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A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

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    A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

    Just wanted to get another feel good thread underway.

    Id like this to be an opportunity for you all to give heart felt thanks to the people who have really helped you all on your journeys. Just another way to help us all feel good.

    I probably have to many to mention and some are not here anymore but still id like to thank my darling Kathy (young at heart), Sujul, St Jude, the wonderfull nancy, Jenna, D+D, Mr and Mrs Macks, The lovely Cashy, Acct for me, Mike up north, Neil, the gorgeous memory is so bad that i cant possibly go through everyone!!

    But thank you all and everyone i have not mentioned for being here for me

    I love you all and please keep this thread going....with thanks and loves to those who have kept you going.

    Loves as always

    Lou-Lou x x x
    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

    A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

    I want to thank everyone here. I have never had so many sober days as I have had since I found this site. I have learned from each and every one of you.


      A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

      good idea Lou: yes, I have found SO much inspiration from people on this site and that says a lot, i am a bit of a cynic at times
      And I am so awed by the longtime members who have their lives under control but who keep reading posts by newbies, etc., and still take so much time to respond and help. you guys are amazing!!!!!
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

        Just a little bump before i head off to bed...its already way past my bed time so i think you guys should be privaliged that i stay up so late jus to be with you!!
        Nighty night all.....and please dont forget the purpose of this thread...everyone likes a little thank you now and then!

        Love you all millions...goodnight and sweet dreams to all

        Lou-Lou x x x x
        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


          A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

          Huge thanks to RJ for creating this wonderful place for us ALL:h :l
          You're still the bestest!

          And to EVERYBODY ... it does take ALL of us. And what a wonderful thing that is...

          Sweet dreams Lou Lou. So good to see ya back.
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

            I have only been here a week and have received amazing support from so many I can't think of all the names. (Sorry). But one in particular was Reenie. My day 3 was so horrible and their post got me through (have been AF for 7 days).

            I do want to thank everybody who even takes the time to post. Giving a gift of yourself and your time is the greatest gift that can ever be received.

            You are all awesome. You have changed my life. It's appreciated beyond words.

            :h , Me
            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


              A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

              I had a perfectly horrible rough patch this afternoon, and a few posts got me through it...Rocky was first, there were others...all helpful..all supportive...12many...bootcampbarbie...i know there are more...Kpuk...Finding My Self...this is only day two so i am sorry names aren't sticking yet...some as new as myself...i thank you all, who are helping directly, and even if you don't know it, indirectly. I had a high anxiety day...baaaaaaad...if not for this site, i would be back to day one tomorrow instead of day three, and for that, for all of you, i am THANKFUL!
              *weepy smile*
              sheesh, i am an emotional baby today LOL
              love, and on to day three tomorrow, thanks to you ALL
              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

                I feel so grateful to be here.
                still growing,
                still meeting,
                still greeting,
                still learning.

                And loving the road I am on; its scary, but worth it.

                I thank every one of you that I have met since I have joined.

                I remember first meeting Judie and Happycamper when I first joined... what a hoot! The list grew, but all in all, it is all of you. Every single one of you.

                If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                  A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

                  It's truly a miracle I found you all. Never to suffer alone again and to look to a brighter future. That's what finding MWO is giving me - I'm only new but feel like I have been here forever. Thanks to all of you for replying to my posts and for the inspiration all of your threads give me. You are all fantastic.:thanks:


                    A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

                    Lou - a lovely idea! As in, a special thank you thread....yes, we all benefit from both the giving and receiving of gratitude!

                    RJ......a huge thanks. For the determination and energy to push this through....there must be millions of blogs/forums out there on every conceivable subject, but I can't believe there could be as much love and empathy than here....such an emotive 'subject' and yet such warmth and open-ness. Wow! I believe this is the home of eventually sober bods where people don't have to get stuck in the 'dry-drunk' zone; they can move through (even if slowly!) the triggers and emotions behind drinking because of this love and affection.....beautiful.

                    I can think of so many names.... But I've deleted.....sorry. Lou, it's not you; this is a great thread. But I'm leaving in RJ!

                    Sobering up has changed my life.... of course it has, but it has been the loving acceptance by so many of 'me' that has allowed real change. Change that means I don't need so many of my old crutches.....drink being one of them. 38 years counselling didn't get me to where i am now, all you lovely people here did. That's amazing!

                    THANK YOU EVERYONE!

                    Love and hugs, especially to anyone thinking, "But I....." - I'm so sorry to leave you out!
                    And before I bore anyone into an 'enemy' instead....byeeee!
                    FMS xx
                    :heart: c: :heart:
                    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                      A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

                      Great thread.

                      Thank you to all those I have bored to death in chat! To name but a few - Flip, Sweetpea, My Own Woman, Flyboy, Hart, db2fromala, Prest4time.... I could go on but those are the recent ones that spring to mind.

                      Special hugs and thanks to Mike205, Starlight Impress and Pipsqueak - you guys know why.

                      And of course, extra special thanks to RJ who I recently bombarded with messages asking her to delete me from being able to log into this site, then I changed my mind! The poor woman must have thought I was barking mad but I realised I couldn't leave the fabulous support here.



                        A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

                        Please be aware .... whenever we run a thread which requires specific names to be mentioned, we run the risk of alienating people.

                        We've done it before ie: who is the funniest, wittiest, most helpful, favourite, blah blah blah. Somebody will feel left out. This is not good.

                        We exist because we are. All of us. A collective. WE, not any individual, are what make up the WHOLE.

                        And I'm bloody thankful for all the unidentified folk who have enhanced my life and embraced my spirit.


                          A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

                          Well said (as usual) Tawny!

                          I too am thankful for EVERYONE here - you have collectively given me a real life back!

                          For that I am truly grateful!

                          Thank you all!

                          Love :l


                          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                            A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

                            Ditto what Tawny and Satori said!!

                            I love so many here, and I mean truly love them. I also care about everyone here and I mean truly care.

                            It is wonderful to have the MWO family. Some days when things get tough, I remember silly threads and funny comments and it lifts my spirits.

                            Some days, when things are rough, a friend will call me or I will call her and she will talk to me and make me know I am not alone in this struggle at all.


                            AF April 9, 2016


                              A chance for us to thank our friends here at mwo xx

                              Well said and I too am so appreciative of all that are here. Without you who knows where I would be.
                              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

