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Day One
Day One
I am in for an AF day!! Right with you.
However, Tired, if you have been drinking a lot, and I mean a lot, you might want to go to a doctor and get some meds to help you through the withdrawals.
I say this carefully, because many make it through fine without them. But, if you don't and have a seizure, it would be bad.
There is a link on this site that can give you some direction on this.
Also, I say this carefully because I do not want you to use this as an excuse to keep on drinking. Okay?
The sooner you start going AF, the sooner you are going to be HappyinHollister!!
Keep us posted during the day about how you are doing.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
Day One
Well done Tiredinholister,
This time last year on new years eve I had the terrible shakes because it was the day after a really huge bender and I really really really wanted a drink, instead I kept checking in on here and did a pile of ironing, I was shaking, sweating, heaving, and craving .......but it did pass (without a drink) ....
I promise that if you get through you will feel so proud of yourself .....
I'm sat here this year happy with a coffee, you can do this I promise ......
Love & Hugs, BB xxsigpicXXX
Day One
Good on you all! I'm with you (as usual, I say that and mean it, but... we'll see what the evening brings.)
As Cindi mentioned, though, if you have been a heavy drinker for a long time, you need to be careful. I have experienced a seizure when I innocently thought "I'm done with this." I threw out all the alcohol in the house. I lived through a couple days of the shakes. I thought all was well. And BANG. Yes, and while I was driving on a super highway. I am lucky to be alive.
The message is simple: be careful.
And please keep us informed about how you are.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Day One
laura anne;247567 wrote: I'm in for an AF new year's eve. Had too much to drink last night -- drank the whole bottle instead of half. Woops. There will be no drinking for me tonight. Here's to making a fresh start.
Good luck to you all who are going to celebrate the entrance of '08 without blowing an '08. LOL!
Day One
Shikakai;247689 wrote: I'm still debating whether or not to drink, even after last night. At least I won't be on the road if I do.
Good luck to you all who are going to celebrate the entrance of '08 without blowing an '08. LOL!
I'll be with you on Wednesday, January 2nd and thereafter. May we all find an "S" upon our chests:bigwink:
Day One
Yea, I'm pretty sure I'm going to do the damn thing tonight, but that's IT! I mean! New year, new me... alcohol is no longer my friend and it's too bad it took a near fatal car crash and several thoughts of attempting suicide to figure that out.
Hang with us, Diamond. Like someone told you, at least you're hopeful. That's all any of us really have.
You all have a nice day. I'll check in before I skip off to mom's house. She wants me to bring champagne, but I can't pick it up if I take the subway to her house. I'm not driving out there because I'm pretty sure I'm going to San Francisco and we know what that means: CHECK POINT!
Day One
Please, whatever you do, do not drink and drive! Please hon, do anything but that! OMG you've got me worried and I'm not even sober yet! Lean on me..if you're not strong and I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on! Just please do me the one small favor of not driving while under the influence OK? Mom can get her own champagne, I can't find another you. Get it?
Oh, by the by, I took a shot at my own head last August and missed, how? don't really know but there's a bullet hole in the closet door and a bullet in my 'personal' stuff to prove it. Don't give a go again k? I will be your rock if you let me, and I'll let you be mine:agreed:
Day One
Thank you, Diamond. Don't worry, I'm not drinking and driving. THAT'S THE LEAST I CAN DO!
I've decided to drive to mom's place; drop off her champagne and get back home before the drinking starts.
The train station is right across the street, so I won't have to worry about transportation from San Francisco. It runs all night so I can stay out until 5am if I want.
So you shot at yourself? That is so scary. If you feel up to it, can you expound more about your arrest. I don't know what's more frightening. Attempting suicide and FAILING or the police!