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Other Addictions?

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    Other Addictions?

    I definitely believe that people are more susceptible to addictions based on a lot of things, mostly genetics. Both of my parents drank and smoked heavily (although based on their methods of quitting each, I have to say only my mother is a true "addict").

    My strongest addictions have been routines - maybe OCD, who knows. My morning routine is the same every day - wake up, get my son up, take dogs out and smoke, check e-mail by which time my son is ready for school, take him to school, come home, call husband at work and smoke again, go back to bed. I used to have real strong "routines" with my evenings (not so much since I've been married) - son in bed, start to drink, do crossword puzzles and watch movies, always pausing for smoke breaks at the same places. My drinking is completely part of "routine" - at home, cleaning, cooking, etc. When I'm not here, or when there's nothing here to drink, I'm totally fine, don't crave drinking at all.


      Other Addictions?

      Good observation mn,

      I guess I should have mentioned I have OCD. OCD can make quitting drinking harder because it is our bad habit, our routine. Maybe sometimes things are just a bad habit? I have a friend that has OCD and a drinking problem as well.
      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        Other Addictions?

        beatle;249227 wrote: And after many years of drinking, I know more or less what to expect. (maybe that's how you feel about your husband?)
        I do know one of the things I like about alcohol is I know exactly how I am going to feel drink for drink. Back in the 70's when everyone was "smoking" geez ya never knew if you were going to be happy & mellow or unable to walk! I did NOT like that lack of control over myself.

        As far as my husband goes I don't think it's the same. It's not an "I know what to expect thing". It's more like "this is BORING, let's spice things up". I also know I drink partly because I find life boring...not sure what that's about. Both of my kids have ADD so I'm sure I've got some of that.
        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
        - George Jackson

