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Things we've learned

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    Things we've learned

    Wise words, RJ. thanks.

    And a big thank you for this site that has done so much to help so many people.

    Happy holidays and a happy, healthy New Year to you and your family and all of the wonderful friends here. Peace.

    Suki xx


      Things we've learned

      * Posting, chatting, or PM while drinking is bad news

      Yes. Bad news and stupid.

      Very sorry about last night, everyone.

      I just want to go home.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Things we've learned

        Thanks RJ

        Happy Holidays to you and your family and all my family here at MWO.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Things we've learned

          Happy Christmas RJ, and all at MWO.


            Things we've learned

            Happy Christmas RJ! I know for certain that had I not found this place I would still be at rock bottom. I would have lost everything I have. So my very warmest thankyou to you for creating this site. Bella xxxxx


              Things we've learned

              RJ: Thank you. Without MWO I wouldn't have the 79 AF days I have today. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Things we've learned

                Thanks for posting that RJ.

                I think it also would be good to post some advice for dealing with threats of self-harm on the site. It strikes me that it's a very supportive community but no one here should feel responsible for something like that. Must be hard to create guidelines for such an event. A hotline would be good.


                  Things we've learned

                  Thank You RJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                  - George Jackson


                    Things we've learned

                    Thank you RJ for all you do. I know I wouldn't have 6 months AF without you and my friends at MWO.

                    Wishing you and yours only good things in 2008.


                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      Things we've learned

                      Yes, Thank are so patient, and understanding of all of us during our search for sobriety and, yes sanity. I read your book again today......and......I myself got a little too comfortable and did not order my Kudzu......but, I promise to do so this week!

                      RJ, thank you for giving us the road map...companionship and freedom to become sober.

                      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, to you and your family!
                      And Thank You,
                      Kate H
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007


                        Things we've learned

                        I've been thinking lately about just what this phenomenon of "Christmas spirit" actually is.

                        Even though it is a tough time for many, and we all run into grumpy shoppers and such... People greet each other more, and more heartily. There are more smiles all around. Folks just seem more full of good spirit, compassion and love.

                        As I'm not religious, I don't attribute the 'goodliness' of those all around to Christ or whatever (though I do believe Jesus was a great man who offered much to humankind).

                        I'm thinking that people are lighter and generally happier this time of year because they think more about others than they do themselves (obviously, mostly within the whole gift-giving thing). I think that it's this 'giving' spirit that raises moods and enlivens hearts. Also, the receiving of gifts. Not in the getting of stuff, but to know that somebody else thought of us and chose to give.

                        These forums allows us all to give and to receive, every day of the year. Those of us who often have felt rejected and neglected, by others and self, can come here to give and to receive. And it raises our spirits and lightens our loads and frees our hearts, bit by bit.

                        You wonderful souls here give and share and ask and receive ... basically, here we are able to live out our humaness, no matter how far we previously may have thought we had strayed from humanness in our battle with addiction.

                        We all are gifts to one another here at MWO. And RJ, I can't imagine how, when you allow yourself to fully accept the truth of it, how gratifying and humbling it is to know that you've brought us all together and given us a place where so many people can unload, cry, laugh, wail, rejoice, give and receive, and find freedom in being exactly who we are in any given moment, without the hiding that most of us have known for so long. What you have given us is no less than a haven in which we can be fully human - loving, compassionate, healing, evolving humans.

                        I wish peace and contentment and joy to every single one of my MWO compadres.

                        :happyheart: :happyheart: :happyheart:
                        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                          Things we've learned

                          db2fromala;243867 wrote: * Posting, chatting, or PM while drinking is bad news

                          Yes. Bad news and stupid.

                          Very sorry about last night, everyone.

                          I just want to go home.

                          Cindi Lou Who,

                          Don't you worry your pretty little head about it! I have been there and done have most of us here on these boards!

                          Merry Christmas...and fuggettaboutit : )
                          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                          - George Jackson

