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2008.... I havent had a drink this year!!!

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    2008.... I havent had a drink this year!!!

    Hi, I just wanted to check in to happily report that I'm still AF in 2008; It'll be 4 weeks ago tomorrow when I had my last drink. I'm really excited about getting so close to 30 days AF. I've been doing really well on the Campral, but I did have some pretty strong thoughts about picking up a six pack yesterday...but I didn't. It feels good to have successfully work through an urge like that, many times in the past I would have given in so easily.


      2008.... I havent had a drink this year!!!

      Aloha All, just like you, Anthony66, today was a struggle with the thoughts. Had a not great day at work, looked around my classroom and realized that I have absolutely no control over my students, I am just so sick of their behaviors. I don't want to go to work and get angry and frustrated but I do. They do not understand what school rules are like no cell phones in class, no gum chewing, no food in class (these kids are constant snackers) sit in assigned seat, stop talking, stop talking, stop talking when I need their attention, yelling out, damaging supplies, drawing nasty pictures, swearing (they don't even realize the f-word is a swear work it is used so much)...and on and on. Anyway, I had a little head ache at the end of school today and just kept thinking I need a drink, I want a drink. But I didn't. Day 28 AF for me. I sure missed my old friend today.


        2008.... I havent had a drink this year!!!

        Hulagirl--I'm so happy for you. I know it wasn't easy, but you made the right decision not to drink. Good luck with your ill-mannered students, I wish I could lend some advice but I don't have kids and would probably lose patience quickly with rude kids, but hang in there!


          2008.... I havent had a drink this year!!!

          Well, day 32 for me! I thought for quite a while that I was going to celebrate my 30 days AF by having a drink but I was too busy, forgot and now here I am. Still sober. We'll see how it goes next Friday. We have tickets to a jazz concert at church. There will be wine or champagne there (why do you think I choose this church?!) and I am so looking forward to having a drink. What is wrong with me?


            2008.... I havent had a drink this year!!!

            starting again

            I thought i reopen this thread... it has help me....4days there anyone else out there...

            P.s maxs you can do this again.

            family is everything to me

