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Things we've learned

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    Things we've learned

    MWO is very much like a family and anyone who’s spent time around here knows it. We have our ups and downs but in the end we tend to work things out. We’re there for one another. We support fellow members, old and new. It’s what makes this place really special.

    Often the problems that arise seem to have as much to do with the dynamics and nuance of online communication as they do with personalities. Sometimes, frankly, alcohol plays a role. There are often other mitigating factors.

    We’ve included an overview about general forum use in the FAQ at the top of the page (the one in the blue navigational bar) and we encourage everyone to take a look at it because it contains some excellent information regarding basic rules and courtesy when using chat and posting. You’ll find it here. Specifically, there’s a primer on chat called “Chat 101” and if you’re new to chat, it’s essential reading.

    In reviewing some of the events of this past week, I’m reminded of the following:

    * Communication in chat, just like email and any other electronic format, can be easily misconstrued
    * It’s often best to handle mix-ups (and follow ups) in our forum via private message or email
    * Posting, chatting, or PMing while drinking is bad news
    * When reading a thread, especially a volatile one, it’s best to start at the beginning, as you’ll bump it to the top by asking about it and the topic will often be rehashed
    * MWO’ers are a very forgiving lot. Always have been
    * MWO’ers are a very supportive lot. Always have been
    * If someone in distress joins a chat session, please be compassionate and lend an ear. If the situation is critical, contact us at once.
    * Laughter is the best medicine

    Thanks for listening. And thanks for all you do for each other here on the board.
    Wishing each and all of you a happy and healthy holiday!:coolsanta:

    Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!

    Things we've learned

    Thank you RJ.
    Wishing you and yours a wonderful, warm Christmas.

    Starlight Impress x


      Things we've learned

      Thanking you too RJ for everything.
      This is the most amazing place that you have given us.
      Have a wonderful and relaxing Christmas.


        Things we've learned

        Thank you RJ.
        Let me wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy 2008. Oh and the same for your monkey.
        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


          Things we've learned

          Here's thanking you also RJ

          You and my friends at MWO are the best Christmas present I could possibly have this year.

          Now go get yerself some rest, lady. Yer always werkin!

          Happy holidays to R and the rest of the J family......
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            Things we've learned

            LOL Lori!!!!!!

            Well said RJ.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Things we've learned

              RJ, thanks for that ..........

              Can I thank you for all that you do for us all, and I have to say that had you not started this place I really really don't know where I would be right now ........

              Thanks from the bottom of my heart ...........

              Merry Christmas to you and yours .........

              BB xx


                Things we've learned

                I have learned to let all things be like water off a duck's back!


                  Things we've learned

                  thank you RJ for creating this site. it has been of great help to me.
                  let's keep it going. This is a nice community

                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                    Things we've learned

                    Thank you RJ, this site has been a life saver for me.
                    P.S. how do I renew my subscription, I want my pencil back. !


                      Things we've learned

                      Thanks that clears up alot of things. bird


                        Things we've learned

                        I would like my own monkey.


                          Things we've learned

                          ...........monkey coming up.............
                          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                            Things we've learned

                            May the warmth of the Christmas Season remain in your heart all year through ... I would like to send this greeting to all...
                            Thank-You so much for all that you all done for all of us RJ... You are living proof that there are indeed angels among us...

                            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                              Things we've learned

                              Thanks for the tip(t)s RJ.

                              I needed that.............

                              Love to you and yours and all who need it......


