Can anyone relate to the 5-6 day hurdle? When does it pass? I feel a bit anxious - I have no wine in the house so I know I won't go there but, knowing that doesn't help the feeling of loss. I have ordered the starter pack of vitamins - do you think these will help? I do not want to go on any prescription drugs.
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Day 5/6 blues
Day 5/6 blues
I am now on day 6 AF and really struggling - as I did yesterday - the first 4 days were a breeze but for some reason that last 2 have been different. It was really hot yesterday so couldn't do much so maybe it was boredom. Today I feel like I have lost my best friend -which of course that's what wine was - my BESTEST friend. I'm am finding myself thinking about it a lot since yesterday. I have been eating lots of food to relieve the stress and that only makes me feel worse - as I need to lose weight. I had decided not to tackle my weight at this time as it would be too much at once - but now I am thinking that's what I need to do as it would hopefully make me more positive and accepting of the AF thing. I need to concentrate on something else instead of the destuctive things from the past - alcohol and excessive eating of the wrong foods.
Can anyone relate to the 5-6 day hurdle? When does it pass? I feel a bit anxious - I have no wine in the house so I know I won't go there but, knowing that doesn't help the feeling of loss. I have ordered the starter pack of vitamins - do you think these will help? I do not want to go on any prescription drugs.Tags: None
Day 5/6 blues
Turtle: I will not be much help as i still haven't managed any real days AF... good for you on your success... all I can add is, I also have weight issues but decided to absolutely NOT deal with that until I can get a period of sobriety. I can relate .. wine has been my best friend for a while.! sad but true!!!
Hot? you must be in Australia ..dead of winter here:boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!
Day 5/6 blues
Turtle Dove -
I, too, am on day 5 and have been crying on and off all day. You were eloquent in stating, "I feel like I have lost my best friend." I can relate to that statement only too well! Weight is also an issue here but I have been taking vitamins and drinking herbal tea. Perhaps some iced herbal tea for you in the heat?
I tried watching movies today but couldn't quit with the emotional purging for some reason - even though I chose to view humorous flicks. So I got off the couch and took a walk in the cold. My feet took on a rhythm during the walk so I gave the experience a mantra - "day 6 ... come on - day 5 ... goodbye ....."
The physical activity seemed to help with the anxiety (and anger).
Hugs to you. Hang in there!!! - MasqCourage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
:wings: :huggy
Day 5/6 blues
Day 5, WOW! you are doing great! Hang in there. Exercise. Read the MY Way Out book. Or read the threads and post some more. I am proud you have gotten so far. I'm only on day 2, with a dream to get to day 5.
Keep up the great work
Winefree(day 2)!
Day 5/6 blues
I think you are dead right Masquerade - excercise is the key - I am depressed because I am not excercising - usually I only feel bad until around 4pm then of course the wine makes it all better - for the night at least. I gave up going to the Gym late November as I felt too yuck in the mornings to get there - but that won't be a problem now - I am going to the Gym this Tuesday morning to resume my membership as soon as it is able - I know that excercise gets rid of depression - I just needed reminding. So instead of worrying too much about food I will start with excercise. Thanks.
I am about to have a cup of tea and will try to cut down on the sugar as I read in one of the threads that sugar makes depression worse. I have plenty of experience with depression - I was on anti-depressants for 4 years soon after my son was born. Don't want to go down that track again. Thanks guys it pays to write these things down and get some really helpful feedback.
Thanks Masq and Dexterheads for your positive comments. The only reason I have been able to do 6 days so far is I have told my husband and a good friend that's what I am doing and that seems to be keeping me accountable - hope it gets easier for everyone. Good luck to you guys too.
Day 5/6 blues
Winefree - you can get there too. It's not easy changing years of habit - we just need to make our new AF life a habit - I'm not sure how long that takes but 1 day at a time seems like a good start. Day 2 is great - the first day is a big hurdle in its self - well done, each day may be a battle but don't you appreciate it in the morning!!
Day 5/6 blues
Turtle Dove - You are so right! I am REALLY appreciating my mornings of late.
Winefree - Days 1, 2 and 3 I slept so soundly that one of my dogs needed out so she woke me by tossing her stuffed monkey onto my face! lol I must have been ignoring her immensely! I also had some technicolor, entertaining dreams.
Last night was a toss and turn evening. Am hoping BOTH of us catch some decent rest tonight, my friend. Just focus on how wonderful you'll feel tomorrow morning.
Hugs. - MasqCourage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
:wings: :huggy
Day 5/6 blues
Winefree - I told people that I had insomnia for years. I really thought I did. What I am discovering is that the alcohol really messed up my sleeping habits. I have to say the longer you stay sober the better your night's rest will be. You will need to be alcohol free for a few more days to hopefully notice a difference. I can't believe I'm sleeping through the night now. I have not been able to do that for years. Today was day 10AF for me.
Good luck! Stick with it. You'll get there.
Love, MeAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Day 5/6 blues
Turtle Dove & Masq:
For me, the first two weeks were a mixed bag of emotions. Just roll with it. It is perfectly normal to be all over the map when you first quit drinking alcohol. So many of us have been through what you two are going through right now. I cried my face off after the first week - the 'emotional purging'.
Keep coming here and post your thoughts, ask for help or inspiration. This will pass - trust me!!!! Boredom is very common when you first quit because your 'routine' has changed. Try to keep busy. I still get bored from time to time a year later... and KNOW that drinking will only make me feel like poo.
Hang in there guys. Ride out this crap, and keep moving foward. Drink lots of fluids, eat lots of food and just be extra kind to yourself during this time.
Day 5/6 blues
I agree with AFM. Sleep does get better.
I sleep 6 hours a night now versus 3 when drinking.
The 6 hours a night I get now is REAL sleep.
Before it was a "drug induced coma" that was not real sleep.
Hang in there.
You can do it.
Crap, if I can do it ANYONE can.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
Day 5/6 blues
Turtle Dove .... I think excessive heat for days-on-end exacerbates the struggle. I am totally unmotivated to do anything at the moment. It seemed a huge effort to brew up a giant pot of mint tea this morning which I've been drinking cold all day. I know this will pass so I'm riding it out with a good book, just waiting for a bit of a breeze.
If you've ordered supps from this site, I think the kudzu will help you a lot. Fantastic job on the 5/6 days!
Day 5/6 blues
Masquerade and Thankful,
Thanks for your help. I have used AL for yrs to help me sleep at night. When I have tried to stop in the past, I toss and turn and watch the clock all night, only to fall asleep in the morning when I need to get up for work.
As I put on the weight I got sleep apnea, which complicates the sleep cycle even more.
So I try the calm forte and the gaba before bed, as well as trazadone. So far that is helping with the insomnia, but I still have trouble getting up in the AM.
Hoping as each day goes by, things will change.
Thanks for the encouragment.