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Other Addictions?

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    Other Addictions?

    Just Curious as to what is exactly at the root of this. I have friends that pop pills like crazy yet don't drink and I wonder if we (on these boards) have addictive personalities or is it just the alcohol. I have a history of anorexia, but have never been into drugs of any kind (other than alcohol) and believe me they were readily available. I sampled them all and just walked away, no problem. I might be somewhat of a sex addict though....I am faithful to my husband but it could be an addictive thing. I just kind of noticed I'm not like the other husband has also made comments to me about this. So I'm just curious if anyone else has other addictions.

    PS I do not smoke and read that most alcoholics smoke
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson

    Other Addictions?

    I think there is a strong connection between alcoholism and other addictions. I can relate to you with the anorexia, I have had eating dissorders since my teens, came with the territory of doing a lot of sport. I have smoked in the past - mad eh, was going thru a rebellious stage, but quit with relative ease. Never done drugs.. never really came across them thank god, cuz if I had, i think I'd have been in a much worse mess than I am now! So, yes I think an addictive personality definately exists. Oh I think you can quite safely revel in your "other" addiction tho!
    Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


      Other Addictions?

      well, I am scared to death of getting addicted to any kind of pills or medicine. And I have quite a bit readily available. I've been trying to figure this out. I think alcohol has a more immediate effect. And its effects are more predictable. At least that is the conlusion I've come to. My pills take at least an hour to have any effect. That's not what I need. I need immediate gratification. If I am anxious or upset, I need a quick fix. And after many years of drinking, I know more or less what to expect. (maybe that's how you feel about your husband?)
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Other Addictions?



        It is a good thing MyHeart can FEEL that way about her husband.

        You are a card, girl!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          Other Addictions?

          I think that maybe different people - based on genetics, personality or whatever - may have greater tendency to become addicted to one substance over another (when talking drugs vs. alcohol). Of course plenty are addicted to drugs and alcohol.
          I am sure I was addicted to alcohol very early in my drinking career. But then it's what I knew as 'way to be' from my family, and it is deeply imbedded in my genes. In my 20's I did cocaine on and off, and though I enjoyed it, never came close to being an addiction. And a little over a year ago I was on heavy-duty highly addictive narcotic pain releivers for several months, and never got hooked (even though I did sometimes use them just for the high, I never craved them).

          And cigarettes - it's funny. I can go a day, or even a few days, without, if I'm with my daughter and can't get away for a smoke, and it doesn't much bother me. And yet I don't give them up even though I'm so afraid of lung cancer. It doesn't seem to be a physical addiction, at least not to the point as some others are addicted to smoking - but I have continued to smoke anyway.
          (Well, actually, today is day one of smoke free... enough is enough!)
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


            Other Addictions?

            WHO is a card Cindi? And what does that mean?
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Other Addictions?

              For me it started with Bulemia.

              Then cigarettes and then alcohol. I have never been into drugs (nor will try because of the fact I have an addictive personality). Or pills for that matter.

              Now, I am addicted to Nicorette Gum. Go figure. LOL!


                Other Addictions?

                A sex addict with your husband? my opinion there is nothing wrong with you, girl...

                If it works...don't fix it..



                  Other Addictions?

                  Very interesting thread....I can remember way back to being a teen (now 48) and never being interested in drugs. Then a bit later never wanting to take any script drugs for fear of getting hooked. Didnt do any of those things....did not even come from parents or grandparents who were alkys...unless someones done alot of lying (LOL) So I wonder where this habit of 15 yrs comes from???? Guess it really does not matter fo me now...I just know that the INSANITY is coming to an end!


                    Other Addictions?

                    I have been smoking way too much. Thats not me to be this way. .... gotta stop.
                    In reference to some of the posts I do believe eating disorders play a role in alcohol dependency. I used to be on the "wine" diet because I lost weight just living on wine. It worked quicker on an empty tummy. One addiction leads to another.

                    Luv Ripple~



                      Other Addictions?

                      being addicted to sex with your hubby has got to be the best addiction ever.

                      as for me, I must say I am addicted to having a good time and that is why I got out of control with the booze drugs ,taking chances (not gambling) and the bad boyfriends.
                      Now am channeling that energy into something more positive which could also be exciting.
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        Other Addictions?

                        I smoked like crazy too(quit 3 days ago). I also have issues with gambling, but much of that is because I'd do it while I was drinking. Drugs were never an issue. I tried pot twice and that's the extent of my drug use. I was too much of a good girl in school to get into drugs. Scary that alcohol isn't thought of the same way.


                          Other Addictions?


                          YOU QUIT THREE DAYS AGO?? AWESOME!!

                          You GO girl!!!

                          So proud of you. :l

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            Other Addictions?

                            Never liked pot at all, didn't try much else. always just the booze. smoked cigs for a while and never got addicted. weird. Beatle, a card is a humorous person. Is that really just American slang?
                            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                              Other Addictions?

                              Yes Ma'am! I quit. I'd been working up to it and it took me a whole month,but on NYE I told myself to quit being such a pussy and quit already!

