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A Christmas Story.....HA!!

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    A Christmas Story.....HA!!

    I guess a few like myself have had a great story to tell...........I felt like I was flying on air and nothing would touch me. I believed the angels had touched me and let me "just for that once" have a drink and it would all be forgotten about the next day and I was able to carry on with mt actions the next day.................GUESS WHAT THEY WERE WRONG!!!

    I have never ever been so misconceived about my thoughts and thinking that it was OK just to have one.....or a few glasses of champagne.. surely Champagne aint gonna hurt me its just fizzy 'piss' water in my eyes...........................................

    How could I have been so wrong??? Everything went so well with family etc I moderated etc.....I got home though and felt like I had to be the biggest single most important thing on the planet...........I was GOD and whatever I said went.....I'm probably coming to meet people I don't even now I guess and all because of one can of tennents super and too much champagne.

    I had a great conversation with someone and I will never forget that experience in any way shape or form!!!! But what rings home with me right know is that conversation 'at the end of the day' could of been me crying out for help. Thankfully it wasn't but we have the new year coming up now and again I have to be vigilant not to react the same way I did at Xmas. I'm expecting family to be out at parties this year so I will have the honour of letting the New Year in for my Mum this year and I just hope that everyone else is thinking more towards the future than having that one night of drunken madness. It aint worth it an I can tell you now I will be ringing my friend and wishing the best year upon her as I think she needs it right now..

    Star I hope your cousin pulls through and gives us all the best New Year we have ever had
    Love Hippiexx
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    A Christmas Story.....HA!!

    Stay strong and committed Hippie, you've already come a long way...
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      A Christmas Story.....HA!!

      Hippie, I love you. But I have to echo the sentiments of tkeene. If you were on antabuse, as you have said, how did this happen?

      Whatever, it doesn't matter so much as that you recognise this as a tiny little slip-- it means nothing.

      And you know we are all here for you.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        A Christmas Story.....HA!!

        Hippie, very sorry to hear about your Xmas. Since I joined the site I have read your posts. Reading about what you have gone through with the rehab, the bicycle incident, and many other posts has been immensely helpful to me. The thing that I need to recognize is what you mention here, that I can't have that one drink. Please take care of yourself. I love the new avatar. Very peaceful and hopeful.


          A Christmas Story.....HA!!

          Hippie, just look how you have come overall, the last has seen you overcome immense hurdles, and you DID IT, just because you drank on christmas eve does not make you a bad person .......

          Have a Happy Sober New Year,

          Love & Hugs, BB xx

