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THAT time of the year

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    THAT time of the year

    Its 87 days AF today, I know this because I keep a record to remind myself. Not a diary really, just a note to show what I?d lose if I had a drink, all the hard work. The memories of illness and the hospital stay and resulting 10 day horrible detox are fading and I do feel better, the people around me have a better life with them not spending their time with someone that?s either drunk or hungover.

    But guys, this time of year is so difficult. I?ve avoided the office party. I?ve turned down the after work drinks. I haven?t gone out to celebrate. I haven?t done anything.

    When I was drinking Xmas was a dream time, a time that I could get as pissed as I like, as often as I liked without people thinking anything about it. The ideal excuse that could be passed off as celebration not addiction and I used it most years; I used that excuse to the full extent.

    But I?ve always found Xmas a difficult time. A time to reflect and get reticent around others. This one is my first Xmas sober since I was about 15. During my 87 days I missed a cold beer or a good glass of wine with dinner but I knew it wasn?t a problem, I could deal with these. But in the last few days I have been walking around the supermarket and seeing any alcohol (yep anything) and thinking ?that?d have the effect I want?. Walking through town and past what seemed like hundreds of pubs yesterday just wanting to go in and not remember coming out.

    I guess this is my first test. I bought a bottle of sparkling wine for my girlfriend to have on Xmas morning (what we used to do on Xmas mornings) and just wanted to drink it all as soon as possible. I didn?t, and haven?t had a drop but is this so hard!

    I know that I?m not really saying anything here, but it feels better to get it off my chest and thanks for listening. I hope that everyone does well this Xmas and has a great one and I hope that I do too.

    As a final point (promise I?ll shut up soon!) thank you all for your help and encouragement during the last 87 days, you are truly a great group of people and whilst I may not post that often, I log onto the site every morning just after I update my diary, it helps like you can't believe. Thank you.

    THAT time of the year

    you are saying something here, and thank you.
    family is everything to me


      THAT time of the year

      It's a tough time of the year for me and many others, stay have a lot to be proud of!
      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        THAT time of the year

        Hi Amashed, well done on 87 days...... I remember you in the early days and you have come so far ..............

        Just a suggestion to help you through this, read back all of your first posts to remind yourself how bad you felt....

        You have done the right thing coming here .........

        Love & Hugs, BB xx


          THAT time of the year

          Amashed, I hear you on the time of year. God ... well, you are way ahead of me, I am sitting here with my usual hangover. Supposed to be heading up to my mom's, where my siblings and I all gather for the holidays, only time of year we are ALL together (but the roads are iffy) ... and for years I've used booze to get through the unbelievable stress of the family holiday. And this year, there will be no alcohol in the house because my brother-in-law nearly died from alcoholism a couple months ago (spent a month in the hospital with internal bleeding, liver failure, etc., after having a seizure). So should be most interesting.
          Didn't mean to start rambling about me .. I am just a big ball of need these days, sorry!!!! But your 87 days is amazing ... be strong as hell, go back and read those old posts!!!
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            THAT time of the year

            Hey Amashed...It is only a few days until Jan. 1st. Do you want to wake up with that lousy feeling of....I have to make a resolution now to quit again? Or wake up refreshed and soooo proud of almost hitting 100 days...??

            Keep it are amazing!!
            formerly known as bak310


              THAT time of the year

              Amashed hang in there. You've done it for 87 days you can do it for 8 days. One day at a time. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts over the next week. Please take care.


                THAT time of the year

                one thing I can add is. hangovers are awful. staying sober for the holidays is a great girft to yourself.

                nice going on 87 days AF

                stay strong it's only the holidays
                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                  THAT time of the year


                  You are some days ahead of me, but I know how you feel. We will shortly be going out for a family meal, I am driving, but will still feel uncomfortable having to refuse the offer of a single glass of wine. But refuse them I will. Difficult time of year, but am on antabuse, so I must refuse them. Watching people make a boring tit of themselves is on the cards.
                  Few more days, then you can celebrate 100 days.
                  I have not failed 1000 times. I have successfully found 1000 ways that do not work.


                    THAT time of the year

                    Amashed, I have had similar feelings a few times, but I think about my time sober and how much it means to me. This seems to help.

                    I don't know if you are willing to do this, but I have used de-alcoholized wine when I go to social events. I worried that it would make me want the real thing, but it hasn't. It makes me feel more contented for the most part, although I become more aware as people become more drunk. I usually leave before everyone else, but at least I don't have to avoid parties.

                    Good luck on handling things during the holidays!


                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      THAT time of the year

                      Hi Amashed,
                      I forgot to say well done on 87days. You have done so well, hang in there. I always look out for your posts, so keep on posting.

                      Best wishes.
                      family is everything to me

