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Guess what happened this year???

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    Guess what happened this year???

    I had alot of firsts this Christmas....I hung in with the Topa and got through the "extreme fatigues" A little concerned about the next increase but will not dwell on it and take it as it comes. Would never do that before...always had the "what if thing going on". Next...ok..I will shorten my list...ordered the book from site,the vitamins and got back in the gym. Now...for the BIGGIE..Not that I did not have some wine,but for the first time in years I did not get falling down drunk,stupid,pass out and ruin christmas. I actualy was able to be moderate and my hubby is "so proud of me" :h I am proud of me too :H

    __________________________________________________ ______________________

    Whenever you see darkness, there is extraordinary opportunity for the light to burn brighter

    Guess what happened this year???

    Wow!! I am so proud of you, too.

    Great on you for doing what it takes. I know it is difficult but it is so worth it.

    Hugs. :l :l

    AF April 9, 2016


      Guess what happened this year???

      Congratulations! Great feeling, huh?? Keep up the good work.

      Unfortunately, I developed eye problems that I think could only have come from the topa. It was a great drug when I used it along with a change in the thought process.


        Guess what happened this year???

        WOW..... You should be really proud of yourself, Well Done .........

        BB xx


          Guess what happened this year???

          That is great choklyteyes. You must feel great this morning!!!
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            Guess what happened this year???

            Great job! Keep up the good work!


              Guess what happened this year???

              Yay! Double Yay! It's a Yay Parade!

              * * I love Determinator * *


                Guess what happened this year???

                It is a wonderful feeling! I know I have alot more work but with all this great support and encouragement from u guys (and a loving hubby)...I know I can do it! So thankful for this site and all of you . :l :l and more :l


                  Guess what happened this year???

                  :goodjob: Chokly! It does feel great to be able to enjoy a holiday & not feel like your in "solitary confinement" @ the same time...doesn't it?

                  I enjoyed a couple of beers on Christmas Day, and didn't get drunk; but also didn't feel like I was "the odd one out", like I have in the past.

                  Glad you had a nice holiday.:l

                  Those loving Hubby's are nice to have around once in a while...LOL
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

