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MWO Supplements and Anxiety

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    MWO Supplements and Anxiety

    Hi all,
    Noob here...

    I just started taking the supplements and listening to the CD's this week and am amazed at the changes thus far. WOW. Still waiting for topa, but may decide not to take it...

    My question is this, has anyone experienced increased anxiety as a side effect of the supplements? I'm following the dosage by the book.

    Yesterday I had several incidents where I couldn't take a deep breath, my heart started palpitating and I felt "scared". They passed, but I really didn't like feeling that way. All day I felt nervous.

    Could this also be a withdrawal symptom? I'm not AF (yet) but I estimate I've cut my intake by about 75% over the last 3 nights.

    Any advice/thoughts appreciated.


    Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)

    MWO Supplements and Anxiety

    Could be stress from you anticipating quitting. I took all the vitamins and supps, no meds, and didn't have that reaction, but I didn't drink either.

    75 % reduction is great! I guess it could be a form of withdrawl. Are you going to completely quit? Maybe you should just make up your mind and do it since you've been taking the supps. You could be stressing yourself out because you want to quit, are listening to the cd's, taking the supps, but are still drinking.... what is it you are waiting for?

    Just go for it, Deena!



      MWO Supplements and Anxiety

      Good on you for cutting back so fast.

      Increased anxiety and nervousness is one of the most typical withdrawal symptoms. There are many ways to combat this. Calms Forte is one of the best natural ways. (I take about 4 or 5 tablets for that). But it takes a while to feel the effects. For immediate relief, I use a nosespray called Symmetry. It has lithium oratate in it. It is homeopathic and all natural, non-addictive, etc. I get it by internet from the U.S. It seems expensive but it lasts long, and is really worth it. Calms you down quickly. No side effects.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        MWO Supplements and Anxiety

        You can also go for a walk or run....


          MWO Supplements and Anxiety

          Thanks! I have been taking a walk every day for the past week, and it does help. Yesterday I didn't take a walk. Hmmmm. Beatle, I double checked my dosage of Calms Forte, and I was only taking one Calms forte instead of two in two places, so I was actually short two pills a day. I've corrected that today.

          Chief, I think you hit the nail on the head. It could very well be a combination of stress in addition to whatever withdrawal I'm experiencing. I probably should just rip the band aid off and stop altogether tonight.

          :bonkers: See? Even just typing that makes me nervous....
          Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles (Helen Keller)


            MWO Supplements and Anxiety

            Yep - I was going to say the same as the others. Anxiety is a withdrawal symptom.

            Welcome to MWO!


              MWO Supplements and Anxiety

              Hi Deena,:welcome:

              Yes my heart sometimes beat fasts. It is withdrawal symptoms. espeacial if you stress out about something i've realise to try and stay calm. I do take clam tables the natural ones.

              Good luck
              family is everything to me


                MWO Supplements and Anxiety

                Hey Deena!

                I had a pretty hard drinking year last year after a bad breakup. I'd often drink myself into a stupour. The quantity I drank seemed to tide me over until the following night when I would repeat the cycle. As this continued the effect of the booze lasted shorter and shorter periods of time and I found myself feeling anxious, wobbly, sick, stomach pains. This made start drinking earlier and earlier in the evenings.

                So I definately think that your reduced alcohol intake is the cause of your anxiety.

                I got to the point at the beggining of this week where I didn't have enough booze for a full fix and woke on Monday morning feeling so truly awful and said - enough is enough. I went cold turkey on Monday - again pretty awful - and ended up posting on here in a panic because I was fearful that I had damaged myself irrepairably and would forever have these awful feelings. I had very vivid but not unpleasant dreams last night but I didn't feel nearly so anxcious today and have actually felt quite good this evening.

                I don't know what others experiences are on here but I wonder if running on a reduced intake rather than nothing at all will actually just drag out your anxiety? I know it would with me.

                Whatever you do - I hope you feel better soon!


