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Starting again..and again and scared

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    Starting again..and again and scared

    Hi! Here I go again! Well Happy New Year to all! I so much want to stop once and for did I drink alot last week
    Anyways New Year...New Me..I HOPE
    Last night we got a call about going away with some friends in a few weeks..for the weekend..well guess what? All they (and me as well) do when we go away is party!!! HARD.
    HOW DO YOU WANT TO be with people who drink all the time! I dont drink all the time, but when we go away thats what there will be! I want to go to have fun, but I have no willpower to just sit and watch others drink. I know I do actually have the willpower, but I am the type where I become anti social very fast! I have had enough after a few hours..and I get tired of ppl fast! When I am drinking I enjoy everything easier...Hubby wants to go!

    Starting again..and again and scared


    If hubby wants to go and you know it is destructive to you, you MUST sit down and discuss it with him.

    I know it is hard, especially if he doesn't have a "problem" with alcohol. I am married to a non-drinker, a blessing and a curse...

    Do what is right for you, though. If you have an alcohol problem, being with drinkers, especially when first going AF is way too difficult. Been there, done that.

    Best of luck in your decision.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Starting again..and again and scared


      You definately need to speak to your hubby as suggested by db2fromala. I find it very hard to be af for more than a few days as my husband enjoys his beers every night.

      Maybe you could suggest to your husband whether he could support you in not drinking or if you do decide to go promise yourself you will only have 1 drink or alternate your drinks with non alcoholic ones. You said the invite for the weekend away is not until a few weeks, so if you can abstain till then it may reinforce why you do not want to drink and it may help you to moderate. You never said where you will be going, but maybe arrange something where alcohol is not the main part of the evening.

      Mandy x


        Starting again..and again and scared

        hi bunky
        you don't have to hang out with them the whole time and get pissed day and night.
        go for a walk by yourself or your hubby.
        have sex instead of sitting there getting plastered. If you are going somewhere interesting explore while the others party and join them if you feel like it. I don't think they'll mind cause they'll be drunk.

        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber

