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Kind Thoughts, Prayers...meow ~.,.~

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    Kind Thoughts, Prayers...meow ~.,.~

    always wondered about that avatar!
    My kitty, who pretty much showed up on my doorstep as a stray kitten and is now a big naughty boy, sends his love to your felines .. as do I!
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      Kind Thoughts, Prayers...meow ~.,.~

      PS: that's not my kitty in the avatar, but he is indeed a dancin' fool
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        Kind Thoughts, Prayers...meow ~.,.~

        My three cats and dog say best wishes. I remember when my then bf now hubby left HIS cat who was in heat with me for a week. I could have killed him. And poor Zelah was trying to get our two fixed male cats to DO SOMETHING. They looked at her curiously but they didn't get it, nor did they want it.

        Hope Dora safely delivers all her brood.


          Kind Thoughts, Prayers...meow ~.,.~

          Well......we have one live, healthy, fuzzy male kitten who has a little bit of a tail that turns at a right angle. At the moment he is completely white. His ears are very big!

          We are extrodinarily thankful for him. He is home being carried in a sling at the moment by my daughter, Dora is still in hospital being given antibiotics. She will not be able to nurse the babe due to infection she previously had which had been laying somewhat dormant in her subcutaneous fat ~so I will be feeding our kitten every two hours.

          The spooky thing is that two very experienced vets looked at Dora's digital X rays and counted five heads...........There were only two kittens. The other did not have a heartbeat at birth.

          Thank you again for good thoughts and prayers. He really is a miracle and very beautiful. Maryanne took pictures. I will post one shortly.

          m. xx
          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
          I am in the next seat.
          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


            Kind Thoughts, Prayers...meow ~.,.~

            Oh Magic...sorry about the little un who didn't make it :l but big welcome to the boy with the ears!:h

            Suze x
            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.

