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Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???

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    Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???


    Bald headed old guy LMAO. I absolutely LOVE your name!!! Makes me smile. You aren't my husband are you?? LOL

    Smiling is good. Thank you ALL for picking me up today.

    With love,

    formerly known as bak310


      Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???

      Hi, Lucy!!

      OK.. here is a thought.. I am going to change your prior post (the one before last).. see what you think... my changes are in bold..

      Thank you all for your responses!

      I am NOT giving up. Today is a new day. My sister and her family are coming to visit tomorrow and will be staying with us. That will make it MUCH easier for me to not drink, anyway (my sis knows I quit, and she and her family are not real drinkers) so my thought is this. I know I can stay AF tonight, and then continue AF while they are here, I will have a week under my belt by the time they leave. I don't know if this crazy logic will help me, but I probably am.. but love me anyway!!!.

      I had a short taste of being AF before and it was wonderful...truly wonderful. I want to be there again. AND I WILL!!!

      Thanks all

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???

        From Charlie Brown?

        PERFECT, Meditation Mama!

        There was an article in my penny paper yesterday titled, "Are you an Alcoholic?", which quoted an AA member named Charlie.... maybe it was Charlie Brown? Charlie said, "You know you've hit bottom when your behavior spirals downward faster than you can lower your standards".

        Lucy, enjoy your time with your sister!

        Tampa, FL


          Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???

          Hey Beth,

          This wonderful post from MM deserves a second visit!! Could not say anything more myself, accept, I know you will win in this thing!

          Have a Lovely Weekend,
          Love, KateH[/HTML]

          meditation mama;253513 wrote: Hi, Lucy!!

          OK.. here is a thought.. I am going to change your prior post (the one before last).. see what you think... my changes are in bold..

          Thank you all for your responses!

          I am NOT giving up. Today is a new day. My sister and her family are coming to visit tomorrow and will be staying with us. That will make it MUCH easier for me to not drink, anyway (my sis knows I quit, and she and her family are not real drinkers) so my thought is this. I know I can stay AF tonight, and then continue AF while they are here, I will have a week under my belt by the time they leave. I don't know if this crazy logic will help me, but I probably am.. but love me anyway!!!.

          I had a short taste of being AF before and it was wonderful...truly wonderful. I want to be there again. AND I WILL!!!

          Thanks all

          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???

            :goodjob: Med Mama! Love the changes on that post.

            Beth I've been in Hormonal "H" this past week & NOT doing the best job of modding myself...

            Time to tighten up on my 12oz curls...

            We CAN DO THIS!
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???

              Beth, I'm not far off from where you are. I've been here over 2 years and while I've had a couple long stretches of AF, I have stretches of daily drinking as well. I love what MM changed your post to and you can do this. You will do this! You are strong!


                Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???

                For me, I was finally able to quit drinking when the pain of drinking became worse than the pain of quitting....

                The key is to remember how painful drinking is when The Beast is telling us to have 'just one'. Think through that picture of having just 1 or 2 and getting a little buzz. Think through to continuing to drink, chasing that buzz to the point of being drunk, depressed, mad at yourself, feeling guilty because you realise you have done it again....

                How fun is that? What a way to live? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result...

                You have to want to change. Not wish you could change. Not hope you could change. Not try to change.......

                You have to WANT to change, and then make it a top priority TO change. You don't wish, hope, or change. You CHANGE.

                I think sometimes we get so used to failing at quitting that we actually BELIEVE we can't quit. We condition ourselves to fail. It's so easy at first to let The Beast say... " you can't do never have....this is too hard.....maybe someday, but not today..."

                You have to change the way you think about drinking. You have to look at yourself in the mirror and ask ..."Can I control my drinking once I start?"......"Am I a social drinker that can take it or leave it?"......"Have I allowed drinking to consume my life?"....."Do I enjoy drinking, or has it become work to me?".....

                If you are totally honest with yourself in answering these questions, then there is really only one thing to do. One thing that will solve all these problems.

                You quit drinking. You change your behavior. You CHANGE. You don't wish, hope, or try. You change.

                We have all the tools here. The MWO program, complete with vitamins and supplements, the cd's, this fantastic website, a group of friends here who are second to none for support....all the tools.

                You just have to want to change.



                  Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???

                  Thanks, Don.

                  Tampa, FL


                    Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???

                    Loved each and everyone of your post's, a jewel, here and then there.
                    Phew, thank the heavens you are all out there like the stars that twinkle in the sky that I spend time with.
                    I say and patooey to any of us seeing ourselves as anything less than the glory we are. My God, I come here and feel welcome in my heart, meanwhile "outhere" where I dwell, I am isolated under my smile and " Hi, how are you's?". I got me 4 AF days and then last night corked two bottles of champagne. That is minute to the amounts I can ingest, but , I did not want to end up wetting the bed, again and going through that ordeal as I am in a room of anothers house and have got keeping it private almost to a science.
                    Oh hell the moments rage when I want to guzzle but I know it is obvious and it is too early to retreat into my cave.

                    Meds here I come, come Insurance day. Kudzu/L glut helps, but, THe THING is thirsty, I can hear it yanking at my pig tails.
                    I have tried to talk to IT in a loving way, but IT then suduces me and seizes my organs.

                    Love you all
                    and I hope we can accept that we are all mirrors, so, those that are in the calmer waters reflect an invitation that appeals to me. The 4 days AF were amazing, like I awoke .


                    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                      Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???

                      Fabulous thread...god I have been here over 2 yrs & still have your problem...look...the fact that many of us are very very functional, as you said, nice house, great kids, married, pretty OK..NOT BOTTOMED OUT...

                      Maybe some people have to bottom out ...maybe others do not...or maybe some are forced into it by loved ones out of fear (which may be a bottoming-out) and some just decide to be healthy or change ...maybe some are driven by consequences and others have good motivation...

                      I wish I knew..I too am very tired of feeling guilty about for Capt's q's: I can control it when I choose;I am more than a social drinker;drinking has not consumed my life -- it is an annoyance; it is not work..I truly enjoy it

                      I do believe however that the act of "quitting" rather than trying to control it..will change your behaviors... except some of my behaviors are a little different..I don't know..its driving me nuts a t the moment...

             is about the readiness...anyone can do it..if they are ready & want is just like everything else in life...why don't I want to???

                      just a need to respond


                        Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???

                        How I feel too. Not bottomed out, yet wish I could cut back more. yes, I enjoy my wine, but worry about my health. Last w/e was tough, but I got through it. So far Fri not good, it was a bad wk at wrk.

                        Not WF


                          Ughhh. am I retarded or WHAT???

                          Wow! I just got to read some of the more recent responses. Yes, I need to turn this around IN MY HEAD...think positive, and like the Nike ad, just DO IT.

                          I am ready. I will keep you posted.

                          You guys are the best

                          formerly known as bak310

