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Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

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    Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

    I've been reading so many posts that contain the common emotion that so many of us feel. We are afraid of ....forever. The thought of never having alcohol again scares us. Why? I know everyone says ODAT, but this is a thought that's been posted so many times. I really was getting pissed off today thinking about this, because this agonizing thought has had such a grip on me since day 1. And I'm discovering every day that it has an ugly hold on so many of you. So I ask you....

    What the hell are we sooo afraid of??!!??
    ...of being healthy?
    ... of being happy?
    ... of not having continuous blackouts or memory gaps?
    ... not experiencing embarassing ourselves and or our families because we couldn't control ourselves?
    ... are we gonna miss the hangovers?
    ... we gonna miss those all knowing "glances" at work, chuch, PTA, etc.?
    ...are we going to miss the disgusted looks from our loved ones when we indulge?
    ...we gonna miss hating ourselves?

    I'm sick to death of feeling like this and that's it - I'm f$%king done with it! I control me and my feelings. Not some sick little bottle filled with a deadly poison!

    Been AF 15 days now and you know what I will miss if I slip? niece telling me how proud she is of me. good I feel for the first time in about 15 years!
    ...the fact that weight is coming of with little effort.
    ...sleeping through the night.
    ...waking feeling sooo good.
    ...not yelling and bitching at little things.
    ...smiling for no apparent reason!! Really, I'm getting strange looks from my family!
    ...much clearer skin (and younger looking!)
    ...being a productive person and not a blob that sits and wonders why my life sucks!
    ...feeling proud and confident.

    I don't know about you, but I'll take the later list any day!



    Thanks for all the wonderful gifts you people have given me. (And thanks for letting me rant and rave).

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

    Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

    I'm with you

    I agree whole heartedly, I'm trying not to count but today is 11 days of freedom for me I used to struggle with not really wanting to give it up, and it's not easy being clean, I'm finding my emotions are coming back to haunt me, over old stuff I thought was dead and buried, one day I'm up, the next down but it's a transition and I know I have to work at it, a happy healthy body isn't just going to happen like magic. I love sleep the most, and the spring in my step in the mornings, and eating real food for dinner, not just getting sloshed and cooking as an after thought. I'm hoping to rid myself of self hatred too, it took it's toll big time in the last year. Good luck - Keep up the great work!!


      Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

      Thankyou Thankful,
      I need reminders like that all the time. I keep asking myself what is ther to be afraid of, and the answer of course is nothing.
      But it is the familiarity of the habit.
      And I am a creature of habit.
      But, am very slowly breaking out of the comfort zone................. not that being an alcoholic is very comfortable!


        Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

        That is awesome! I am hitting "print!"
        If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


          Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

          Me.....that is lovely! Thank you! P4T....I agree! Print!

 is odd isn't it, that when we know those things we still panic about forever instead of being happy about them. I wonder if it isn't because to stay happy now still takes quite a lot of thought and effort (and struggle initially!)....the not-doing-of-old-habits takes time and concentraion...and perhaps we don't want to 'work that hard' forever....?

          But the old habits do drop away and it gets easier with a new set of driving, initially we have to be conscious of every move, in changing gear for instance.....then it drops into one smooth movement and just happens.... (Bit like opening a bottle...but if we learned that habit we can learn another, happier one!) Then we can just tweak here and there to maintain good driving.

          Those lists are wonderfully put! Go smile in that mirror!!!

          Love FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

            Excellent thread!

            I know what I'm afraid of in 'forever'.........feeling that I will never be able to dull the pain of some event or situation, never be able to 'get away' for a few hours from something I find intolerable.......

            I often feel I am walking on a knife edge.....just praying that nothing awful happens that I won't know how to cope with. I'm thinking especially of the death of anyone I love...or diagnosis of serious illness. When I helped my neighbour have her dog put to sleep on Tuesday she got the brandy bottle out afterwards for us. I didn't drink any.....but it was a close thing

            Sorry to have gone rather serious on this positive thread!

            Does anyone else feel like I do??

            Suze x
            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


              Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

              Why would you want to dull the pain with alcohol Suze.

              I know pain is not nice - but it is part and parcel of being human.
              We can not avoid it.

              Sounds like a good idea to dull the pain with alcohol - but most of us here know that, for us, alcohol only leads to MORE pain.

              You know my take on it by now....
              Sit with the pain - it will pass - to do anything else is to miss part of the experience of this amazing life we share.
              We only pass this way once - why miss any of it?



              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

                You're so right, Satori!

                I think it's basically an animal reflex to try to avoid pain.....and humans have learned to alter their perception with various mind-altering alcohol.

                If I am honest...I would have to say that I remember having a drink after my father's funeral....just one.....and it just helped me to relax after a very traumatic time. Ok...I know it didn't last...but at the time it helped. The problem is that the 'helpful' element is rare and needs to be very well controlled.

                Did you ever read those ideas (can't remember who's they were) about the lager lout culture? Someone has the view that human tribes traditionally use some mind-altering substances, but within the rules of the elders of the tribe so that the outcome can be good not destructive. And what has gone wrong in our culture is that we no longer has the system of respect for the elders and following the boundaries of how we use things (not just mind-altering things, but pollution etc)

                I see alcohol as intrinsically neutral. In the same way that I see anaesthetics as neutral. It depends on how and why they are used. I'm not making a case for drinking here....I'm just exploring my own thoughts. For me it isn't the alcohol that is the I have learned to deal with life is/was the problem!

                I feel I am being slightly heretical will shut up!

                Suze x
                Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                  Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

                  I think many people, at least in the begining, have to take it day by day, even moment, by moment. But, I absolutely agree with you! This is the big mind switch. You are now looking at life as a non-drinker instead of someone that is controlling the drink. Trying to control something is, well, trying to control something. It takes a lot of effort. When you just are.. you just are.. you can just be. I love your post. Thank you for putting that out there. You sound great.


                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

                    Suze - you are not at all heretical - alcohol is NOT a problem in itself - and people all over the world use it sensibly and indeed beneficially.

                    But - for us "special" people who have either our own special type of brain chemistry - or other psychological issues that make us use alcohol inappropriately - alcohol can be a serious problem.

                    I guess our job here is to get to the stage where we can recognise and truly understand these facts, and can make the right choices in the future.

                    There is a lot of guilt and feelings of worthlessness associated with drinking - but we have to understand and fully embrace the fact that we are not "bad" people.
                    We are people who simply made some wrong choices in the past, and these choices have harmed us.
                    We all still have the ability to reverse these choices - they are NOT irrevocable.
                    It is NOT compulsory (or in any way sensible) to keep doing ourselves harm just because that is what we have done in the past!

                    We can not let our past control our present / future.
                    The past is gone - and can not affect us in any way unless we specifically allow it to do so.

                    Just try to make the right choice in every present moment - and the future will take care of itself.

                    Have a great day!



                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

                      Thankful, the issue of forever for me is that I used to be one of those people who would meet up with friends once or twice a month, and go out and have a good time with AL, and it was not a problem. But then I started drinking every day by myself, heck I have not seen my friends in a long time. I do have in my head this hope that one day I could get to a point where I could meet my friends for a birthday night out, have a few drinks, go home, and then not think about it as a big deal because another birthday night like that won't happen again for months. I guess it is hope; hope that I can be the one in charge rather than alcohol is the one in charge. I know this is not going to happen today, or tomorrow, or maybe ever. For me, I can't think about forever; I can only think about today, because I only know who I am today. And this is a person who cannot and will not drink.
                      Goal 1: Today
                      Goal 2: Tomorrow


                        Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

                        Good post, Thankful, and definitely print-worthy. I'm getting more at ease with the "forever" concept daily (it was unthinkable at first!) "One day at a time" doesn't do it for me. It's like playing chess---I have to think ahead several "moves." For example, tomorrow afternoon we have a very festive wedding and reception, then are meeting friends (who LOVE their cold drinks!) for dinner at a lovely place with the best wine cellar in town. I can't just "get through today"---nope, I must mentally rehearse tomorrow, imagining walking into the country club ballroom and seeing the trays of champagne being passed around. I must envision sending Mr. Jane to the open bar for a diet tonic with lime instead of grabbing a flute of sparkly, bubbly deliciousness...sigh. And then at dinner---"just water, please." I can't rely on spur-of-the moment resolve! Tried that many times before...
                        Jane Jane


                          Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

                          Jane jane

                          You can plan and mentally rehearse for future events sure - but at the end of the day you have to make the final decision "in the present" - my point is - you have to be mentally there in the present - fully aware of what is going on so you are aware of the situation you are in and its possible repercussions

                          Only then will you be able to say "no" at the point where it matters - at the moment someone asks if you want a drink.

                          If you are not fully "in the present" at that point, but perhaps indulging in a little mental reverie, thinking of how nice that cold glass of champagne on the tray might taste if you took one, or imagining yourself perhaps taking "just the one" and stopping, you run the risk of the "automatic pilot" saying yes.

                          In the present, you would be thinking - someone is offering me a drink - I don't / cant drink - the only answer here can be no

                          "NO thanks I don't drink - How else do you think I keep looking so damn gorgeous!"



                          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                            Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?

                            Thanks, Satori, and very true, of course. But even "in the moment" I find it helps to project forward to the next day---as in, how happy and proud I'll feel, waking up without that terrible champagne headache!
                            Jane Jane


                              Why are so many of us afraid of forever AF?


                              What a great thread; something I have been struggling with myself. I find I cannot look at this "one day at a time" either, or I find myself moderating, which to me is a relative term. I have discovered though the only way is simply FOREVER and that is the way my mind must think about it all of the time. I go back and forth with it and trying to find the right answer for me.

                              I really like Satori's analogy of being in the moment though and just simply saying "No thank you", to that that moment.

                              Satori, Jane Jane, and Suze, thanks for so much for the dialogue. It is right on.

