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Stay at Home Moms????

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    Stay at Home Moms????

    Well I have been a SAHM, but worked from home up until a year-and-a-half ago. Yes, it does bring its challenges as you are trying to be a good example and yet you have this demon to battle. I drank heavier when they were little because I would be so stressed out at the end of every day that I would want to numb out after I put them to bed. I didnt want to go to bed early because then I wouldnt have "my time" and the day would present itself all over again with its demands. My oldest is 20, the next will graduate HS in the Spring and my youngest is soon to be 10. I highly recommend getting a handle on the drinking before they really associate you with drinking every night because as they get older, they get very observant and eventually resentful. They will always have it to hang over your head when you try to hold them to a standard. Of course that's true whether you stay home or not. Yes, carting them around to their sports and activities in the evening is a great reason to stay AF!

    I wish all the parents huge success in this battle so that we can hand down an AF baton to our children.
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


      Stay at Home Moms????

      Ouch! I can feel the acid burning through my monitor Star!!

      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        Stay at Home Moms????

        I can't really be a part of this group anymore because my youngest is 26. (I had her when I was 12.....)

        However, I was a SAHM back in the 70s when it was totally uncool. TOTALLY. Women used to say things like "Oh, so you don't have a job..."

        WTF? Hardest thing I ever did was stay at home and raise my kids, and the BEST time of my life, too, I won't lie about that. Still, 24/7 doing everything for them and hubby and being basically a slave. (Okay, a willing slave and would do it again in a heartbeat!!)

        So, I just want to throw in my kudos to you SAHMs.

        However, I also want to throw in my kudos to those who decided it is not for them, for independence, for necessity, whatever.

        Basically, I look at it this way: Having children is the most difficult, rewarding, scary, exhilirating and tiring thing any of us can do.

        I also want to say that today many daddies have just as much a part of being "mommy" as the women do. (Kudos to Flyboy!!)

        I see that in my son. He takes his load of watching the kids and helping with the homework and being with them as much as his wife. This is a great change. Now children have TWO people they can rely on ALWAYS, whereas in the "old" days it was just mom.

        So, basically, much love and respect for all the parents out there that are simply doing the best they can to raise those little guys/gals with as much love and care as possible. :l :l

        It is not an easy task, whether you stay at home or work and juggle.

        But, my daddy always said "As long as your children know you love them and care, it doesn't matter how much you make or how much you can give them, they will be happy." and damn, he was right!!

        Love and greatest respect to all you loving and caring parents,
        AF April 9, 2016


          Stay at Home Moms????

          Hello everyone, I to would love to be part of this group. I have a 11, 9 and 4 year old. Absolutley LOVE my babbies, but it can be trying sometimes, ok a lot with my 11 year old, but I still love her.



            Stay at Home Moms????

            Actually, my kids are home now (Christmas holidays started yesterday) and I am going crazy. I really don't think I could do this full time. And they are just playing nicely (and LOUDLY and MESSILY). I really can appreciate you SAHMs.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Stay at Home Moms????

              I know, mine had their last day of preschool yesterday.............
              Sometimes its nice not to have to get everyone dressed and out the door in the morning though, like today

              Have a great Thursday everyone~
              AF since 7/5/2009


                Stay at Home Moms????

                ha ha, I can't get the buggers out of bed on a school day... but don't they just jump up at 6:30 a.m. when they are on holiday?
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Stay at Home Moms????

                  "When they turn 13 ...put them in a barrel and feed them through a hole.....when they turn 16...plug the hole!!!
                  At around 21-22 maybe you can let them out......."
                  MY "BABY" IS 29......GOTTA LOVE THAT!
                  :h NANCY
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    Stay at Home Moms????

                    Do we want to do a daily or weekly thread or what/
                    Ideas anyone??
                    AF since 7/5/2009


                      Stay at Home Moms????

                      Ding Dong, what does HB mean? Husband? Is he at the bar while you basically single parent??? I raised my kids that way...for years....


                        Stay at Home Moms????

                        southernbelle47;246697 wrote: "When they turn 13 ...put them in a barrel and feed them through a hole.....when they turn 16...plug the hole!!!
                        At around 21-22 maybe you can let them out......."
                        MY "BABY" IS 29......GOTTA LOVE THAT!
                        :h NANCY
                        LMAO, I started drinking when my oldest (and most challenging child) turned 13. I am just now having my most success with abstaining and I have no doubt it is because he just turned 18 this month. I am no longer legally accountable so he will have to own up to his own actions from now on. This is a HUGE weight off my shoulders. He has been extremely challenging but things are getting better and coming along nicely now. Military school has been the best thing for him I've ever done. He has THRIVED there and is very popular with the female cadets ; ) I just wish he could stay there for college!

                        So long story short (which at this point I guess is an impossibility, LOL) count me in, I see there are some with older kids in this group.

                        PS My "baby" is 15
                        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                        - George Jackson


                          Stay at Home Moms????

                          Oh man, this group is for me! I have two little boys and I drank to go numb too. I work 3 days a week. The days I am home are the hardest! I also happen to have a very selfish, short tempered, and clueless husband. We are going to therapy next week (I hope my therapist calls me back). But that is another story...

                          However, the good news is I have been AF for 44 days! It's been so very very hard.

                          I would love to post daily, I just know if I can. I can try

                          Take care!!!


                            Stay at Home Moms????

                            Superb thread!!!

                            As anyone who's read my posts knows, I'm mother to two daughters (one senior in upper school, one college) and have been a SAHM all along. SO true about the moment when the hatchlings begin to notice that their mother drinks a wee bitsy-bitsy-bit more than she should. Damn. I loved them so when they were little and never questioned what was in my sippy-cup...
                            Jane Jane

