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    Iam starting this thread because so many people post on how they feel depressed whether they are currently drinking or if they have quit, not all of you, but seems to me enough to spark my curiosity. Here is what I know about it, this is only because as a RN we had to take quite a few psych courses..."Depression is a whole body illness that affects a person's physical health as well as how he or she feels, thinks, and behaves toward others. In addition, a person who suffers from this disorder may have problems eating, sleeping, working, and getting along with his/her friends". (Washington University)
    "Specifically, clinical depression is a persistent, depressed mood that is often characterized by feelings of sadness or emptiness. People who have depression, experience at least five of the following symptoms, nearly every day, for a period of at least two weeks: Sad, low, empty, depressed mood, loss of interest of pleasure in nearly all activities, feelings of worthlessness, or guilt, difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions, decreased energy, fatigue, feeling "slowed down", changes in appetite and/or weight, oversleeping, early-morning awakening, or insomnia, and thoughts of death, suicide, plans or attempts." (Washington University)

    Sounds like a bad hangover! Women experience depression about twice as often as men,
    OK, with the facts out let me address alcohol consumption and depression. Depression and alcohol problems often go together, but the evidence suggests that in men alcohol use preceded the depression, whereas in women the depression precedes the alcohol use.

    Interesting....I find reading thru the threads here I come across varying degrees of a depression of some sort. I am not a doctor in anyway shape or form, no thanks, but I start to wonder what came first, the drink or the depression. As I read on peoples success stories and they have accomplished an extensive period of AF days ,I notice that the subject of depression arises for some of those individuals. I also wonder on the loss factor here. It is said depression can come about over loss. For some of us drinking was a way of life for quite an extended period, this leads to a loss of our identity, our hobby, our night time companion, our friends who we drank with... etc. This can have it's toll on us. We have also cleared our brains, no fog, just reality. This is a good thing but one that comes with consequences. It seems to me this is a whole new way of living, for me it has been quite positive thus far. I have bad days and good ones but on the whole I feel good. What is your take on it, How do feel about it? When we say we are depressed are we still going thru the whole withdrawal process, or were we depressed to begin with and found a way out with alcohol...which only made it worse? I feel that if it is affecting our activities of daily living, then it is in need of professional opinion. Other wise for me I will ride it out, but with that said, they say 2/3rds of people suffering with clinical depression do not seek treatment. So thought this would be quite a thought provoking topic, let me know what you think.


    suprressed anger?????

    I have always heard depression is suppressed anger, so if you have depression you need to figure out who or what you are angry at it.

    This could be the first step to recovery, but if your depression is severe, you need to talk to someone or a Doctor

    life is too precious to risk




      I am a diagnosed bipolar individual. So I know that chemically with or w/o alcohol I will have periods of depression, even with the pills I take. I also know that chemically alcohol is a depressant. Interestingly enuf, I notice the alcohol effecting my husband more severely as far as suffering depression, he also takes anti-depressants.

      As a kid I was depressed, and I didn't start drinking until age 19, and I had tried to kill myself a number of times.

      So in my case, I would definitely say depression is something I will have w/or w/o alcohol, but alcohol may worsen it, though I can't tell.



        I'm with hart here. I had problems before alcohol. In fact, alcohol is only one of the ways I have tried to medicate myself. And I didn't begin on that before I was well on my way towards 30. So what you say, Gumby, seems to hold true for me (and hart), at least. But obviously, we are not a scientific study here.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



          For me, depression definitely preceded alcohol use ... and alcohol definitely made the depression worse, really, really bad. j
          Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!



            I have battled depression since childhood and didn't start drinking until age 40.
            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
            - George Jackson



              Yep Gumby agree big time

              Hi ya Gumby, touched on this once before and got 6 ANGRY PM?s denying all!!! Must say tho? agree with you.



                interesting post. I think many drinkers drink to self-medicate. I was definitely depressed long before I had a problem. Now I am on anti-depressants and bloody hell, I drink and probably completely counteract their effect ... There's no doubt that drinking adds hugely to mood instability. so as to the chicken and egg thing, hard to say
                :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



                  beatle;251523 wrote: I'm with hart here. I had problems before alcohol. In fact, alcohol is only one of the ways I have tried to medicate myself. And I didn't begin on that before I was well on my way towards 30. So what you say, Gumby, seems to hold true for me (and hart), at least. But obviously, we are not a scientific study here.
                  This is my story too.



                    MyHeartIsDrenchedInWine;251577 wrote: I have battled depression since childhood and didn't start drinking until age 40.
                    I'm with heartdrenched here. Never started drinking till I started anti depressants at 41. BTW :h drenched went to your Marilyn you tube and watched and went out and bought the FaithH CD that contained this is me. Very cool. Thanks.



                      Cool Diane : )

                      I'm glad that touched you , it did me, I LOVE it!

                      Interesting to note....My bag was stolen out of my car just before Christmas and all of my CD's were taken (among other things)....lets hope the CD's touch the heart of the thief!


                      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                      - George Jackson



                        Gumby, I am very interested in this as just today, after a bout of being very down and binge drinking, I am actually starting to think more about what the hell is going on with me. Through the years I have suffered from periods of about a week where I just can't seem to function, this goes back a long way, perhaps longer than I first thought. I've never sought medical help with this, but as I've got older my alcohol consumption has increased until I now feel overwhelmed by it. Perhaps I need to think "outside" the alcohol box and look more closely at why I seem to "crash" the way I do for no apparent reason, and of course the booze doesn't help me during this time, it actually makes me worse as I am less able to pull myself back up again. So I tell family, work, husband that I've got flu or something like that, but of course the booze and the hangovers mean I can't actually get over it, so I miss work and family things and this makes me more depressed, yadda, yadda, yadda Or maybe of course I am trying to substitute one problem with another - "hey, I'm not an alcoholic, I'm depressed"? Anyway, just my tuppence worth, but thanks again for startng this interesting discussion.



                          J, that sounds a little like bipolar or maybe PMS if it's every month. I drink double my usual amount of alcohol while PMSing, I also load up on ALL carbs at that time. It's no fun : (
                          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                          - George Jackson



                            When I get depressed, I drink more; and right now most of my life facts are pretty depressing, so this is going to be a hard time to cut AL out of my life.
                            War isn't working. Let's try Peace!



                              I think this is an interesting post.
                              why is it that even with the antidepressants people still want to medicate with alcohol??

                              I rarely had the blues or depression until I started drinking, and it was mild.
                              Then 911 happened. I basically lost my mind.
                              I just had a realization as I was typing this, that I began drinking destructively after 911, a lot of people around me did the same. I truly thought I was doomed and didn't care, I took so many dangerous risks after 911. alcohol had to be the worst of them all because it twisted my perception of myself and my environment. I now, and I mean just this second realized that a lot of the depression and self destructive behavior with alcohol could very possibly relate to trauma that I experienced after 911.

                              I didn't come out of it fully until almost a year ago when I joined here.
                              alcohol does help, but it will end up biting you at the end.
                              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber

