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I found an easy way to quit!!!

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    I found an easy way to quit!!!

    Hey All...

    it has been a few months since I have been on the site. Was really struggling with trying to moderate and quit. I had been successful both moderating and quitting off and on for the past two years, but only for short periods of time and then I would wind up going back to my old habits of drinking every evening and overindulging. I was on a binge for a few months with no breaks and felt like hell. So, I made a plan to go away from home for three weeks to my moms to quit for good (and to get away from the usual triggers at home) and came across a book called "The Easy Way to Quit Drinking" by Allen Carr. I read it just before I left home and quit with ease even before leaving. I even went to Reno for two days (usually party city for me with free, unlimited alcohol) with my husband on day 7 and had no desire to drink at all. I am not only alcohol free, but more importantly, I am free from alcohol. No cravings, no desires!!! It has been 12 days now and I have never been able to go more than 6, and I always felt cravings and wound up drinking again. NO MORE! When I think about taking a drink...I feel repulsed.

    I would encourage everyone on the MWO program to read this is life changing and exposes the truth about alcohol addiction. May it ease your struggles as it has mine. Blessings to all of you who are on this path - never, ever give up on yourself and you will be free...maybe sooner than you think.

    Love & Light - GG

    I found an easy way to quit!!!

    I also read that book, it makes a lot of is what I tell myself whenever I feel like drinking. Alcohol is really just a foul tasting "poison" that is marketed to us in such a way as to make us think we want to drink it.
    I may read the book again..............
    AF since 7/5/2009


      I found an easy way to quit!!!

      It was one of the many tools I used to stop over a year ago - my view has always been - do whatever it takes...
      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        I found an easy way to quit!!!

        Thanks for the reminder! I need to read it perpetually.


          I found an easy way to quit!!!

          Is it a method based largely on nutritional supplements, or what?

          Congratulations on your success Green Goddess!!
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


            I found an easy way to quit!!!

            Congratulations on your success. Sadly his book did nothing for me and I felt I was being talked down to. His writing style left me cold, but I am glad it worked for you. Keep us posted on your continued success.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              I found an easy way to quit!!!

              I really think it is a good book,it helps us understand why we worked so hard to have a problem with AL. I think it is a must read too (will give you alot of things to teach our kids about the trap of AL and other drugs and how we get sold on them.


                I found an easy way to quit!!!


                I read Allen Carr's "Easyway to control alcohol" last year and I managed 35 days AF. I did try to read it again when I failed to moderate after, but now the book seems to have lost part of it's glory for me unfortunately.

                I think maybe it has something to with the fact that I'm scared of thinking I will never be able to drink again.

