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morning all

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    morning all

    hello. I'm okay this morning. I woke up in a panic about the day ahead. My husband is off for the day and it is just me and the baby. Too much alcohol really screws with my mental state. I was worried i could not cope today. I hope i can. I'm trying to talk to my self and calm myself a bit. Its all fine. I drank too much last night and feel desperatly guilty...its killing me in my head. But, today is a new day. No more binging. I think, last night i got excited that i was let off night feeds and just let my hair down too much! I have to be so careful with my drinking.....thankyou to all of you who were there for me last night.....I needed nice people and thats what you are. Love to you. Bella xxx

    morning all

    Morning Bella,

    You can cope today, I promise ..... The morning panic is part of the hangover, When I was drinking heavily I used to wake up worrying sometimes about trivial things, but they seemed really bad in my head ...... it will pass ........

    It is understandable why you drank to excess last night, many people would have done the same, perhaps next time you have a night off you could perhaps rent a girly movie instead of drinking, or if you plan to drink then buy less??? that way I promise you that will wake up feeling fine ......

    Love ya, BB xx


      morning all

      thankyou BB X


        morning all

        I wish I could have been there for you last night but you obviously got some good advice, help. It sounds like thing are are back on track and ok for you today.

        I'm usually not a big fan of herbal teas, but found that making a cup of Celestial Seasonings Tension Tamer tea first thing in the morning, and getting back into bed for a half hour helps.


          morning all

          Good morning, Bella!

          I am so glad you checked in today! Please don't be too hard on yourself today. Keep it in mind, but use it as a learning experience not a tool to beat yourself up. Use it as a positive experience, not a negative. There is Yin and Yang to everything!

          AND, you are not alone in the "letting your hair down" when off the feeding. I remember that, all too well, actually. I felt so stuck after 9mo. of being pregnanat and not drinking, and then feeding, that when I went off feeding my little one I went out for a night with the girls. I go so drunk, and then drove. I got pulled over, got a DUI (my only dui ever), and spent half the night at the police station. Talk about feeling HORRIBLE! I was the worst mother ever, I thought. But I wasn't. I am a good mother. I just can't drink. I have had many days in my little one's life that I would like to have back. Times I drank too much. But I can't. She is only 11, and I decided to change my drinking 3 years ago. I haven't really let her see me drink in these past three years, only a few times. That is not to say I haven't drank. I got really good at hiding. That was almost worse, looking back. The constant thinking about it made me distant from her. And then when she was at her Dad's house I would drink, and too much most times. Anyway, I am going on.. I just want to say that I care about you. I know your feelings as a mother and one who feels bad when they drink. I think our children in many cases are sent to be our teachers. I am pretty sure if I didn't have my little one I would still be drinking. It would take a lot for me to quit if it were not for her. She is my teacher, that I know.

          Take care of yourself today, Bella.

          All my love,

          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            morning all

            MM, just read your post, especially the line about kids being sent to be their parents' teacher.

            Not married, no kids, but your statement was brilliant. Your daughter is one lucky girl to have such a fabulous mom.

            Bella, thinking of you today.


              morning all

              Bella, I'm so glad to hear from you this morning. It's hard having baby responsibilities when you're feeling bad, so be good to yourself something healthy, take your B-complex vitamins, drink some water, and think about how you're going to feel tomorrow. Hugs....


                morning all

                Bella, I'm glad to hear from you today. Have a great day with Ewan and I hope your head feels better soon.


                  morning all

                  Bella, my sweet friend. Don't beat yourself up. None of us are perfect. I think they call that being human. Kiss those sweet little Ewan baby toes for me this morning, eat and drink a little bit of healthy stuff and just go on. You're going to be fine and you're already a wonderful person. You'll be a wonderful mom.
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                    morning all

                    MM, what a brilliant reply to Bella!!! Your words truly inspired me and Bella is lucky to have such wonderful friends here on MWO. I have only been on here for a week and I am so grateful to have found all of you!!!


                      morning all

                      Glad you're o.k., Bella...

                      Hope you have a good day today...stop by chat later on and give us an update..



                        morning all

                        Glad you updated us. Have a wonderful day and go easy on yourself we've all been there.


                          morning all

                          Each day is a new beginning! Enjoy this one!
                          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                            morning all

                            Hi Bella thanks for checking in, enjoy your little bubby they grow up all too fast. :h


                              morning all


                              So glad to hear... and was so glad to see your post. You are an awesome mother... dont forget that. Ewan is a lucky little guy!

                              If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

