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I hate Christmas

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    I hate Christmas

    This is another fun movie for the holidays... I promise you'll love it!

    The Electric Grandmother (1981)

    Review Summary
    The Electric Grandmother was the second TV adaptation of Ray Bradbury's I Sing the Body Electric (the first was presented on The Twilight Zone in 1962). Maureen Stapleton plays the title character, a custom-made android purchased by widowed Edward Hermann. "Grandma", a magical creation who can read minds and conjure up meals literally at her fingertips, is supposed to act as surrogate mother to Herrmann's three children; two of the kids accept her immediately, but the third (Tara Kennedy) is hostile. The relationship thaws after Grandma saves the little girl's life. Years later, the grown-up children tearfully bid their Grandma a fond farewell; but the grandmother eventually cares for the children after they themselves have grown old. Paul Benedict costars as cheerfully eccentric robot creator Guido Fantoccini. Adapted for television by Ray Bradbury and Jeffrey Kindley, the 60-minute The Electric Grandmother first aired as an NBC "Project Peacock" special on January 17, 1982. ~ Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide
    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


      I hate Christmas

      Don't mean to stir the pot here....but CaptJ, your statement, "We've been sick of those who don't believe in Christ making money off Him and our holiday for years..."

      Hmmm......does that mean those who DO believe are the ones who should be making money off Him?....because they certainly do....anyone who says religion is a non-profit organization has their head in the sand.

      Just my thoughts...don't get me wrong....I'm not an atheist. I believe there is some sort of Creator, or God. I am a spiritual man, but not a religious one.



        I hate Christmas

        Sorry... no blood and no guts here. I even told my little pal Mel G. his movies were too gory... so he did a few on the lighter side, which I liked.
        Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


          I hate Christmas

          Missed the point again... Chief...
          Let's go drag racing
          Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


            I hate Christmas

            Nancy, you're on my guest list. If you sing alto, we can serenade our unwilling victims in harmony! CaptJB, amen to what you said, especially about the pagan origins of the now-Christianized feast day. What was it the Romans celebrated around the Winter Solstice---Saturnalia or Lupercalia? WAY before that lil' ol' Baby Jesus was even dreamed about. So if the churchy stuff bothers any of you, do like the Romans did, and party away! Howl at the moon, conduct fertility rituals (actually I think that's earlier in the autumn---Beltane?) but don't crab about the rest of the world getting jolly and loving the festive season. If Christmas holds terrible memories, than get busy and make some new ones for yourself! You can't exorcise demons by picking old scabs (oooooohwee, my Bryn Mawr English professors would kill me for THAT mixed metaphor...)

            Anyway, whether you adore or abhor the season, it's over now. The funny thing is, Christmas is not actually the major feast day of the Christian year---it's Easter. So are we going to hear lots of grousing from those who resent seeing the colored eggs and stuffed bunnies, those "commercialized" emblems of a sacred ritual? In France, it's not a rabbit who brings the's a BELL, flown in from Rome. And may it whang you upside the head if you get all depressy and cynical about it!
            Jane Jane


              I hate Christmas

              Wasn't trying to make a point...just commenting


                I hate Christmas

                It's not what we buy... it's what we give.
                We give of ourselves and not just one day but everyday is Christmas or am I the only one that attended church that day.
                Today I will give money... Gold... tithe... so the church can buy soup to provide at the soup kitchen for the poor.
                Frankincense, a particular type of incense, was used in religious ceremonies to give honor to that which was considered holy. In the year ahead giving this gift might involve rededicating ourselves to work for the good of all people. Volunteering hands on work at a soup kitchen or with rebuilding a community project together.
                Myrrh is an ointment which was used to heal, but was also used to embalm the bodies of the dead. To help those who are hurting.

                T.S. Eliot concludes his poem "Journey of the Magi" with these words:

                Birth or Death? There was a birth, certainly,
                We had evidence and no doubt I had seen birth and death.
                But had thought they were different, this Birth was
                Hard and bitter agony for us, like Death, our death,
                We returned to our palaces, these Kingdoms,
                But no longer at ease here, in the old dispensation,
                With an alien people clutching their gods.
                I should be glad of another death."

                In the year just begun what are the hard things that we might be called to do? If we give them to God in Jesus Christ, if we dedicate our hard moments and lay them at the manger, then we will be given the courage to face them and we will be given God's presence with us as we are called to do more than we think we are able to do.

                Gold, frankincense and myrrh. We are asked to give no more and no less.
                Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                  I hate Christmas

                  Touche', Chief...I have never understood why Christian churches always have their hands out for money. In Europe, a simple little stone 12th-century church with a few cheap candles is sufficient, and one can hear Mass there just fine, even if budget does not allow for electric lights to be turned on daily. The village priest is poor, of course, because that's kind of the whole idea behind accepting a religious life and forswearing the "world's goods." These awful appalling televangelists here in America (I'm thinking of a recent People mag article on mega-rich Joel Osteen) make me ill...I could no more feel holy in their presence than I could with SpongBob Squarepants delivering the homily.

                  Okay, Okay, I know, the Roman church has had its share of corruption...I saw Godfather III and studied the Medici history too...and God only knows what God's thinking about the terrible modern Catholic-church architecture (what Flannery O'Connor called "toothpicks and Plexiglass" and the execrable toneless tambourine-and-guitar music we're subjected to on Sunday mornings.

                  My goodness, it's an uphill struggle to be spiritual these days...I say let's go back to the Latin Mass.
                  Jane Jane


                    I hate Christmas

                    Isn't Pentecost the Highest Christian Holy Day... or the Day of Ascension? The 40-50 Days after Easter? The Sunday that you are to wear Red to church... at least at my church. I hate to have to go look this up just to prove myself right... oh well... maybe I will.

                    Main article: Easter
                    Easter is the celebration of Jesus' resurrection. The date of Easter varies from year to year, according to a lunar-calendar based dating system (see computus for details). The Easter season extends from the Easter Vigil through Pentecost Sunday on the Catholic and Protestant calendars. On the calendar used by traditional Catholics, Eastertide lasts until the end of the Octave of Pentecost, at None of the following Ember Saturday.
                    In the Roman Catholic tradition, the Easter octave allows for no other feasts to be celebrated or commemorated during it, although if Easter falls on April 25, the Greater Litanies (normally on that date) are said on the following Tuesday. During the fifty days of Eastertide, the Gloria and Te Deum are said every day, even on ferias.
                    Ascension Thursday, which celebrates the return of Jesus to heaven following his resurrection, is the fortieth day of Easter, although some places transfer it to the following Sunday. Pentecost is the fiftieth day, and celebrates the sending of the Holy Ghost to the Apostles. Pentecost is commonly seen as the birth of the Church.
                    Color: White or Gold, except on Pentecost, on which the color is Red.
                    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                      I hate Christmas

                      I luv my church, it's a UU church. I don't go as often as I should-not because of obligation, but because when I do go I come out feeling renewed, at peace, sometimes happy sometimes thoughtful but always better.

                      I believe that everything happen for a reason. And that waiting for that "reason" can sometimes drive one crazy, but that it is, ultimately there.

                      My church is very active in the community, does good works for concrete causes, planned parenthood, soup kitchen, safe houses, etc. It's a liberal church and fits me.

                      I know this may be off base for this thread, maybe should have posted it in What we believe, but.......well I didn't. :l


                        I hate Christmas

                        Geez guys!

                        I really was just stressed out about not wanting to see my Mother.....Oh, and that little Goldigger relative of one of my inlaws that is always blatantly flirting with my husband, Grrrr.

                        I'm so happy it's over and yes I'm a Christian, BTW, I love trip to grandmother's house for that one

                        ....and since December 26th I've only had one glass of wine each night!

                        I'm so looking forward to New Year's, I'm not going to drink but 1 or 2 glasses so I can dance well in my high heels and red gown



                        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                        - George Jackson


                          I hate Christmas

                          X-Mas over and done with now for the New Year

                          Dear cuckoo have sent you a PM there is absolutely nothing to apologise for. Your question was completely valid. No offence taken I promise. X-Mas can be a difficult time for some and I am one of those who find the whole thing painful.
                          Have a lovely day. Cheers Victory
                          :h :h :h


                            I hate Christmas

                            I bet you will look gorgeous!
                            Send pixs!
                            Love ya,
                            Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                              I hate Christmas

                              [ame= ]YouTube - pipes of peace - paul mccartney[/ame]
                              Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                                I hate Christmas

                                Very nice, CaptJ.

