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I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

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    I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

    I know you're tired. I know you feel overwhelmed. You may
    feel as though this crisis, this problem, this hard time will last
    forever. It won't. You are almost through.

    You don't just "think" it has been hard; it has been hard. You
    have been tested, tried, and re-tested on what you have

    Your beliefs and your faith have been tried in fire. You have
    believed, then doubted, then, worked at believing some more.
    You have had to have faith even when you could not see or
    imagine what you were asked to believe. Others around you
    may have tried to convince you not to believe in what you were
    hoping you could believe. You have had opposition. You have
    not gotten to this place with total support and joy. You have had
    to work hard, in spite of what was happening around you.
    Sometimes, what motivated you was anger; sometimes fear.

    Things went wrong....more problems occurred than you
    anticipated. There were obstacles, frustrations, and annoyances
    en route. You did not plan on this being the way it would
    evolve. Much of this has been a surprise; some of it has not
    been at all what you desired.

    Yet, it has been good. part of you, the deepest part that knows
    truth, has sensed this all along, even when your head told you
    that things were out of whack and crazy, that there was no
    plan or purpose, that God had forgotten you.

    So much has happened, and each incident....the most painful,
    the most troubling, the most surprising....has a connection. You
    are beginning to see and sense that. You never dreamt things
    would happen this way, did you? But they did. Now you are
    learning the secret....they were meant to happen this way, and
    this way is good, better than what you expected.

    You didn't believe it would take this long, either...did you? But
    it did. You have learned patience. You never thought you could
    have it, but now you know you do.

    You have been led. Many were the moments when you thought
    you were forgotten, when you were convinced you had been
    abandoned. Now you know you have been guided. Now things
    are coming into place. You are almost at the end of this phase,
    this difficult portion of the journey. The lesson is almost complete.
    You know....the lesson, you fought, resisted, and insisted you
    could not learn. Yes, that one. You have almost mastered

    You have been changed from the inside out. You have been
    moved to a different level, a higher level, a better level.

    You have been climbing a mountain. It has not been easy, but
    mountain climbing is never easy. Now, you are near the top. A
    moment longer, and the victory shall be yours.

    Steady your shoulders. Breathe deeply. Move forward in
    confidence and peace. The time is coming to relish and enjoy
    all which you have fought for. That time is drawing near, finally.

    I know you have thought before that the time was drawing near,
    only to learn that it wasn't. But now, the reward is coming. You
    know that too. You can feel it.

    Your struggle has not been in vain. For every struggle on this
    journey, there is a climax, a resolution.

    Peace, joy, abundant blessings, and reward are yours here
    on earth.
    There will be more mountains, but now you know how to climb
    them. And you have learned the secret of what is at the top......
    abundant life! Freedom! Everything that your heart has desired.
    It will all come to pass.

    Remember to keep climbing to the top, don't look back. You
    will make it because God is leading the way and has a hold on
    you that will never release. He will make sure that you have
    success. You will make it. Don't give up! And remember, I love
    you, but God loves you so much more than I ever could

    I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

    Strong words to live by. So true. I'm experiencing the words you have written. 6 months AF. So worth it. -Reenie
    September 23, 2011


      I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

      Chokletyes....just how did you know to post that now???? I wish I could tell you just how incredible it is to read it just now.....

      You are amazing...thank you from the bottom of my heart....

      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

        I needed that...thank you x x x

        Lou-Lou x
        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


          I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

          You ok Lou? I know how poo I was feeling when I read it. I soooh needed it... I hope you're feeling ok - and at least better after it! It helped me soooh much - thank you again Chocletyes (sorry, I keep spelling you wrong!) I hope you're feeling ok too....

          FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

            Inspirational and awe inspiring. Thank you!


              I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read


              I could read that all night long. Thanks for posting it.


                I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

                Perhaps you should give some credit to the person who wrote it -

                written by: Melody Beattie
                Book: Near The Top
                It always seems impossible until it's done....


                  I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

                  I needed that, too. Worthy of fridge door status and rereading, often. Thanks!


                    I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

                    :thanks: For the info Flip,I didn't know who wrote it....a friend sent it on to me from someone else... ect. :l


                      I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

                      Its a great piece, Choc - thank you. It applies to everything. Can only give credit if you know the source, so thanks for that, Flip. Helps anyone who wants more.....

                      "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


                        I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

                        Thanks for sharing this Chok..yes!
                        Have a wonderful day,

                        Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
                        - Soren Kierkegaard


                          I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

                          Thanks, Chok......I needed to read that this morning..



                            I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

                            Choklyteyes - for whatever reason, I never saw this when it was first posted. I have been searching past post desperate for some inspiration. Feeling really low today. I guess I just wasn't meant to find it until now.

                            Thank you so much for taking the time to type that out. It's so true to so many things in life. It's a keeper.

                            Love, Me
                            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                              I Know Your Tired..Know Matter Your Belief..Please Read

                              hi there..choklyeyes.. thank you. i love it. if you find more please post them
                              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

