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Bootsie- Thank You

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    Bootsie- Thank You


    Thank you so much for sharing your success, albeit it new, with Rhonda Lennair in VT. I have no doubt it will be long lasting and you will being adding another testimonial to the volumes she already has regarding eliminating alcohol addiction.

    I looked into Rhonda a while back and even spoke to her husband on the phone, but never followed through. If she had been more conveniently located, I would have but traveling alone through snow and ice to rural VT did not have a lot of appeal to me. I have read a lot about Edgar Cayce who was also a medical intutive so her approach does seem to have merit to me, and having Dr. C Northrup back her up does not hurt either.

    I wold love to know more about what happened in your sessions. If you would like to share it on the boards, I think many would benefit but if you prefer to PM, or keep it to yourself that is fine too.

    Maybe because I knew a bit about Rhonda and you and I are in the same state, I feel like I traveled with you. I eagerly awaited your updates. I think it is the combination of a new year marking new beginnings, and your Rhonda trip, that has me AF also. I am debating drinking @ an upcoming small party but wonder why I even am thinking about it. I do not want to work for AL, the boss man any longer either because he does not offer benefits!

    Boots, I just wanted to thank you for openly sharing your experience. It has absolutely benefited me and I suspect it has motivated others also. We can be free.

    Am also eager to follow your raw food diet!

    2008 will be a great year for you because you have already grabbed some of the sweetness it is offers.


    Bootsie- Thank You

    I'm happy for your success, too, Boots... and would love to hear more.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Bootsie- Thank You

      All the best Sweetie

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        Bootsie- Thank You

        OK....girlie.......after you rest up a bit, it's time to spill!!! You know we are all dying to hear about your, as soon as you are rested and ready, we will poor a pot of tea and listen to the insider information on Lenair from our dearest Bootsie!

        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          Bootsie- Thank You

          Cant wait to hear more either. I am going to lenair on the 8th of February as you know and have been waiting so long...i am so ready....thanks for the generosity of sharing you experience is no small thing...Blessings..:l buckle


            Bootsie- Thank You

            OH! Yeah, Lucky, when did you borrow my sweater vest???? I have been looking every where for that, especially since the 60's look is back in!!! No, kidding, I did have that very same vest!! LOL!

            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Bootsie- Thank You

              Bootsie ...... too far away for me, but soooooo pleased for you ...

              Love ya .........


                Bootsie- Thank You

                well, i suspect my lovely lucky that you had read my journal entry on the today is the day thread. but i'll post it here to begin the process of sharing.... as i was in vermont at the time writing after i think my second treatment. and i'll share more later after i've caught up on jet lag. but i will say this, i do believe that my beautiful time here on rj's program has helped me tremendously and allowed me the next phase of going to see rhonda and having the success i'm feeling. the recalibration of my being back to the time before i ever began having an addiction. now, i'm catching up my 'thinking mind' reminding it constantly that i don't drink. i came home way late as we had many lay overs but came home and dumped out wine bottles just as a precaution. i didn't want any of it, felt odd to be associated with it but wanted to remove any reminder of previous habits i'd had... so two bottles in the trash. and rhonda travels. in fact she is going to be in oregon i think february. i believe she travels many places. so vermont is not the only option.
                okay, here is my journal entry after the second treatment and i will then catch you up as i'm integrating the last session that was by far for me the most powerful and then how i'm feeling now re entering the environment..... as a new me.
                also, i ordered while stuck in airport last nite, ordered up raw food, vegetarian and fish cookbooks. as rhonda did give me some directions in that i need some additions to my diets and subtractions in all those categories. just for now. my system was very specific in my needs. so, i'm going to honor this..... and well here we go. hope you can vibe the ramble of my free flow writing unedited.
                journal entry on thread:

                wow, this is the second time that i'm sitting in a bar. hahahahaah and i'm on email to you. last nite and tonight. and i'm not even thinking about booze and here i am right next to all of it. yes, today was my last visit to lenair and as we did this hugely powerful session, i felt what ever psychological game i was playing with what my system referred to as "mr. boss man alcohol" i felt it leave. and i told mr. bossman alcohol, that i quit working for him. it's a no win game. and i really thought about all the 32 years of my life well cept 10. but how much of my life i've spent working for that bossman and how much i don't need to be separate from me. rhonda is amazingly intuitively, empathically huge. no wonder they have such huge success in short time. my system is completely recalibrated as if it never had that problem. and in so many other ways she has read back to me as a journalist what my self wanted me to know and my system altered itself, health, wealth, food, spiritually in a big way. alcohol was a means for me to keep myself going (sustenance) that is at least what i used it for and to be around people or situations i just didn't want to be around. hahaahah so don't...oddly enough, i realized that alcohol made me choose certain things while under that influence and then go down paths i simply wouldn't have gone down with people that weren't even meant to be in my life had i been sober. chasing some illusive something that i didn't need to chase. i mean when you truly don't need anything and everything you want is right here inside of me, there is absolutely no where for me to go and no reason to keep up this high determination for perfection. that at least seems to have been a wiring for me, the strive for perfection and avoiding lonliness or boredom or just avoiding myself at every corner. because as it turns out even the lonliness didn't exist and was another mechanism set up to keeping me hidden from me. somehow someway, i kept chosing alcohol, food, busy, work, you name it to simply not listen to what i, self, system really requires thinks needs. always leaving me to go somewhere that never existed anyway. ultimately being on paths that i didn't even want to be on with people i could care less about. i'm just speaking freely so i don't know if this makes any sense. there was so much very personal information given that i have to hold these metaphors and silliquiems? can't remember the spelling hold them close to my heart and let them fulfill the healing. allowing myself to fully override that old programing.
                well, so as rhonda's husband says it is all gone. no thing left now i can tempt that and drink again but then i will have unraveled everything i just did. and i did it not them but me. so, i have tools for when i'm triggered, love of you all my tribe and time to allow myself that inward path of self discovery and the wisdom that self tells me i am. no thing to gain or learn but to remember and embrace simply the wisdom and purity i already am. ahhh the power i gave away to that bossman, alcohol and he had no benefit package. lmao. what is up with that. i would have gone on strike if it were a paying job but i actually paid alcohol to work for him. aahahahaha ah the shock of it.
                so, buckle all is perfect time. i found myself grieving to some degree wondering why it took me so long to find her and how much life have i waisted. but i realize it all comes when it is supposed to, i had known of her 10 years ago and right about the time i started drinking again i thought of her but i wasn't ready to stop working for the boss. so, you will have you with you and it is a you that you probably barely know or have ever heard speak to you. the moment you hear self, you will know that you are connected to that wattage and you won't for anything i suspect want to let go of that love affair. so pure, so sweet, so true. you simply deserve to have you...


                  Bootsie- Thank You

                  okay i can see upon reading that it was a journal entry after my last treatment. however, to clarify what i'm writing about here didn't actually speak of the last treatment as it was so off the charts and i was still integrating all of it and still am. i will see if it feels safe enough to share as well the self's poetry that came to me from me through rhonda. it was so quick could barely capture it. so much happens that is so beautiful, sweet and personal that you simply know in my heart at least i knew it was from the me i always wanted to connect to, thought al acutally had me do that but can see that no that was definitely not true. smoke screen all the way.
                  so, i will share this one piece for today. and i'll say this, i was reading rumi last nite and for the first time, it wasn't words. i felt exactly what that quote meant. and so in sharing my experience i'm not sure it will translate energetically but i'm putting all of my intention into it for you to connect to you while listening me.
                  self said this to self through rhonda and it was the most beautiful poetry i've ever felt as in deep deep to my core.
                  i feel the tightness, i feel the shame
                  and i now want life to be spared of pain
                  self inflicted and constricted, i wish to enter
                  an "unrestricted" peace that i can embrace
                  past my body and my face.


                    Bootsie- Thank You

                    one more thing.... one of the spontaneous pieces of the sessions is that rhonda will repeat back something from the past, present or future having no distinction because all is considered now in the framework of the self and soul. so there were a few women's names that came in to the session that were to be of particular influence, power, something significant enough to at least mention them during all else that could be mentioned. well, one woman i do believe i know here as i know her beyond her avatar name. the rest, well i don't know many real names. and i consider you the very real and powerful influences in my life so, the women that were of significance coming into my life are shawn, jamie, eve, evelyn and darlene. not sure of spelling but that was funny there were no men mentioned only women. hummmmm. thought that was at least fun to share.


                      Bootsie- Thank You

                      wow, bootsie, thank you, all of this sounds so amazing and powerful. Thank you for sharing this. I love your poem, made my eyes tear up.......thought provoking indeed.

                      Welcome, the REAL bootsie, Oh, my look out world!

                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007


                        Bootsie- Thank You

                        Thanks boots. But what did Rhonda DO? Did you lay on a shink couch? Sit in a chair? Did she fluff your aura? Did she tell you to stay away from the refridgerator? Or the microwave due to the electromagnetic currents? Was the room dark? Was there music in the background? Was it a nice, clean environment? Was her husband nice or weird? Does she like raw food diets in general or just for you? Did mr. boots also see her? If so, what does he say of his experience? I am going to her website now....

                        Don't mean to pick your brain so much and I will stop if you tell me to but I trust your judgement and your experience. I will quit badgering you now! Sorry!

                        So very, very happy for you. Sounds like she got you in touch with your higher self and I get that.



                          Bootsie- Thank You

                          OK- I am on the wait list for Rhonda in OR. I am # 2 on the list.


                            Bootsie- Thank You

                            Wow! How cool Lucky!
                            Where is she going to be in Oregon?

                            And thank you again Bootsi for sharing all of this!:thanks:
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              Bootsie- Thank You

                              Not sure Judie but she is in OR from Feb. 15 to March 1. It may be on their website if you google rhonda lenair. Are you interested in going too?

