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    sending you a hug. post how you are doing.. perhaps writing down what you are committed to and what a new life will hold for you... it seems to me that you have hit bottom. you don't need to go any further. time for you to get you back. you deserve it. and af is great.... you get to feel everything



      ABP - stick with us. Good or bad, we don't judge. Just concerned. As many have stated before know your habits, your feelings, your body, so deep down inside you may already know the answers to some of your questions.

      You should at least be tapering off the alcohol, so your withdrawal won't be so bad. If you can not taper, then go cold turkey if possible. I agree, that your rehab clinic should be able to advice you on your weeks prior to your entering the program.

      Best of luck to you. Please post back. We care.

      Love, Me
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.



        Day 2 to cut back

        Did alright last night - just some wine. Will stick to the same for the next few days and slow down and try and be AF for at least a week before rehab so I can get the most out of it. Thanks for all the advice.

        Am hopeful for the future but scared as I have hit the bottom and have nothing but then I guess the positive side to that is I can't go any further down and I have everything to gain but it is daunting but I know it's possible.

        Trying to keep things as simple as possible but thoughts alway go through my head about what I could have done differently. On this a wise man told 'what's done is done and cannot be undone' (think it was a Macbeth quote) other piece of advice was sometimes 'it was just meant to be and you have to accept it.'

        I know I'm rambling but it helps a little and maybe reading my experiences will make others realise they are also not alone as I have done by seeing all your supportive comments.


        Will keep you posted on how it goes.




          Hey ABP,
          We are all right here with you.. will check in to see how you are doing..
          You are no different from any of us really and cutting back is good..
          Can you find a doctor you can trust? This is a very important step. Good luck in rehab and I think that will be the easy part.. afterwards is more challenging.. sticking to your guns.



            ABP, how are you doing? Stick with us ok? Post back - let us know how you are doing!

            Stay strong. Take care.
            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

