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    Just after a bit of I don't know what.....sorry!

    I am sitting here typing with adrenaline pouring through my fingers so it's hard to type....just WHY do 'they' do it?

    The radio news has just had a topic on it, "Britain is in the grip of a vomiting bug that is spreading across the country." I can't expect them to not say it just because I am an 'emetophobic' (irrational fear of vomiting - 5th most common phobia) and no one likes if for Dog's sake....but is it really news?!?

    The guy comes on and says, "It's not serious but just a naughty little virus (oh, how sweet!) that somes on very suddenly (I know; I had it 4 years ago and it hits in 10 minutes flat. Ugh.) causing instant projectile vomiting but only lasts about 12 to 24 hours."

    Thing is, tell me a winter (or even a time) where this hasn't happened for donkey's years? There's always a 'bug going round' somewhere isnt there? Is it me? (i.e. I don't have to catch every one...?)

    Damn it, even though I can now write/type the very words above (couldn't have written the 'v' word at all 10 years ago! Honestly!) I am now wobbly with nerves and know I must 'work hard' to even go into town at all. And know that every time my kids go out they could be bringing it back......aaaagh! DAMN!

    Anyone else out there like me? It would be comforting to know I am not the only (I struggle not to type 'idiot') person out here like this? If it's the 5th most common I haven't met many 'as bad as me' (duh!) in that, despite no-one liking it (duh again!), most do cope and don't let it take over their life.

    It was THE main trigger for drinking you see.....port and brandies to settle my terrified-into-feeling-queasy tummy and to 'kill-the-bugs' I have posted before
    things get too hairy in the hope....... I am not sure what for but you guys are just so wonderful....just to 'share' my fears helps so much... I have no intention of a P&B (haven't got any) but just feel so little and scared and tearful inside.... I've never got to the bottom of this even in 30 years of counselling/hynotherapy/ name it! Damn AND blast!

    Thanks for listening - if you've got this far!

    Here's to health!! BIG time!

    Love FMS xx you think the lithium orotate spray would help, anyone? And how long it would take to get from the US?
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


    Well - Happy New Year Selfie!

    OK - You know the drill by now surely.................

    Sit down, relax (as much as possible) breathe and recognise that the thoughts that you have allowed yourself to become wrapped up in are the problem.

    These ephemeral, fleeting, firings of neurons can NOT hurt you.

    See them, see them for what they are, and that they are unhelpful and just let them go.

    Replace them with positive ones - go out and feel the fresh cold (snowy?) air on your face and remember how wonderful it is to have the privelage of that experience!

    You will feel better in no time.

    Also remember that stopping drinking greatly improves the efficiency of your immune system!

    Love and huggy things :l :l


    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



      Morning Little Miss Finding!:l

      I am sending you a special bug-bashing stick.....just leave it by the front door and dem germs won't DARE come near! :H

      Good words from Satori (as usual!)...and remember that the media folk always say things are 'epidemic' or 'sweeping the country'.....blah rubbish!

      You've got a nice, healthy sober immune system and you'll be fine. You can wash your hands after you've been in public places and before you prepare food etc...that is reasonable....but don't let it get compulsive! Pop some Vit C...I'm never sure if it works but the placebo effect is helpful :H

      Chin up, me l'il janner

      Suze x
      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.




        I completely understand irrational fear so I also understand the nerves and impulses you are feeling right now.

        I am irrationally afraid of wasps and bees. Comes from a time when I stepped in a yellow jacket nest as a little girl and was stung by many. Hurt like a son-of-a-gun!!

        However, when I was dating my hubby a wasp got into the car. We were hurtling down the highway at 75 mph and the thing kept flying around the car in front of my face. I kept telling him to pull over and stop so we could get it out and he kept saying, "at the next exit." Finally my fear took hold so completely that I opened the door and started to jump out!! (Talk about irrational, a wasp sting versus jumping out of a fast moving vehicle)

        Greg grabbed me, calmly slowed down, stopped the car and let me out. He then VALIANTLY opened all the windows until the wasp flew out and away.

        I tell you this because I KNOW the kind of fear you talk of. It makes no sense at all.

        You know as well as I do that a tummy bug, while extremely uncomfortable, will pass and in the end is not that bad, especially since they come and go so fast. I know that a wasp sting, while extremely uncomfortable, will end up being a distant memory and not kill me.

        We are rational human beings, eh?

        Hang in there FMS. Don't go jumping out of that car hurtling down the highway.

        I, too, have learned to face the wasps (have no choice living on 9 acres in Alabama, we have wasps and bees of every kind and the suckers seem to know where I live..) so I have learned to deal with them. Yes, the heart does pound a bit and I do have the "flee" instinct but instead I face them down. When they get in the house, I kill them (yes, me!!) and when they have gotten in the car, I calmly (heart pounding like mad) pull over and get them out.

        Lots of love and huggy things, to you. This, too, shall pass. :l :l :l

        AF April 9, 2016



          Thanks sooo much guys.....

          Satori - as ever, just there you were...the steadying influence....right there. And I am so greatful.

          Suze - I've got my stick! Thanks! And yes, I try not to let it get to OCD! I used to and it was madness! (Then I read up about the emetophibia society's ideas for avoidance......boy was that OCD! Didn't do any more! Made me feel quite good really!) Que sera sera.... let go and let those...

          Cindi - thank you for your story; it really helps to hear that I'm not alone! When my son was sick (you see, we say sick when you mean vomit - so when you 'over the ponders' say 'I was sick', I freak!!!!) after being terrified by a bad thunderstorm when he was 3, between seeing it about ot happen and it hiiting the floor I got through 3 doors across 2 rooms and found myself in the airing cupboard! No idea how I got there! About 3 feet off the floor I think! Not as bad as out of the car but I so know that feeling....well done on you for getting so good at handling those evil little yellow'n black guys! (I just loathe them: they die!!!
          ) (And I am so glad you didn't hurt yourself that day!)

          Thing is I know it's a really selfish thing really as it's more the fear of someone else around me getting's the waiting....waiting to see who, when, if, where, how....and knowing I can't handle that waiting so pleeeeease don't come near us! And how daft is this....I can deal with the 'stuff' but not the person....that freaks me out.....the kow...aagh! And although it's better now my kids are big, I still feel such a sh*t for not being able to be anywhere near to support/help.

          (I am delighted that my son has been asked to see the movie he is dying to see (and I don't!) this afternoon; he has had a really boring holiday. But it's a hot, muggy, germ-filled cinema isn't it?!?!?!!? No, Satori, I know....I'm letting that lot go!)

          I guess it's another 'control issue phobia' in, I can't control this at all. It'll happen if and when....nowt to do with me. Not like spiders you can avoid or small spaces. But, yes, wasps....hmmm.

          And I DID get a sort of 'message' when I read your lovely posts.....your support reminded me very dimly of my mum (who I strangely remember being very good with me when I was sick) shouting at me and saying she was fed up with me and leaving me.....the old abandonment ishoo? It must have been hell to have a kid who threw up all the time from nerves of throwing up!! (I did!) But knowing I am not alone in the (perceived) 'waiting' (which I promise I wont!)(try not to!) is amazingly you guys have helped massively...thanks again. And for saying something that set up that oh so buried insight.....

          I WILL beat this! It has wrecked so much of my life and I wont let it win! (Hmmm, sounds like something else we all know...........!! lol)

          Hugs FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



            Cindi - I can so relate to your story! I was allergic to bees as a kid. Living in Hawaii we had a huge tree in our backyard of lichee (white sweet fruit with a pit in the middle). It would rain lichee all over our yard and Dad would make us kids go collect them. The enormous hum in the air could be heard yards away, and psychologically would get to me.
            I never got stung ever, but very freaked out from the vibration of buzzing.

            Find Self, in regards to a nauseas stomach and the fear of vomiting, I hear peppermint tea helps settle a stomach. It's no cure for an illness, I just thought it might help and feel relaxing.

            Wishing you the best,
            * * I love Determinator * *



              Finding My Self,
              arrrgh...i can defintely relate to fears...of the irrational kind that is!! Mine being death....and damn it all, when one starts to overthink that happy crap, just about everything CAN kill you ;P (booze is likely high on that list, but my lovely mind uses that as the fix all.sheesh, figure THAT one out LOL)
              Hang in there...realise the fear for what it is...accept it for what it is...and i know it sounds cliche, but it WILL pass. In the mean time, i send wishes of health, and hugs, and all the good things i wish for you today! Hang in there
              love and hugs
              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL




                Oh, boy can I relate. Well not to your particular phobia, me, I don't like thunder, me self, but I sure was sicker than a dog yesterday. I hope you are feeling better. I took today off because I feel like my stomach was trampled on by a herd of wild elephants. But, I am finally NOT NAUTIOUS!! Say Hallaluha!!!:l




                  You are not alone! I also get freaked about the V word, although now it is mild distress as opposed to a panic when I was young. When I was a kid, if I got sick or someone else did, I would get so upset I would continue to (don't want to type the word) until there was nothing left. I am very ocd and so for me it is about the fear of losing control. That is also why I was always afraid to do drugs. With A you can slow down if you feel drunk but the idea of popping a pill then not knowing what would happen would give me a panic attack!

                  What helps me is to step back and think about what is actually involved. Yes, it is unpleasant. But it is really just your body getting some bad stuff out and it is over quickly. Try to accept that it sometimes does happen, but know it will be over fast and that you will feel better. And then -- having accepted it -- put it away in the back of your mind.

                  Hope this helps and doesn't make you feel worse!



                    Finding....hope you are ok :l I thought I saw a link between those two problems....throwing up/fear of throwing up, when you were a child and drinking/keeping down drink. Someone once talked to me about drinking as a way of 'swallowing' painful stuff from the past and trying to 'keep it down'. It rang some bells for me. I was just talking about the abandonment thing mum's parents died suddenly within a short time when I was a mum was wrecked by it...and it seems that mum found it hard to meet all my needs for several years at that time....she loved me, and I don't blame her or hold it against her...but it has affected me. And I guess that alcohol has been one of the ways I have tried to meet those unmet needs.

                    Just thought I'd mention this.....forget it if it doesn't make sense for you!

                    Suze x
                    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.



                      I just want to send another big thanks to you all....and Hart, I hope you're feeling less trampled now! Poor ol' you!

                      Keeta and Dx - thanks for the tips and empathy...

                      Ducky....I am sorry if I alarmed you using the V word....I would have freaked even reading it about 10 years ago! I used to make myself write it and shake for days! So I guess there has been progress! And I relate to the drugs thing! The very reason I would never try them! But as for booze, I know it was daft; I drank because I was terrified of throwing up. And I never drank enough booze to ever throw up. (ever!) I never went to pubs coz that was where people threw up! (?!) and I stopped drinking because I became so scared of throwing up - at the final jitters! My phobia 'got' me to drink AND stopped me drinking! Work that one out - I sure can't!

                      Suze - I have heard that too but thanks for reminding me... There have certainly always been 'swallowing' issues around for me...I used to have to be sat down (well my mother said so anyway!) 20 minutes before anyone else for me to finish eating within 20 minutes of everyone else finishing...and the main course was hell. Pudding I could do as it was (a) sugary and (b) soft...comfort food. And now, without booze, I am right back there again! Sort of enjoy some savouries but bring on the pud! (Not a lot eaten but I can swallow it!)

                      I sometimes wonder what might have 'gone on'...this all started when I was about 5...and hypno. brought up something awful but it never 'clarified' into anything I could put my finger on..

                      I think I will be making progress over this this 'crutch' to hide behind now....I hope you wont mind me 'banging on' about it from time to time? Ignore me do! Just a warning!

                      But all fear stories gratefully received with empathy and gratitude...and praise for the courage anyone with irrational fear in their life has to show daily .... Let's help each other a bit?

                      Love and hugs
                      FMS xx
                      :heart: c: :heart:
                      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



                        Sorry you are stressing. I hate puking but I fear bridges and I have no idea why. are not alone. ((((HUGS))))
                        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                        - George Jackson

