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    So much for my hugely positive attitude for 2008.
    I thought I could moderate and have 1 drink, ha ha ha
    I lost count of how many I had last night, went out, don't remember even having tea.
    My hubby is not talking to me only to tell me that I am a ....... idiot!!!! and what a great way to start the new year and how I can not do anything that I say I am going to do.
    I slept in the spare bed, he locked me out of the bedroom. Don't remember what happened.
    So it looks like I am going to have to make the biggest effort of my life to stick to what I say I am going to do and that is be Alcohol Free.
    I also spent a heap of money playing pokies (which is what I do when I drink).
    Wow what a mess!!!
    Feel like shit this morning and now have to go to work. My own fault.
    Have a good day all.


    Sorry Debruce ... just try again .. I'll be there trying with you! They say it takes many of us at least several tries ..
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



      Hey debruce. Sorry to hear you didn't fare as well as you had hoped.
      I for one only ever fight with my husband when I drink. What an awful feeling the next day especially when I can't remember. I hope you two can smooth things over and you can get back on track! Good luck...I look forward to moving on to day three tomorrow....I could use the company!
      Striving to live life without ALCOHOL



        Do not give up on you! If we fall 10 times try 11...
        Control the Mind



          Debruce, sorry to hear you didn't do as well as expected.... Don't you feel bad about last night, that's the past, it happened, try and put it behind you... Be positive and strong, and go forward.... Show your husband you can do it... Most of all show yourself you can do it!!
          TIGGER1 :l

          Formerly Mr Boop



            Hi debruce,
            This incident need not spell disaster for you. It`s only a true disaster if you allow it to be so by continuing to drink. The choice is yours alone. You have the power.

            Wishing you love and strength,

            Starlight Impress x



              Thank you all for your encouragement.
              I am not going to let it be the undoing of me. I will carry on and I will beat this hideous disease!!!!
              At work now and still have a headache!!! Guess that is my punishment.



                Chin up my dear, you are useful; you are working!!!!! Things can always be worse, better luck this weekend : )


                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson



                  Debruce, hi.... How are you doing today???
                  TIGGER1 :l

                  Formerly Mr Boop



                    I am doing ok today. Very tired, but didn't drink yesterday (too sick!!!) even if I had wanted to. Have a new determination in me to beat this rotten disease. I know that I can not drink, not even 1. Will be AF today. Hubby and I ok.
                    Thanks for the thoughts



                      Hi Debruce:

                      I can totally relate to your situation and take the advice from everyone to TRY not to make yourself feel bad about it. I know it's easier said then done, I too, had a out control drinking binge and decided today would be AF Day 1 for me and I need to really, really, seek help about this, otherwise I will lose everything. My past experience in my drinking has done nothing but cause me problems after problems. I can't drink and I don't know if I will ever be able to drink moderately and don't even want to think about it.

                      I will love to join you in your AF Day count, we can do this

                      Big hugs,
                      Janet :h be
                      AF Since May 2nd 2012



                        :goodjob: ..... Well done. Keep it up!!!
                        TIGGER1 :l

                        Formerly Mr Boop



                          Planet Janet,
                          We can do this together. It is hard, so much harder than I thought it would ever be. One minute you are cruising along, the next, you are in a heap!!!!
                          Day 2 for me today and I will beat this!!!
                          Good luck to you too.



                            Today is Day 2 for me also. I can totally relate to your post. We can do this. My poor husband I know I have put him through alot



                              Debruce, day 2, a really big well done.... keep it up!!! Stay strong!!
                              TIGGER1 :l

                              Formerly Mr Boop

