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New Years Resolutions

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    New Years Resolutions

    New Year?s Resolutions
    Each year I resolve with the strongest intent
    To be better this year than the last.
    And I work very hard; the rules hardly get bent,
    But this discipline gets old so fast!
    But with this new year I just know I?ll win out,
    Just watch how I do and you?ll see!
    I?m not going to have yet another blowout;
    I?ll be good as I know I can be.
    But, if wicked things beckon, and I?m not so strong,
    If I weaken and fall on my ass,
    I?ll be thankful again that you?ll help me along
    As you have during all new years past.
    I?m so grateful that you?re all my friends! Happy New Year!

    New Years Resolutions

    Great poem Boopster !!
    I never make resolutions, although I just know in my bones that 2008 is gonna be an awesome year !!! Happy New Year !!! xxx

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      New Years Resolutions

      Great poem.

      I, too, don't believe in New Years Resolutions. In the past, I have set impossible goals for myself and could never follow through. Sometimes, it is all I can do to resolve to get throught the day let alone the year.


        New Years Resolutions

        The one thing I am totally sure of is that this year will be better than the last..........finding this site and the people in it makes it so.

        Happy New Year


          New Years Resolutions

          Well I can say without a doubt the past 2 years being here, have been the best I have have had in at least a decade.

          I'm sure it's been so much better for those close to me too
          So thankful I'm not the cause of so much worry & concern these days...

          Here's to a healthier, stronger, more compassionate New Year!:h
          In every way.
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            New Years Resolutions

            I need time spend less time on here talking with all you ratbags*. I love you all dearly. Thank you for letting me into your lives.

            *ratbag = term of endearment.


              New Years Resolutions

              ditto to what froggie said

              Only instead of ratbags I'll say knucklefaces
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                New Years Resolutions

                ratbags, knucklefaces, you are all great. And Boop, thanks for the poem. Happy New Year all.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  New Years Resolutions

                  Loved the poem Betty Boop !

                  No New Year's Resolution for me either, just ODAT. I plan on racking up as many AF days as I can. :happy:

                  Happy New Year To All !
                  Miss October :blinkylove:


                    New Years Resolutions

                    Happy New Year. Betty, thanks for the poem and to all my friends who have supported me and cared for me. I wish you all peace and happiness for '08.

                    Spent New Year's alone, but it was fine and fell asleep before midnight.
                    Enlightened by MWO

