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    Hi im now 17 days AF after years of heavy drinking feeling great apart from daily headaches,im keeping myself well "watered" and taking pain killers for the headaches just wanted to know if this is normal and how long it is likley to not on any meds
    Mwo,s worst speller....


    Hi Jacqui,
    well done on 17 days. I think it's normal to get headaches as your body is detoxing.
    Go easy on the pain killers, as they can actually cause headaches, try rubbing lavender
    oil on your temples, or cold compresses. Hope you soon feel better.



      detoxing does cause headaches. sometimes your body will take up to 40 days to clear up.
      taking advil or pain killers will make the detox period longer. how about green tea it has a bit of caffeine which helps open veins and capillaries. loads of water 3 to 4 quarts a day. seltzer or soda doesn't count.

      be well and congratulations to you for being focused on being healthy
      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber




        17 days is terrific :thumbs: What a great start. Headaches are normal at this stage. I would also advise to stay away from the pain killer pills as much as you can as I find they can lead to dangerous cycles of pain. I actually use this thing they advertise on TV called Head On. It is homeopathic and is only applied topically and it does help a lot. It must have some sort of menthol type ingredient in it because it give your forehead that menthol type feel for a few minutes which can be annoying, but after that, the pain does subside greatly. You might want to give that a try. It is certainly better than the aspirins or ibuprofens you put into your body. Good luck with this and keep up the terrific AF work.
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



          Headaches for sure in the begining. They come and go - I've tried a natural menthol based headache treatment, but frankly, it didn't work that well. My headaches seem to be more like sinus-y headaches. I took some benadryl with a couple of advil and it helped a lot. I am past day 30 and I still get a few. Funny tho - quite different than hangover headaches.



            Jacqui, how is your sugar consumption? many of us do the sugar-for-alcohol switch which is better than heavy boozing although it has some serious consequences in mood swings, headaches, sleep disorders etc.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)



              calms forte works wonders and i'm sorry to say i've just had a lot to deal with but i want you to know that you are special to me and have meant to keep track of your posts. so i'm going to do it all in one. first i hope you got through your episode with the friends not coming. well gosh who can be with that scenario that friends wouldn't want to be around you if you weren't plastered i guess or drinking. i'm sorry about that and pm me on how that went please. i'm following you as i am sending you a great deal of love and support. you are such an inspiration. your story and your new gift of life you are for your grandchild means so much. every time i think of you it brings tears of joy to my heart..... please keep at it. so headaches, water water water, you don't have enough and calms forte. your body is detoxing honey... boots

