I need to find some sense in my brain somewhere.
Is there any? My real name is not even Bella.
Don't go telling everyone your secrets Bella... Stay as you are...be a good mother to your baby.
I'm talking to ,myself now...that is not a good sin.
Sin! Freud slip...i mean ..I don't know what i mean really.
I'm sorry..i do know that.
ive drunk too much,
i want more. I cant have more because i have responsibilities.
part of me thinks...f**** it...who cares.. but alot of people care and i just need to care myself.
What will make me care enough to stop this madness in my head? any one know the answer? I guess not....because you would not be here if you did.
I need to use some inner strengh to take me away from this computer. its too late in the evening for me..I have a 5 wk old baby. Yes,,,yell and shout at how irresponible i am. But my husband is tending to him to night. I'm lucky. Why am i so utterly beholdent to alcohol.
Maybe i'll have another now...i feel close to the computer. Saddoooo...Bella