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See you guys

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    See you guys

    I really can't afford to stay here any longer, my mental health is too fragile, and yeah I have some issues with drinking but they are nothing compared to the other problems I have in my life.

    I just saw my Doctor and she suggested I post this, get closure and go away. If anyone wants to talk to me my e-mail is available - but not coming back here.

    Thanks to all of you who held my hand last Xmas, and to all of you I have spoken to or PMed over the last year. I really appreciated the warmth and sincerity I found here in the beginning.

    Now I feel I cannot post anything wihtout someone having an opinion about what I have said which often involves alternative medication and how my medication has not worked for them etc blah blah.

    My Doctor said this was ridiculous and that the so-called "alternatives" that are so often touted have been well and truly shown in the "real" literature (not google searches) to be placebos, a joke, for people with actual Bipolar Disorder (there are many misdiagnosis apparently).

    And yet I found myself tempted, cause I couldn't go anywhere without hearing it - and I even stopped taking my meds a couple of days ago - thought, yeah I can do this myself - don't need to take all these drugs.

    So dangerous place for me.

    Thanks for the memories and for those I am in touch with - we will keep in touch my friends.

    Signing off for my own good....

    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

    See you guys

    All the best to you cashy. I am glad you posted. Thank you. Peace-


      See you guys

      Cashy - I understand but will very much miss your intelligence and wit.


        See you guys

        I will miss you tremendously and truly respect your decision about leaving. You must take care of you!

        I want to personally THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for being such a wonderful "friend" here. Being Bi-polar myself, I have learned a lot from you. I am truly grateful!

        I know how this place can really wreak havoc on our emotions - so I completely understand what you are doing. I truly support you in this.

        Take care of yourself.

        Lots of Love Always,


          See you guys

          We love you and want you here. So come back as soon as you feel like it.
          (and I have learned a lot from you).
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            See you guys

            Very sorry I did not have time to know you better.



              See you guys

              I hope things get better for you Cashy. I'm sorry that you have to go. Take care.

              Big hugs,:l :l

              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                See you guys

                I certainly will miss you Cashy. I have always enjoyed so much reading what you have to say and have considered you my friend. I understand your reasons for leaving and wish you the very best in your future. Take good care of yourself, friend.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  See you guys

                  Oh Cashy say it ain't so!!!!! I'm going to miss you
                  Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                  - George Jackson


                    See you guys

                    Go well Cashy.


                      See you guys

                      Cashy-hope it is not too late, but I wish you well. Hope you can continue your recovery. Your posts have been very important for me I will miss you.:h
                      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                        See you guys

                        Sorry to hear this Cashy, I have enjoyed reading your posts over the last year or so.

                        Lots of love to you.
                        Enough is enough


                          See you guys

                          Best of luck, Cashy. Hope you come back when you feel like it


                            See you guys

                            Am so glad I have your email Cashy as I would not like to lose touch with you. You are a wonderful, giving person who reached out to help me when I was at my lowest. You give so much will be a great loss to this site. I understand that you must take good care of yourself and you are feeling drained by certain events here recently, but I think many people are just finding the time of year a particularly trying one. I hope you feel able to return to the site in are loved and respected by so many here.

                            Starlight Impress xxx


                              See you guys

                              Cashy, I am sorry you have to go, but I understand, it is what you need to do for yourself now. I have enjoyed reading your posts. :l
                              The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

