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I hate Christmas

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    I hate Christmas

    Don't poke the bear.

    * * I love Determinator * *


      I hate Christmas

      ALWAYS a good idea.


        I hate Christmas

        We are ALL free to choose.
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          I hate Christmas

          For me, Francis Thompson's poem "The Hound of Heaven" says it all. I am a Catholic, though not a very good one. But I would never foist my beliefs and practices upon someone else! One of my daughters chose to become Episcopalian, like her father, and that is more than fine with me. She dated a wonderful Jewish boy for about a year, and was on the point of converting again! That would have been fine, too. Religion is a highly personal thing, as is the lack thereof. And discussing it is simply rude---like one's finances and one's political convictions, it is not a subject that well-bred people get into fusses about---at the dinner table, at a cocktail party, or in a website thread!
          Jane Jane


            I hate Christmas

            On a lighter note....Helens.... Luv the avatar
            Long Road
            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
            Eleanor Roosevelt


              I hate Christmas

              Oh, forgot to say---count me with those who LOVE Christmas a lot, like those Whos down in Whoville. Of course it's commercialized and all that, but I don't care---I love riding around on a frosty night (anyone see that full moon with Mars "tracking" the other night?) and looking at all the over-the-top tacky light displays in yards. I love picking out presents and wrapping them. I love baking way more cookies than anyone we know can possibly eat. I love making my grandmother's cheese straw recipe in huge batches and eating most of them myself, toasting pecans, playing all my Christmas CDs over and over, sitting at the piano and playing carols and singing until I'm begged to stop, making Christmas-morning brunch with my two precious girls (new egg recipe every year: this year we did the baked eggs in ramekins with spinach from this month's *Gourmet*.) Watching George C. Scott's "A Christmas Carol" (he's the best Scrooge ever)---"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (we all still shriek when Max the dog is running ahead of that sleigh,) "A Charlie Brown Christmas," and best of all, "The Bishop's Wife" with Cary Grant. I get so sad when it's all over. One day when I win the Louisiana Powerball lottery I shall hire someone to box up all my (too many) decorations. I hate the end of the season!
              Jane Jane


                I hate Christmas

                AND JJ; it's the only time of the year I allow myself bacon and eggs.
                Long Road
                Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                Eleanor Roosevelt


                  I hate Christmas

                  here here Jane,Jane...the bishops wife is my fave of all time christmas movies! Sounds like we have alot in common.


                    I hate Christmas

                    I guess I am usually middle of the road on XMAS but I dream of really nice ones and like a lot of things about it aside from the excessive shopping.

                    Guess what I just rented? You guessed it!!! The Bishop's Wife!



                      I hate Christmas

                      enjoy nancy ,its great!


                        I hate Christmas

                        Victory.... I loved it... I understood it completely... I have this day in perspective... the others need to Stop saying they hate Christmas... when they don't even believe in Christ... just stop acting as if it were Christians... and read up on the original pagan holiday and follow those rituals. And, leave the rest of us alone. Go follow Chanukah or Kwanzaa or nothing or some other manner of the day or nothing at all. Why oh why in Heavens Name do you Hate a Holiday that is in Recognition for the Birth of the Most High Lord and then resent like Hell celebrating it. It seems to me, you're being the hypocrites... not those of us that are making this a religions conversation. I believe you are the ones who are out of line...

                        Who do you think has had the most to gain out of commercializing this holiday? It hasn't been the Christian.
                        Get rid of the Fat Man in the Red Velvet Suit... who invited him in the first place?
                        If you really want to get down to brass tacs... Most toys are manufactured in China not at all Christian... Furriers are traditionally Russian Jews not at all Christian... The Jewelry Market and the Hawkers at least in NY are Hasidic Jews... not at all Christians... The majority of PR Companies that run the ads that promote the television show the show the commercials are backed by Jewish owned companies.... I can keep going on... But, as you can well guess, I am probably the only one that has the Christmas Balls to call it what it is... you can complain all you want, but just understand... you're preaching to the choir here... we've been sick of the others taking advantage of our holiday for years. We've been sick of those who don't believe in Christ making money off of Him and our holiday for years... and then people complaining about it. Good Grief.... As my Aussie friend taught me... shut your Cake Hole... in the most polite way.
                        Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                          I hate Christmas

                          Victory, I apologize for my comment.


                            I hate Christmas

                            I think Christmas is commercialized but obviously can be a lot of fun. I loved reading Jane JAne's post about the christmas carols and toasted pecans and tacky lights. I bet her kids are having a lot of fun and when you create a good Christmas for kids, well that's wonderful because it gives them a sense of magic they will carry through to their later years. I know from experience because I had some of those times in my childhood, before some traumatic experiences (so I can definitely relate to My Heart is Drenched with Wine and her struggles dealing with an abusive parent as an adult).

                            Christmas has turned into a secular holiday. But people can make of it what they want. If they want something spiritual they could do it that way.


                            PS Jane Jane: CAn I come to your house for XMAS next year??


                              I hate Christmas

                              If you have not seen this movie... you should.

                              The Gathering (1977)

                              Adam is a man whose time is running out and for whom life has saved the very best for last. Ed Asner & Maureen Stapleton star in this poignant Emmy Award-winning Christmas Special that has already become a seasonal classic. Adam (Asner) has spent most of his life building up a successful business in New England, and in the process has alienated his entire family: his wife, Kate (Stapleton), and his four adult children. But when Adam learns the jarring truth that he has less than a year to live, he realizes the foolish mistakes he’s made in his life and seeks out his wife’s help in gathering the family at Christmas, while keeping his illness a secret. At first, none of the children will be able to attend the reunion. Then, on Christmas Eve, one by one the children arrive for a most touching reconciliation. This is a rare, sensitive film that will be charished for many years.
                              Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                                I hate Christmas

                                Sigh. My family and I are so non-sentimental when it comes to Christmas movies.

                                Our two staples are Lethal Weapon and Die Hard.

                                Hey, they are Christmas movies!!

                                AF April 9, 2016

