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this is to Meditation Mama

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    this is to Meditation Mama

    I wanted to post this to you on the boards- so others could read it. Just thought your reply to my post was amazing. The bit about how you think our children are sent to us to be our teachers. I think that is so true. I have spent my entire day in the house trying to be a GOOD mother to my angel boy of 5 weeks. I've watched him and talked to him and held him. I have NOT rushed about the house trying to get jobs done as I normally do. Because I have been feeling fragile, I have just simply enjoyed being with him. and he has cried alot less today. He looks so intently at my face and I just think there is a little wise man in there who is wanting me to be a good mum..... and he is my little teacher. So thankyou MM for those valuable words. You have made me feel better. Bella xxx

    this is to Meditation Mama

    Oh, Bella - you brought tears to my eyes... I can just imagine him looking up at you. It's amazing how our children slow when we do, isn't it? I am learning that myself right now. I am so glad you feel better. Thank you for this kind post. You are an amazing woman!


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      this is to Meditation Mama

      Bella Dear, is this your first baby? Your body and emotions go through a lot after delivery. Make sure you nap when the baby does, you need rest dear every chance you get. Take care. enjoy your little one.

      :l Luv Ripple~


        this is to Meditation Mama

        sniff sniff. Bella you brought tears to my eyes as well. Love that boy and love yourself.


          this is to Meditation Mama

          Unconditional love is so amazing.
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow

