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My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

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    My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

    Am taking a break from M.W.O. for a few weeks or maybe a month or really is best all round.......I`ve made a lot of good friends here and don`t wish to jeopardize those friendships by my current state of mind and hysterical outbursts.

    To those of you in chat with me earlier, I apologize for my blow didn`t deserve it. The thing is, I had stopped talking about the situation in only came up because someone asked after my cousin with the best of intentions.I now realize that when beth asked me how my cousin was, it wasn`t that any of you ignored my reply, rather my reply just got swallowed up by the fast pace of chat due to there being so many of us in there.

    It`s just not easy waiting to see if someone dear to you is to live or die. Am not the greatest of believers, but when the chips are down I turn to God and I now pray to God to let him live........that`s all.

    So you see, I truly am sorry for being rude to you all in`s not my nature. I have just never been in such a heartbreaking situation.

    I`ll return if and when I`m good for you all again and can give you the best of me. I`m just too sad to be here at this time.........I do love you all very much. And I will not drink.......I am so over drink.......excessive drinking is nothing but self destruction.

    Star x

    My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

    Star...i was not in chat as its far to fast pacecd for me ....but i know from your posts what you are going through at the moment,

    Iv been through similar....i understand...please dont go and if you do please come back, iv seen too many people do this.

    Lou-Lou x x x
    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


      My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

      I was in chat, and I felt your frustration. You said something, and no one responded. I think we all felt horrible....

      But I want you to know that if I had seen it (I personally was juggling a few at home tasks with chatting) that I would have most assuredly been right there.

      I have thought so much about Alex, and want you to rest during your time away knowing that there are many prayers going up for you. We are here when you get back.... take the time you need.

      Thanks for being you.
      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.


        Have only just stumbled onto all this -- the chat discussion, and all of it.

        Needless to say, you and your cousin are in my thoughts and prayers, and I wish I could have been there for you when you needed someone to chat with.

        Wish you weren't going away, but completely respect your wishes. Will miss you while you're gone.

        Taking it all in


          My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

          We can help YOU!

          Starlight, I am new here. Only since Nov. I've tried chat a couple of times and at times felt like an outsider. At other times someone chimes right in and asks about me. There are also times several conversations are going on at once, it is hard to keep up.
          I was not on chat the other night, but have seen your posts.

          You are inspirational. If you must go do so, but this is the time we should be here to help you.
          I am not sure of all your personal problems with your cousin, but I believe it is illness.
          I too can sympathize, since I currently have a brother continually declining from cancer, and a younger sister who had a stroke last yr and is still trying to regain strength.

          Both make my trying to cut back difficult.
          I pray for you and your family member. Keep the hope and faith.


            My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

            If we are the friends you think we are, surely we are here for the bad as well as the good - we don't just love the best of you, we love the rest of you too.

            Email me.
            It always seems impossible until it's done....


              My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.


              I was not in chat tonight, but I do know how deeply you are affected by Alex's situation. Please go and be with your family and take care of yourself if that's what you need to do now. You know how deeply I care about you and I will continue to pray for Alex and for you. I love you no matter what you do or say and whether you are here with us posting or not. You will be in my thoughts every day. Take care. I hope you can come back soon. I will miss you.
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                Chat is too fast for me and that's why I don't go. This kind of thing happens in chat rooms because there are too many balls in the air and inevitably some get dropped.

                I'm so sorry for what you are going through and I wish you and your cousin all the best
                Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                - George Jackson


                  My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                  You are free to do what you need to survive this.
                  We are here for you when you return.
                  We will miss you deeply, Dx
                  * * I love Determinator * *


                    My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                    Ditto - agree with every word...
                    Winefree;249536 wrote: Starlight, I am new here. Only since Nov. I've tried chat a couple of times and at times felt like an outsider. At other times someone chimes right in and asks about me. There are also times several conversations are going on at once, it is hard to keep up.
                    I was not on chat the other night, but have seen your posts.

                    You are inspirational. If you must go do so, but this is the time we should be here to help you.
                    I am not sure of all your personal problems with your cousin, but I believe it is illness.
                    I too can sympathize, since I currently have a brother continually declining from cancer, and a younger sister who had a stroke last yr and is still trying to regain strength.

                    Both make my trying to cut back difficult.
                    I pray for you and your family member. Keep the hope and faith.
                    "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                      My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                      star i just want you to know i love you. i remember i was going to leave as well a few weeks ago or month. mainly as i was dealing with my own health and starting to feel myself go internal. but it was an amazing thing when a few people pointed out i could do something different and share myself instead of retreat. i really think it saved my life in a billion ways.
                      so just know i'm thinking of you, sending you love and know that you will do whatever you need to and take care of yourself. sending you and family love and health. and i'm clear that alex highest and best good will be served. a perfect healing. nite nite


                        My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                        I'm sorry to read that you won't be with us for awhile, selfishly for us, but go, heal yourself, get what you need, take what you need, then come back. I for one will be waiting.


                          My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                          As you know dear Starlight, the door here, will always be open. Take care of you and yours.


                            My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                            Starlight so very sorry you are having such a bad time. We will all miss you and await your return.

                            LOL Sweetpea xx
                            :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


                              My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                              S.I. - sound like you're hurting very much and got a bump on the really sore bit.

                              Whatever you have to do for you, S.I...... You're still an amazing woman to us and come back whenever you need/want to...

                              Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Alex and your family.

                              FMS xx

                              PS Tell you what!! I am sick of not being able to post your name!!! Especially in an important 'someone's name is special' post like this!! Crazy! Hey Ho! Hope you know there is asmuch affection in **** - coz there is!!!
                              :heart: c: :heart:
                              "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

