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    Your feeling great...everything is coming together. You start setting real goals. You start following them. And then some little something happens, and "blink". One gives look around at the same surroundings, that simply 3 hours ago, seemed most hopeful.

    Sabotage...damn drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


    It is simply the device between success and failure. Why is it so powerful.
    This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!




      There really are two of you.

      The drinking you and the sober you.

      It takes time and effort to bring out the sober you and make her stronger than the drinking you.

      If you keep working past the moments that make you want to drink, it is tough but not undoable, you eventually let the sober you become stronger and stronger.

      One day the sober you is way stronger than the drinking you and then you are where you want to be.

      AF April 9, 2016




        Hope and DB'

        I wonder if hypnosis might help in those "Dead Zone" moments?
        Long Road
        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
        Eleanor Roosevelt



          Hope, I think there is a part of us that wants us to fail, the were not good enough part. So self sabotage comes into play. We have to be aware what thoese triggers are, people, situations, whatever and do a 180 from it. It is not easy. With me it's family they so pull my triggers, I limit my contact and try to keep it on my terms sounds selfish, but this is my life were talking about. Honestly, we have to be selfish in this respect.



            Alcohol is "Sneaky" isn't it ?
            From every bad experience, try to come from it learning something.
            All the best

            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~



              Hope - I don't know why that is, but that certainly is. I have gone through times of great stress completely AF, and then some minor thing will tempt me. I guess we think after a period of time we are "cured" - we never really are. We will have to be vigilant the rest of our lives.
              The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.



                Okay! STRESS seems to be the main reason why I drink... this stupid job; this stupid attorney; the mentally ill mother I'm saddled with, etc. etc. ETC.!



                  Niblet;249767 wrote: Alcohol is "Sneaky" isn't it ?
                  From every bad experience, try to come from it learning something.
                  All the best
                  That's what I try to do too, Niblet... learn SOMETHING which I oftentimes do.

                  Any little thing, though... and I'm on my way to the licca sto'!



                    Thank you alot of us I'm sure, there are so many triggers (like another new post here). One of mine seems to be setting goals, getting excited about the change...then thats it. (Have decided to go back to school full-time so guess it was celebration, ha ha)

                    Got through New Years Eve and the next night, but since then have managed to drink 40 + beers in two days. Thank goodness no-one was here. Got my feelings hurt very badly last night. Drove to get another 6-pack, and decided to stop in a bar I have tended to frequent. Well, they wouldnt let me in, they were very mean. They said I had 10 seconds to get out. The thing is I havent done anything to get kicked out. What it is several women who work there, that decided they dont like me or the attention I get. So it hurt my feelings very badly. But you know what...F them. Its a blessing in disguise. Its a scummy wild about low of low. So I've allowed scums to hurt my feelings? Thanks for listening to that, had to get that out of my system. Just felt like a kick to the gut last nigh.

                    So, starting again on AF. Maybe, just maybe...this time is it. Thanks again everyone....wish me luck into getting accepted into a a graduate degree program where I can become a licensed counselor. Have been lost the last few years. Forget this house, I can step down...I may trade my car in for something cheaper. Have a son, but hopefully can get by on loans, part-time jobs etc.

                    My family leave is being extended. I'm pulling my sh** together. So nice to come here and ramble. Hope I am able to extend the same support to others that has been extended to me. If it were not for this There is not telling...
                    This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!



                      Looking - You are on a bumpy road, but at least you're going in the right direction. There is nothing more important than your health and your son. Turn those negative feelings from last night into something positive. Instead of them hurting your feelings, give thanks to those lowly scanky bar flies. They gave you an amazing compliment if you think about it. YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM AND THEY DON'T WANT YOU IN THEIR BOOZY FLOOZY CLUB. Think about it? You should feel proud!! Good for you, honey!!

                      Good luck with school and every new venture you pursue. You'll be just fine. Stick with us whenever you need to vent.

                      Love, Me
                      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.



                        Looking: I am from the Midwest also (maybe even the same state!!) and in my younger days I spent many moons in those skank bars, getting hated by the barfly women who were threatened by me ... Sad insecure little people are very easily threatened ...
                        You sound like you are on the right path. keep posting.
                        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



                          Hi Looking!

                          Do you want to know a secret? You have a couple of awesome keys in your hand... the first and most important one: you have the key to your son's heart. Second, you're willing to get a new key for a cheaper car. And finally, you have the key to a new education which will lead you to a new career.

                          Congratulations for getting accepted into a degree program!!! That doesn't happen every day, my friend.

                          But, really, here's the best part of my secret. Fast forward your life three years. What do you see in your crystal ball, Looking? :crowned:
                          Your son has grown leaps and bounds. Your car may need new tires, because you've been driving it back and forth to college. And umm, the bar flies that were in the musty, smoky tavern... :schmokin: three years ago.... well, where are they in 2011? I'd betcha a gazillion dollars that they are STILL in those same seats, but with 3 more years of saddlebag growth..... no doubt about it.... they're still on a first name basis with everyone that walks in the door, because they are the QUEENS of the Tavern.

                          Like you said, F*&@# them!

                          Tampa, FL



                            :welcome: L.F.H. Make yourself a list of your triggers scanky bars, certain people, behavours, money in your pocket, places ect. Avoid these things like a plague. Set a goal for another means of celebrating when you feel the nead to. Treat yourself to a nice dinner & a movie, do something nice with your son, or what have you. Spend your booze money on something nice for yourself. Most importantly when you fall down don't beat yourself up, instead pick yourself up & start back were you left off.

                            Wishing lots of luck reaching your goals & on your continuing education.
                            There's more to life than success. The greatest success is living well.



                              hey sweetie.hang in there.damn triggers.......need a list and a suit of armour!
                              i messed up tonight due to my own, so i can i start frsh tomorrow.i could use the company!
                              love Kee
                              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

