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Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

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    Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

    Love My Boys !

    Hi Lou,

    Not exactly sure what your post read, but I was drinking wine everynight when I conceived my two boys. When I found out I was pregnant, I stopped immediately. They both turned out fine, and both of them are on the honor roll in school, and everyone always comments how polite they are, and the teachers always say they are such a pleasure to have in class . Not sure what happened to me......I was never on the honor roll

    Sure, I still drank after I had them, but I gave them so much love and attention. It is just in the past few years that my addiction has really "blossomed", which is why I am here and trying to get in control of it.

    So anyway, I had my first son at age 33, and my second son at age 38 (6 days later I turned 39), and my husband is the same age. They are now 18 and 12. They are both such a blessing to us :lilangel:

    So best of luck in whatever you do. Have a good night.
    Miss October :blinkylove:


      Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!


      Haven't "met" you yet but here is my 2 cents. Never a perfect time, situation, person, environment or anything else. Kids bring out the best in you. Once in a while they bring out the worst. They need what you have to offer, you need what they have to offer and it's all good. Tons of mistakes, tons of joy, tons of everything. You deserve them if you want them. You are not too old. You are not too much of a mess. Losing one often makes you want one even more (did me). Good luck and have a peaceful evening.


        Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

        I can gather from the replies what the original post pertained to.

        Anyway, my "little" sister, often agonized about waiting till later.

        She had her first child at 38, a daughter. Then a son, at 40.

        Now the daughter is 10, and the son is 8.

        BTW, the father of both, my brother-in-law is now 60 I believe.

        I think David Letterman is a new father at 60 years old. How about that?



          Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!


          My hubby's mom was 45 when he was born and his daddy was 52.

          He said he had a wonderful childhood.

          The down side is his father died when he was in his early 20s and it was hard on him. His mother, however, lived 'til 92 and died when Greg was in his 40s.

          Greg really feels like his childhood and parents were wonderful.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

            Thanks to all...Myra your so right iv lost 3 so its gonna make me want more.... I completely get what people are saying about it not fixing the drinking thing but in my case i think i have to disagree.
            I think my drinking may be very much related to my miscarriges and without a doubt related to my assault and termination 2 yrs ago...i dont really wanna go in to it to much but i had a really shit time and the drinking escalated for a while...then i did good with the help of you guys...then i messed up again!!
            But im now on day 5 AF and i know that having a child would be the absolute making of me, alcohol would not be in my thoughts at all.
            Some of you may disagree and thats fair enough, i just want a child to love and to bring up exactly the way i instil love and wonderfull values.... and to protect and just love so much that they'd never feel alone.
            I know for certain that if i was expecting.....i would not drink...full stop, because i think a lot of my drinking was caused by loosing babies.

            Sorry for my ramblings

            Lou-Lou x x x
            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


              Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!


              I understand and hope that if it is meant to be that it will happen! Just remember this is a cruel world these days to raise children. I started really young, and at 38 mine are 20, 17 and 9. The middle one (my only girl) screamed at me how much she hated me tonight...LOL! You can be the best parent you know how to be, but those cute babies do grow up and have opinions, especially about you if you are anything less than June Cleaver!

              But I understand that desire, and you are certainly not too young.

              I support you no matter what!
              If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                Bit personal...sorry..ill prob end up deleting this!

                P4T....Thank you...i appreciate it

                Lou-Lou x x x
                "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

