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My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

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    My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

    Starlight, I agree with lou chat is far fast pacecd. so easy to get lost in there especially if there is so many on chat.
    You will be in my thoughts and prays.I Will miss you, hope to see u back soon.

    Take special care of yourself.
    family is everything to me


      My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

      Hi Starlight

      You don't have to announce you are going away. And it's ok if you change your mind as you have in the past and come back!

      As the others said, you are not just accepted here in best times but also worst times so if you are very sensitive due to your family situation I think that is to be expected.

      You don't have to be "all or nothing" with MWO. you can come and visit a little bit. People are not going to reject you over an emotional outburst in chat. I don't think so!

      I am really glad you don't plan to turn to booze. But maybe some friends online can help ease the pain a bit.



        My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.


        Whatever u have to do to take care of you. I luv you very much hon.:l


          My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

          Starlight, so sorry dear lady. Please k now you and yours are in my prayers. You don't need to leave, we are here for you, so please don't. We love you dearly. God bless, j
          Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


            My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.


            I can only ditto all the above. Thanks for the time and support you have given me.

            thank you and good luck


              My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

              I am going to be selfish here and say Star, I enjoy you and what you have to say very much. So I am going to ask you to check in as often as you can and let us know how your doing. dearheart we are all to human and lose it from time to time. I can never keep up in chat, so I would not let a delayed response or not wanting to respond make me feel bad. Not every question a close friend ask do we want to answer. So when in a chat room with lots of people you have never laid eyes on, why should that make you feel bad? Just my 2 cents
              love you


                My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                My 2 cents whatever they are worth. I think chat sucks! I have entered a couple of times and after being greeted have been ignored. I didn't let it hurt my feelings, just took it for what it was worth, alot of different conversations going on at the same time and no one being able to keep up. I see you in there quite a bit, so surely you are aware of this. How bout if you just don't go into chat, but come and visit us here when you are able? You know we are all here for each other.
                Posting while under the influence can be bad for your health!


                  My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                  Dear Star: Take all the time you need. You are going through a lot and are in our thoughts and prayers. You are a strong individual. You will get on with life and continue with your sobriety. Alex is in God's hands. We can only wish him the best and pray for his well being. You will be missed, but greeted with open arms when you return. xxoo-Reenie
                  September 23, 2011


                    My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                    Star, do whatever you need to do for yourself :l

                    But please keep in touch so that we know that you are OK...

                    Love & Hugs, BB xx


                      My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                      Chat Speed


                      I know how U feel. I'm such a typing loser that I often get left behind in conversations. I try not to take it personally, but I guess it's hard not to. If U choose to stay away then OK. Wish U all love.

                      Long Road
                      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
                      Eleanor Roosevelt


                        My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.


                        You need to do what you need to do - but we WILL miss you here!

                        If it WAS just the usual chat mayhem that caused you to make this decision, - please reconsider!

                        Wishing you all the best whatever......and.. we will see ya when we see ya!

                        Love :l


                        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                          My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.


                          Obviously everybody loves you and I know you are an inspiration - certainly have been to me. Desperately sorry for your situation but only you know what to do that is good for you. Will be very sad to not read your words on wisdom on a regular basis. Hope it's a very short time before you feel you can post again.

                          The very biggest and best of hugs to you.

                          Bessie xx


                            My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                            Star, I'm so very sorry to hear about your cousin. I have only tried the old chat a couple times and I understand how you must have felt... Please know that so many of us love you dearly and wish only the very best for you and yours. I would still love to see you stop by the focus on fitness thread... We are workout buddies now... Take Good Care and know that we all think you have so much to offer here. xxxx and then one more x

                            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                              My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

                              I have only been a member for a short time and have always enjoyed reading your posts, You have a very lively sense of humour and been quick to come to help anyone who needs it.
                              I have been in chat a few times and being a slow typist felt totally inadequate when there is more than 1 person and terrified of answering the wrong question at the wrong time.
                              I am so sorry that you feel that you should withdraw, but if thats what you need right now, I am sure you know what is best for you.
                              It would be great if you were to keep in contact to let us know how you are, I for one will miss you.

                              Take care and God bless you and your family

                              In life we can live out our dreams its true
                              the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


                                My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.


                                I feel a little differently than most of the others who have posted here thus far. I don't think you should go...I really don't. Last summer, when my niece was dying, there were times I felt no one here cared...and that was the FURTHEST thing from the truth. But when we are hurting soooo badly, we expect it to be first and foremost on EVERYONE's mind, as it is in our own. Truth is, sometimes we need to really, REALLY ASK for others to remember that we need them. Especially in chat, when so many conversations are going on at once, our heartfelt thoughts may be accidentally overlooked..I was there last night, and I saw that was what happened.

                                Star, you are such a beloved member here, and friend to us all. You give, and you give, and you give. BUT, you are not as good at taking when you need to. And true friendship goes both ways. You tried to ask for support, and felt slighted, and for someone who has difficulty asking, feeling slighted causes you to pull away. I know, because I am the same way...BUT, this is the time YOU need our support, and I want to be able to give it to you. And I know I am not alone in this.

                                I know this is a site for drinking problems, which, quite frankly, you have gotten licked!! BUT, this is more than just a site for drinking problems alone. We are here for one another for many reasons. Many of us who have been here awhile are also friends...

                                Please, be our friend. Let us take care of YOU for awhile. Please don't run away.

                                With so much love,

                                formerly known as bak310

