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    start me

    I just do not seem to be able to get started...
    Control the Mind

    start me

    Take a deep breathe. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what you want? The havoc alcohol wreaks, or tranquility. Don't listen with your ego, but with your heart.


      start me

      I'm sorry you are having a hard time.
      I don't have any solutions for you, but wanted to offer you support.
      You will find your time to start again.
      * * I love Determinator * *


        start me

        Rocky, i am where you are. I think it will happen ... let's be strong.
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


          start me


          I'm going through it too. One part of me tells me not to drink and then the other is telling me that its ok to drink. I'm also convincing myself that I'll drink this weekend and start afresh on Monday.

          But ....what I've found helpful today is writing 2 lists. One with reasons why I drink and the others with why I do not want to drink. It's helping me to see some sense. Also maybe ready through your old posts to reinforce why you want to beat this monster.

          I wish you all the best. It's a horrible feeling and it's down to fear of losing something. However only fear to lose the good things in life and alcohol is not one of them.



            start me

            Hi Rocky,

            Rocky, what got me started was promising someone who was important to me (not a family member or a friend, but a mentor) that I would try on a certain date. When the date came, I didn't want to really stop, but I felt obligated. So I did try, even though I felt kind of pissed off about it.

            What would it take to get you started?? It's hard I know. It was the idea of forever that got me. I could only think in terms of one day at a time. Now I can think of one month at a time. Forever still kind of freaks me out, but it's getting better.

            You've got my support Rocky. You know we all love you here, no matter what.
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              start me

              Hi Rocky,

              Young At Heart said exactly what I wanted to say - I promised my partner I would do something & it was the push I needed to get a few days under my belt, then a week & it does make it a bit more bearable as they start to stack up. I was annoyed at feeling like I had to choose but in the end it gave me the kick up the ar*e I needed.
              I also agree that FOREVER is too much to think about when you start out.

              I wish you good luck and know you have the determination to get past this.



                start me

                Hey Rock.....big hug to you!
                Gabby :flower:


                  start me


                  Try not to look at the whole stair case, just take it one step at a time! You'll get there!

                  Were all in this together.
                  "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


                    start me


                    I can fully understand the fear of not wanting to let go.. to step forward and away from the alcohol. I know I don't want to...I just simply need to, because my drinking is out of control.
                    I can not moderate either how often or how much I drink..I am an.."In for a penny, in for a pound" kinda girl, unfortunately.
                    The emotions run the gammit, from sad, to fear, to anger.
                    This will be only day 2 AF when I go to bed tonight (only 9 am here, LOL), so I can't offer much wisdom on how to "succeed", per se, but I know I have to keep trying.
                    Believe me when I say, I am the QUEEN of *no will power*...but I think I out of options when it comes to alcohol. It is slowly destroying the person I want to be. I am afraid if I don't keep trying to beat it off with a stick (even if I miss now and again, meaning...drinking...slipping..) that it will totally consume me, and there will be no "me" left. Just a boozed up old woman, who destroyed her life...gave her children a horrible upbringing...and basically wasted my chance on this planet. I DON'T want to be that woman. God, I REALLY don't. Hopefully that will keep me from drinking, just TODAY. I can't think in terms of weeks, months...years...and like others FOREVER scares the shit out of me.
                    I loved what Finding Me said. Not looking at the staircase, just take it one step at a time!...What a perfect way to put it.
                    With every step you can gain, and maybe even lose, I am here with you Rocky, and for you if you ever need an ear, a shoulder, or even a good 'ole hug!
                    much love,
                    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                      start me


                      I love that saying also about the staircase. Eleanor Roosevelt's quote is very similar to that which I use to have on my sign off quote. It helped me out alot in the beginning. I will look it up and add it in again. We can all use some insperations now and then!

                      Edit added : It was Martin Luther King Jr. "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase."

                      Hope everyone has a great AF day!
                      "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase." -- Martin Luther King Jr.


                        start me

                        Rocky from your previous posts I gathered that you are spiritual, is this still true? Well I ask this because, although my religious back ground is weak, I heard that sometimes our problems our bigger than us, and we need to turn to the powers that be and say "I am powerless over this" and "please help me" . To some this may sound strange, I again reiterate that my religious up bringing was Nil, but after hearing this and feeling that this is exactly where I was at, I did... I let go and you know... let god. Something has clicked for me. Could it be?? I don't know? Sometimes we become so tied up in wanting something that we become obsessed with it, that was where I was at. I could always handle anything and everything until my pal AL came into my life. It was very hard to say I am helpless to this, in fact I never really did, except to god. So true confessions here, it has been part of my succcess thus far and of course coming here and posting and reading. Good luck


                          start me

                          I'm trying to delete this but it does not seem to work.
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            start me

                            Finding Me,
                            oh wow...I love that one too! Thank you for sharing. It is true, and so today, I will have faith and step once more, AF, not certain what is to come!
                            Just today!
                            love and hugs,
                            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                              start me

                              You just have to start the way you did did it before, says you can and will do it again........join me.

                              Much love,

                              Starlight Impress x

