and strength on your part. You should be very proud of this accomplishment. It is no small feat.



              my first big night out

              What a great post, especially with all this merryment and hoho parties going on at the moment, it's some times daunting to think of so many parties with out a glass of wine. You should be real proud of yourself young man.
              I have felt myself wavering the last couple of know the normal stress from christmas shopping, organising the kids with the final exams before the chritsmas break. putting up with some members of your family that can be irratating.coming home with the thought that nothing would be nicer than sitting down with a glass of red. Instead i have clicked on here read some of the great posts, drank my soda, bitter lemon and lime.
              I've had a few parties these last weeks, have done really well although my friends keep asking why I'm not drinking, I've had a cold , so have been able to say that I'm not well. It was funny watching everyone get drunk, with the thought that I'd feel great in the morning. Boy....don't we talk alot of rubbish when we have had to much! and I'm the type to start giving everyone a hug:blush:

