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Reenie can i ask a few questions

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    Reenie can i ask a few questions

    you said you have been AF for six months.
    What supplements do you take.
    I really want to be able to say I'm AF for six months.
    Day 2 for me almost over.

    Reenie can i ask a few questions

    Hi Mya,

    I know, my name's not Reenie, but I've been AF for 13months so I thought I might be able to talk with some authority on my own journey.

    Firstly, congratulations on 2 days AF!! that it a HUGE acheivement!

    To be perfectly honest, I didn't take any supplements, at first. I went to my Dr and the first time I went AF (for 6 weeks) I took Naltrexone. I slipped and it never really worked effectively again for me.

    Then about 8-10 months later I tried Campral - it worked like a miracle drug! I went 5 months AF!!! Then I took myself off it as I thought I was "cured" and within a month was drinking again.

    Four months later I went back on the Campral and stayed on it for about 6-7 months and remained AF, then weaned myself off it over a month or two and have remained AF ever since - now 13 months.

    The thing to remember is that it's just not about taking supplements (which I do now for my health) or drugs, but about tackling every single aspect of your drinking (stinking?)thinking.

    You are AF NOW!! EVery day from now on will count towards living an AF life. After 6 months you may decide that it's not really worth drinking at all, and just continue!

    Hope this helps, even just a little bit, even if my name isn't Reenie!! lol
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      Reenie can i ask a few questions

      I am not Reenie either - but like Flip have managed a while AF.

      Only six months here - but I didn't take anything at all.
      (well - I did take Kudzu twice on one occasion!)

      So - it is entirely possible to do this without any supps / meds or anything else.

      I chose to do it that way because I am a health freak (Despite formerly trying to drink myself to death!) and ate well and took every vitamin available anyway.
      But i didn't like the idea of Medication - I was doing this to be free of any king of "drug" after all, even "good" ones!

      However - lots of people here have had great success with Meds and Supps - I am sure some will be along real soon!



      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        Reenie can i ask a few questions

        Hi Mya,

        I just went over 5 months and when I started I ordered the MWO starter pack, the Allone supp, l-glut and kudzu. I also listened to the 4 cd set. I took no meds. I exercised, drank alot of water and practically lived on this site the first couple weeks, reading, posting, chatting...

        You can do this...just make a committment to do whatever it takes to succeed. Get of the mindset that taking a drink is not an option...



          Reenie can i ask a few questions

          Sorry I couldn't get on the site last night my computer was acting weird.
          First off thanks for all the advice.
          On day three and feeling better, I'm still shaking at times but I hope it will pass soon.
          Right now I am just drinking alot of water
          Starting the gym today with a friend after work and will take my L-glut before I go and after
          I'm taking B-complex vitamin, one a day women's multi vitatmin, fish oil, calcuim, and flex seed.
          In the morning this moring i took a vitamin B12 to get going and last night i tired melatonin.

          Do you think that is too much?
          thanks everyone i love this place.


            Reenie can i ask a few questions

            you are doing brill I am taking every thing MWY tells me too plus anti depresseants and anything else (non drug ) and still only managing every other day af so well done


              Reenie can i ask a few questions

              Hi Mya: I'm so happy to read you are on day 3 AF! Also, thank you for reaching out to me for my "input" on supplements. Although I purchased the MWO book, CD's and Supplements, I was never consistent with reading, listening, or taking any of them. What helped me stay sober these 6 months is a combination of several things. First and foremost, my last drunk really scared me to death. I recall coming home from work on a beautiful July evening, whipping up my favorite cocktail, Absolute Vodka, Club & Cranberry with a lime, and sitting out in front of my house with my dog watching the sun go down. During that time, I probably replenished my cocktail several times. Eventually I went into my house to prepare BBQ chicken for the grill. Some how I managed to cook the chicken, bring it in on a plate, and leave it on the counter for my husband when he came in from work. After that, I don't remember a thing. I woke up at 7 am the next morning on the couch. I felt like crap and could hardly recall the night before. My husband walked into the family room. I was first to speak up, I said something like "Pete, don't lecture me... I know I'm a disgrace. I'm a drunk. I have a serious problem. Please don't lecture me now". My husband left for work shaking his head. Before leaving he told me I better get my act together because he’s not going to deal with me anymore. I had no choice but to get ready for work and get out the door, while having to push my nausea, shakes and guilt away. I had some kind of training that day. I was sick and shaking. I managed to get through the training, but barely. The trainer had to have known something was not right with me. I felt suicidal. I didn't know what to do. I was so in shock that a nice evening out on my front lawn, could wind up with me on the couch with BBQ sauce on my face, in my hair and on my sweatshirt. My god, what if something happened to my little dog? I really didn't know what to do at that moment. I was on the verge of checking myself into a private rehab center, or just getting in my car and driving somewhere far away. I knew I had to do something to save my life. I left work during my lunch hour and didn’t bother to return! I was crying, anxious and really lost. I called a woman who I met at an AA meeting months before. I asked her as I was crying my eyes out, how long it has been since she had her last drink. She told me 6 months. I was in awe. I also thought, had I been consistent with staying AF, I would have been at my 6 month mark too. This woman reminded me that alcoholism is a disease. She repeated several times that it is an F'n disease. It sunk in my head that alcoholism is a disease, that I definitely have it, and that there is no cure. I knew at this point that if I were ever to drink again, alcohol will get the best of me and will eventually kill me. The only way to put this disease at rest was to not drink again. Therefore, I used all the tools that I could think of that I not only believed in, but enjoyed, to help me keep sober. I remained consistent with reading and posting on this site. I attended various AA meetings and incorporated them into my day. For instance, I would go to a meeting on Sunday mornings from 9 am to 10 am. Soon after, I would spend the rest of the day at the beach. I didn’t look at the AA meetings as a chore. I looked at them as means of reminding me I have a disease, as do the others have in this room, and that there’s hope to live life without the drink. I also made it clear to my husband that I was convinced I had an alcohol problem and that if I didn't stop now; it would eventually kill me. I also told my father and brother my drinking had gotten out of control. After coming clean with my loved ones, I visited my doctor. I told her I had a problem with alcohol and asked her for a prescription for Campral. I began taking Campral after 5 days of being sober. Within a day or two, I really believed Campral killed my cravings for alcohol. I stayed on Campral for 30 days. After meeting and exceeding 30 days, I slowly ventured back out into the social world. When invited to parties, my husband and I would take 2 cars. I always make it a point to drink club soda and leave the party early. My life has become more manageable now that I don’t drink. I miss the taste of alcohol but don’t miss having my mind altered. The first 2 to 3 drinks were always a good buzz, but after that, it was downhill for me. -Reenie
              September 23, 2011


                Reenie can i ask a few questions

                thank you so much for sharing that reenie...posts like yours help me so much
                love and hugs,
                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                  Reenie can i ask a few questions

                  We have more in common than you know.
                  Your story about you and your DH sounds so familar.
                  Also I have two Yorkies!!!
                  Thanks, again


                    Reenie can i ask a few questions

                    wow reenie. I don't think that I had read your story before. having met you and then reading this, it's like what you wrote above is some other person's story

                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                      Reenie can i ask a few questions

                      I appreciate the comments regarding my post. I wanted to get back to Mya and answer her question. Upon replying to her, I wound up writing a boo! At first I was going to delete my long post, but decided not to, in hope somebody would get something useful out of it.

                      Mya, you mentioned we have more in common than I know. Are we neighbors or something? There's actually a women who lives in my neighborhood who has 2 little Yorkies. We always wave, hi.

                      Trixi, I understand what you mean in your reply post to me. If you recall, when I first met you, I mentioned that you have a good head on your shoulders and that by looking at you, one would not "think" we share similiar struggles.
                      September 23, 2011

