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still trying to gather info...
still trying to gather info...
hi everyone...i am still trying to gather information on the lenair center as i am going soon...i would love any info good or bad...personal experience or what you have heard...i have read all previous posts....thanks so much...just feel i need to do this...i am really struggling....buckleTags: None
still trying to gather info...
I am still struggling, too.
Please post your response -- negative or positive -- to the experience.
I would pay LOTS of money to be AF.
I also pray your visit will make you AF. I am not kidding, Buckle. You and I lead a hard life. If you can beat it, so can I. Let me know how it works....
CindiAF April 9, 2016
still trying to gather info...
Hi Buckle,
I have only read what you have read here. I have read everything on the Lenair website. I do know that bootcampbarbie has posted that she is going to Lenair on Jan. 2.........can't wait for her feedback!! Oh! yeah! We know Bootsie will have great details of her experience to share with all of us!!
For whatever reasons, some paths to sobriety work for some and not for others? I feel the same as both you and cindi, I would be willing to try almost anything to achieve a completely AF life for the rest of my life........really!
Best Wishes for your success!
KateHA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
still trying to gather info...
yes me too...and i have been in contact with mycatsmom who went over 3 months ago and has not had a drink since or any cravings...i am amazed and soooooo hopeful....but very skeptical....bootsie did pm me back that she was still going...but why cant i find more people...weird...i am looking all over the web for people....will let you know...and anyones experiences would be sooooo helpful and appreciated....the struggle this holiday season has been my worst yet...i am dying inside.....the guilt and shame are unbearable.... blessings...buckle
still trying to gather info...
you know both caroline myss talk about her as do northrup which are incredibly reputable people. my experience especially if someone went for alcohol abuse is that they aren't anxious to put their name out for reference calls and emails. lmao i know i wouldn't...... talk to her hubby and ask for more names. it works for 96% and is the group i'm going to be in. of course, i will do my part as well which is not run out and tempt fate. i'm off of topa in full now briefly having titrated down from 200 mg to get set up for going. i want to have them feel the weight of my everything. i think you understand that.
so i'm nervous but she is medical intuit as well and i have all these health issue apparently to so i'm anxious to work with her on all of it. and this will work...........
the topamax was a godsend and then some. so i know this is going to be amazing as well
good luck buck. i will share i promise when i come back. well provided nothing happens to make me not be able to go next week. but even if i have surgeries they can wait til after i see her. i need the alcohol thing done complete and over.:welcome:
still trying to gather info...
Buckle, like Bootsie said, many people may not want to advertise they have a drinking problem. I think the money is an issue as well. While it is more than worth it in the long run, it is quite expensive. Good luck to you and Bootsie and I can't wait to hear about your experiencesMarcie
still trying to gather info...
thanks for all the replies!...bootsie who are the 2 Drs you wrote of and where can i find out more about their connection to Lenair? I would love to know...i am so hopeful to hear of your visit and thanks again! Any more experiences are welcome and appreciated!!!! Blessings, Buckle
still trying to gather info...
Dr. Christian Northrop is a world renowned OBGYN who has written several best selling books on health as it relates to emotions, diet, exercies ect. I have such great respect for her as do many, many others. You can find out more by going to
KateHA Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella
AF 12/6/2007
still trying to gather info...
thanks so much...i still cant find the DRs testimonial regarding if you know where that is that would really help...i searched her site with no luck...i am getting excited and found another person who went on daily strength (another site where i am acitive) and it worked for her over 2 years I am still gathering info...please share any info good or bad...Thanks again..and blessings...buckle
still trying to gather info...
Hello all -- I was planning to go to Lenair as well, and even had some conversations with Barry Lenair, Rhonda's husband and business manager. But I felt a bit strange about the whole thing ... kind of got a weird vibe from him. Like, although she may actually have some abilities, he's just in it to make as much $ as possible. They state on their site, for instance, that they can provide some assistance to those unable to afford it, and, as such, have a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status. But when I asked Barry about this he said there are no funds available. Meanwhile they're charging more than $3,000 for a treatment (which takes maybe a few hours max) and don't pay taxes?
Also, I was able to track down a couple of the more credible folks who had provided testimonials to see whether they were bona fide. (I'm a former newspaper reporter, now in marketing, and know how people can spin stuff ...)
Long story short, both people responded and said Lenair's results were spotty. (As one of them put it, "buyer beware.") My impression is that while this may work for some, it doesn't work for everyone.
I hope this helps ...