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My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

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    My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

    well said g2g. you are really quite amazing in your posts ol 182 post woman


      My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

      we do miss you...but you must do what feels right for you right has been said ...we will all be here for you now or later...that is what you can always be sure of....blessings..buckle


        My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

        Star I've been away for a few days, and going away again tomorrow I'm going
        to spend time with my brother who is very ill. I do know how you are feeling about
        Alex, and I pray for you and him. You have always given me support when I needed
        it. I don't know what happened on chat, I used to go on it, but can't keep up with the
        pace. Please come back when you feel you are able.
        Love Paula. x


          My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

          I don't think you should leave at all, Star, I think it is now when you should be here the most. We are real friends, not pretend cyberspace smoke friends... and we are here for you now. No matter what.
          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


            My fault entirely and I sincerely apologize.

            I think sometimes we just need to take a break. I can totally respect that Star, if you are reading these posts.

            When your life is getting you down and you feel too emotionally drained for anything else, it is 'healthy' to want to focus only on you and yours.

            I think it is very selfish of us to say "You shouldn't go" I think you should go, if that is what you need to do.

            We all need to respect her decision. She has a very ill family member and may simply need to focus her energies there.

            She will come back when she needs to. Let's try not to make her feel guilty and respect her decision.

