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Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

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    Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

    Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

    No you are way not past it. most people I know had their kids after 30. would say don't jump the gun .. think about it !!!
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

      Hi Lou, first off 30 years old is not too old to have a child so that should not be a concern. I know women who have had their 1st child well after 35 years old. An ob/gyn could best advise as to your health and chance of successful pregnancy. Not really information to be garnered here. One thing I would stress to you is getting yourself sober before making any decision. A decision as important as having and raising a child imho should be given thorough consideration. It is probably the most arduous, time consuming, and demanding role you could assume. Any child is deserving of being raised without the influence of alcohol. Especially if the child is dependent upon a single parent.



        Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

        Lou Lou, everyone is different.
        Now days a lot of women can have kids right through their 30's and into early 40's.
        Yep obviously helps a lot if money and a man is involved....
        I am 38 and still am 'considering' having a baby.
        'Considering' means that I would only consider having a baby with my partner if I was confidently AF (long term) and my partner had a solid source of income (he is now unemployed).
        Both of these reasons and each seperately would make me think very seriously about concieving.
        You however are eight years younger than me. You may have another 4 or 5 years to think about it.
        Are you feeling lonely?? If you are then work out the issues that are keeping you drinking then see how you feel.
        Best wishes

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

          Thanks guys...i thought id deleted the post before anyone read it!!!! felt silly as soon as i wrote it....i completely get the fact that i need to be permanently sober before i do anything, i wouldnt do it anyother way.
          Im on day 4 now and im taking it one day at a time.
          I just miss the babies i have lost and i think my life would be so different now if i hadnt lost them.

          Lou-Lou x x x
          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


            Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

            Lou, why did you delete your message? I'd be interested what you posted. I just posted something similar(so it sounds from the responses) about having a baby. I'm 35 and hubby and I are heading that direction. I just have to keep the alcohol under control and I'll feel a little better about it.


              Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

              Lou I had my second child when I was 33. Honestly compared to when I had my first at 21 - it is sooooo much better. I wish I had of waited for both, because my mind set and maturity were very different.


                Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

                I felt silly, im not in a relationship at the moment because iv been hurt so much that i cant trust...but i still want a child..more than anything in the world.
                i had a miscarrige when i was 24 and i was basicaly forced to have a termination 2 yrs ago after i was assaulted...i then had a another miscarrige last year.

                so my post was about going it alone.....i cant imagine anything that would bring more happiness in to my life than to have a child.

                Lou-Lou x x x
                "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                  Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

                  Lou it sounds like you really want this. You are young yet. I'm 35 and hadn't really though about ever having kids until the past year. The more I've read about it and looked into it. There are many many people having kids into their late 30's and in their 40's. You have some time to get the drinking under control and maybe you will find a worthy partner along the way!

                  Don't be afraid of posting anything silly. I'm sure there are others around thinking the same things. I just posted about having a baby a few weeks ago!


                    Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

                    Thanks guys.... i know i have time, it just gets to me sometimes an i get a little weak and silly.
                    Glad im here with all your support and sorry to be a nuisance!

                    Lou-Lou x x
                    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                      Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

                      Lou, I for one love you for exactly who you are .... Don't delete your posts as a second thought, that is the true you that posts, exactly the true you that we know and love ........

                      This is the one place that you can be yourself ........ if anyone judges you for this then I will be the first to kick them up the arse ...........

                      Be yourself, we love you for it ..... BB xx


                        Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

                        Aw....thank you so much Boops

                        Love you x x x
                        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                          Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

                          I had my kids at age 36 and 37. I was drinking when I got pregnant but could not drink anymore after. My body rejected alchohol while pregnant. Did manage to stay sober for quite a bit after I had my kids since I breast fed but after that one thing led to another and soon I was back on the booze although it was never to the extent of my pre-pregnant drinking. I never thought I would drink after having kids but I did. Still it would not change my mind about having them. My kids are my life. We are very close and have wonderful adventures together. I raised them alone and it has been great. Dont be afraid of it. bird


                            Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

                            I had my one and only when I was 38.

                            She is now 9.

                            I have found that kids don't "fix" the drinking thing.

                            But they are the best bloody mirror that we will ever have.


                              Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

                              I cant thank you all enough for your advice and replies....Thing is i had a little fling on xmas day with a guy who has been persuing me for 3 yrs.
                              Even when i was really sick in hospital in dec last year he visited me, my problem is i just dont trust anymore....he ticks all the boxes, great job, own house, lovely gorgeous person but he is so good looking that i just cant believe that he really wants me.
                              I know im being stupid and its my insecurities to blame....for gods sake why would this guy persist for 3 yrs if he didnt like me for who i am.
                              Iv only been on 3 dates with him in 3 yrs and on the last date i was weak....hence my post, im not protected and instead of dreading the fact that i might have been "caught" im dreading the fact that i might not have.

                              Sorry...just my thoughts

                              Lou-Lou x x x
                              "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

