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how long and how much do/did you drink...

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    how long and how much do/did you drink...

    i am sure there is a post already but i couldnt find it.

    age 26

    drank more when i was 23

    now about 3-5 drinks an night 3 days a week.
    the problem is sometimes i binge out and want to cut out drinking completly. I really dont crave drinking, its kind of a bored thing if you can understand that. Like me and my buddies dont have anything to do so go get a drink.

    started drinking at 23 drank alot. slowed down at 24 so. thats about it.

    how long and how much do/did you drink...

    and I commend you for recognizing a problem at such an early age, and one most would shrug off at typical for the twenties. I started drinking at age 26, so it never occured to me I had a problem, as it was just a glass or two of wine for the first five or six years. I just wish I knew then what I know now. But with each new arrow life slung at me, it got worse. Many here are realizing in their thirties and later that they have a problem.

    I think you can get this thing licked if you will grab some supplements, and really pour your heart into it. Change some habits early on, and you will be ten years ahead of most here! (according to the statistic chart of members)....

    I wish you all the best, and think you will do wonderful.
    If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


      how long and how much do/did you drink...

      I agree with Prest. The basic rule of thumb is if you think you have a problem, you do have a problem.

      When I finally succeeded in getting sober for good I was drinking 1-2 bottles of red wine a night, 7 nights a week....but like everyone else, it snuck up on me and those drinking habits took years to form into habit and then dependance.

      I was a very heavy drinker in my late teens, as was everyone, but was lucky to have married a man that didn't drink, otherwise I'd probably be dead by now - that didn't stop me sinking into the pit after we divorced however!

      These days I have learnt to stay sober by myself. And damn, it's a great life!
      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        how long and how much do/did you drink...

        Flip;246320 wrote: I agree with Prest. The basic rule of thumb is if you think you have a problem, you do have a problem.

        When I finally succeeded in getting sober for good I was drinking 1-2 bottles of red wine a night, 7 nights a week....but like everyone else, it snuck up on me and those drinking habits took years to form into habit and then dependance.

        I was a very heavy drinker in my late teens, as was everyone, but was lucky to have married a man that didn't drink, otherwise I'd probably be dead by now - that didn't stop me sinking into the pit after we divorced however!

        These days I have learnt to stay sober by myself. And damn, it's a great life!
        so how long did you drink for? and another thing. I dont really have cravings to drink. Its mostly out of boredom. Its like, whats going on tonight? nothing wanna go to a bar? ya sure. and its not every night.


          how long and how much do/did you drink...

          Ok, the first time I was drinking heavily was from aged 15 - 22. Sober for approx 13 years and then started drinking again - not much at first - say 2 times a week, and only until I got a little drunk - with the occassional binge. But the past 7-8 years I was drinking heavily and increasingly often. That's what it does. You don't think you have a problem, until one day it is. The addiction can take you by surprise. I didn't realise I was addicted until I couldn't go a day without a drink. THat was such a shock!

          I ahve filled my life with other, more exciting things now, riding a motorcycle, joined a bike group, found new friends and got involved as the editor of the newsletter - all keeps me very busy and having fun. I don't miss the grog now at all. It would stop me having a good time.
          It always seems impossible until it's done....


            how long and how much do/did you drink...

            My view is, and always will be, if you think you have a problem, you do.

            Why else would you be thinking about it? Are you trying to find out that you don't have a problem? Are you looking for justification to continue the way you are now because it's "ok"?

            What would you rather be doing than drinking at the bar?
            It always seems impossible until it's done....


              how long and how much do/did you drink...

              Flip;246337 wrote: My view is, and always will be, if you think you have a problem, you do.

              Why else would you be thinking about it? Are you trying to find out that you don't have a problem? Are you looking for justification to continue the way you are now because it's "ok"?

              What would you rather be doing than drinking at the bar?
              i see it becoming a problem. Thats why i am just going to cut it now. that and smoking cigs. i was a big time marijuana smoker. Not like a burnout but smoked almost every day. I havent touched that stuff in over 5 months. I just want to cut out everything bad.


                how long and how much do/did you drink...

                It's fairly normal for a mature person to 'grow' out of these bad habits (please don't think I'm being condecending!). I'm sure you know of older people (woman as well as men) who just never stop behaving like a teenager and then wake up alone and sick in their 50's going -"what happened?" They are the ones who will have a go at you for not going to the pub with them everynight, but you have realised that it just isn't fun any more - that there are better things in life to be done and experienced. So, congratulations!!! You are a champion!!

                Have you thought about what you are going to replace the pub/friends with? Planning a big trip? A partner? A new skill/eduaction?
                It always seems impossible until it's done....


                  how long and how much do/did you drink...

                  Before I stopped drinking I was drinking a quart of vodka a day plus. I drank all the time day and night. The last time I drank I drank two and one half quarts of vodka and 5 liters of wine in just a few hours.
                  It almost killed me.
                  I had the first drink I remember when I was 5. I loved being drunk. I drank every chance I got until my teens when I could finally get alcohol whenever I wanted it. At that point, I drank a lot like you are drinking. I don't really know when it happened but, at some point, I changed and had to have a drunk every day. It wasn't long after that that I could not stop drinking as long as there was drink available. I was screwed at this point. I didn't want to drink but I drank anyway. I could not stop. I wish so much that I could drink like other drinkers; but I can not. Alcohol it poison to me. Quit now while you are young enough to still enjoy your health. Save yourself a lot of pain. I was literally living in the hell of my addiction and could not get out.

                  I once saw this sign and I believe it is true.
                  Not drinking will not open up the gates of Heaven and let you in, but it will open up the gates of Hell and let you out.
                  God Bless

                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    how long and how much do/did you drink...

                    MDBiker;246353 wrote: Before I stopped drinking I was drinking a quart of vodka a day plus. I drank all the time day and night. The last time I drank I drank two and one half quarts of vodka and 5 liters of wine in just a few hours.
                    It almost killed me.
                    I had the first drink I remember when I was 5. I loved being drunk. I drank every chance I got until my teens when I could finally get alcohol whenever I wanted it. At that point, I drank a lot like you are drinking. I don't really know when it happened but, at some point, I changed and had to have a drunk every day. It wasn't long after that that I could not stop drinking as long as there was drink available. I was screwed at this point. I didn't want to drink but I drank anyway. I could not stop
                    . I wish so much that I could drink like other drinkers; but I can not. Alcohol it poison to me. Quit now while you are young enough to still enjoy your health. Save yourself a lot of pain. I was literally living in the hell of my addiction and could not get out.

                    I once saw this sign and I believe it is true.

                    God Bless

                    isnt a quart like 20 shots? thank would be 50 shots. damn. and wine


                      how long and how much do/did you drink...

                      Yep, some of us are/WERE serious drinkers here boyo! lol
                      It always seems impossible until it's done....


                        how long and how much do/did you drink...

                        I'm a 125 pound woman (or was until my body decided to tell me I was drinking too much) and I would down a case and a half of beer in a day and a half. On the week nights when I knew I would have to get up early in the morning, I would drink 8-12 beers a night. So I was drinking 3-4 cases a week. This kind of drinking started last summer. He just kept building and building. I was like you at your age (I am 35 now) where I would go out with my friends and have a good time. But then we get older. People marry and have kids. The going out becomes less. So what happens? You find yourself bored at home. So what do you do. Drink at home alone. You need to find things that you like to do. Even if your friends don't want to join you; there are so many new friends out there waiting for you to meet.
                        Goal 1: Today
                        Goal 2: Tomorrow


                          how long and how much do/did you drink...

                          i just never thought having that much was humanly possible. i think 10 is where i would be going sleepy :new:


                            how long and how much do/did you drink...

                            Trust me Trail, if you continue to drink at the pub most nights, eventually you too will be able to drink that much, and then look for more. The human body is amazing.
                            It always seems impossible until it's done....


                              how long and how much do/did you drink...

                              Which is why alcoholism is called progressive, Trail.

                              It simply does not EVER get better but only worse. Boy do I know that one well!!

                              AF April 9, 2016

