I really cant believe im doing this but yea i know ive got a huge drinking problem... i come from a family of addicts... i suppose its interesting we are all in the creative arts.. why do artists always seem to have addictive personalities?
I looked at my recycling bin this morning on my way to work.. 6 wine bottles and 10 vodka... all empty.. all drank by me... in less than 2 weeks.. every morning theres the sluggishness.. the partial hangover.. my gut feeling bloated and me HATING to look in the mirror..
im tired and feel sick.. Last night i drank a large bottle of wine and polished off half another.. all while working on a large project for a client... am i a functional drunk??
My entire family indulges... so when were together its bottle popping time... we tend to lean on each other so much for emotional support and encouragement. We are artists.. we are entertainers and we LOVE a good time.. but the good time is ALWAYS with booze..
Thing is i dont want to necessarily STOP drinking.. i enjoy a good drink! I just really need to moderate.. slow down.. IM drinking alone at home.. and even when i cant afford it i find a way to squeeze a few extra dollars out to buy a bottle...
Its probably important to mention im a BI POLAR... so yea.. im one screwed up dude... i black out and have said horrible thiings to my GF... i dont even know if were together any more... my relationship has driven me to drink because its been 6 years and its falling apart...
i dunno.. im just not sure what my next should be.. but i know i need to slow it down BIG TIME.. i want to be healthier.. i want to have a clearer head...
