I definitely believe that people are more susceptible to addictions based on a lot of things, mostly genetics. Both of my parents drank and smoked heavily (although based on their methods of quitting each, I have to say only my mother is a true "addict").
My strongest addictions have been routines - maybe OCD, who knows. My morning routine is the same every day - wake up, get my son up, take dogs out and smoke, check e-mail by which time my son is ready for school, take him to school, come home, call husband at work and smoke again, go back to bed. I used to have real strong "routines" with my evenings (not so much since I've been married) - son in bed, start to drink, do crossword puzzles and watch movies, always pausing for smoke breaks at the same places. My drinking is completely part of "routine" - at home, cleaning, cooking, etc. When I'm not here, or when there's nothing here to drink, I'm totally fine, don't crave drinking at all.