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Fallen already on a month AF

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    Fallen already on a month AF

    It's damn hard. ODAT...did not know what that meant until this week. Tomorrow....let's do it.
    This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!


      Fallen already on a month AF

      nancy;250178 wrote: Ah... broken promises!
      It happens to the best of us.

      I have joined periodic AF challenges only to see all the members drop off and succumb. Or I disappointed myself and couldn't make it. I don't sign up for those things, pledge months etc., much anymore. And if I do make a plan I try not to tell people about it. The last thing I signed up for and failed to follow through with was drunk free december. Granted, there were only a few drunk days but let's face it, it was'nt drunk free!

      Honestly, every single step you take is important. 3 days are important. next time it might be 6 or even 7. The fact that you didn't make a month does not diminish that.

      My advice is to focus on one day at a time, maybe visit the one day at a time thread that takes place every day. Be glad about every little bit of progress. If you do set targets, they should be measurable and achieveable. given how hard drinking is to beat, and differences in patterns, it might be an achievement to start drinking later and later
      every day to cut back.

      So don't give up and don't wait for another month. A new day starts tomorrow and you
      will be right back on track. The little changes will all start to add up and before long, you may feel this transformation taking place inside yourself. I feel it sometimes and have seen it in others visiting this website over time.

      So well said!!

      In the end, it is about continually working towards improvement, small steps at a time, and NOT beating yourself up about it.

      There is NO GOOD that can come from being hard on yourself - except possibly to give yourself more excuses to continue to drink. There is GREAT GOOD that comes from tackling this thing in small pieces. Every win is a success. You would not have had those successes without trying.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Fallen already on a month AF

        Absolutely don't wait for February.....start again right away! Big goals can be just too much pressure.....aim for one day at a time and start today

        Stay close to MWO too......:l

        Suze x
        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


          Fallen already on a month AF

          WJR, you did 3 days, you can do 3 more. It all adds up. Like you a lot of people try for 30 days to begin with and when they slip give up. By all means have a 30 day goal but take it ODAT. There is a ODAT thread over in newbies where we all check in every day. Baby steps, you will get there.



            Fallen already on a month AF

            WJR, you should be proud of your accomplishment. The fact is that you tried. And from every trial and failure something can be learned.

            I've never made a serious attempt to abstain completely from alcohol, but I have had other obsessive-compulsive issues I've dealt with in my past. One of the things I needed to learn is how to accept "failure"; and I put that in quotes, because failure is always a matter of perception. If I fail to make my 30 days of abstinence goal, I'm going to be disappointed in myself. But I believe my true success will lie in my ability to pick myself up, dust myself off and keep trying.

            What is most important is the sincerity you bring to pursuing your goals.

            If you think about it, your ultimate goal is to control/stop you alcohol use; it isn't just to arbitrarily abstain for a calendar month. So keep that goal in mind; be gentle with yourself; and keep trying. We're all learning as we go. And, we are all pulling for you.



              Fallen already on a month AF

              like everyone has said, don't beat yourself up. It must be a timing thing, cause I fell to my demons last night also! So back to square one for me too!
              Lets try ODAT together, huh?
              hope you don't feel too icky this morning, and come here and read all the wonderful support! Boy I sure am glad I found this place!
              Love you all,
              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                Fallen already on a month AF

                thanks for all the replies and support. i have had 2 nights og drinking alcohol. but today im starting odat ,i'm feeling positive even tho im on day 1 again at least its a start. will keep posting, once again thanks for the replies

